The Dirty Old Commie Versus The Dwarf


Verified User
You gotta give the Dirty Old Commie credit. He knows how to pack his speechifying with useful idiots:

If the Dirty Old Commie lived in Russia before the 1917 revolution he would be attacking:

Sanders’ talking points would be different when Communists were fomenting violent revolution in Russia, but his message would be the same:

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — Bernie Sanders rallied thousands of supporters in Washington state three weeks ahead of its presidential primary, calling for the grassroots movement that led to his win in the state’s 2016 caucuses to continue through the broader primary that takes place March 10.

“We may not have billions of dollars to throw around, but we have hundreds of thousands of people in every state in this country knocking on doors,” he said. “And that’s why we’re going to win here in Washington and why we’re going to win all over this country."

Supporters packed the Tacoma Dome and chanted Sanders' name as he appeared on stage after being introduced by U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Seattle Democrat who is chairing his Washington state campaign. The Tacoma Dome holds about 23,000 people, and the campaign said more than 17,000 people were in attendance. Also speaking at the rally was actor Tim Robbins, who told the crowd “Bernie Sanders is the one who can unite us.”

Sanders told the crowd that he believes President Donald Trump can be defeated because “there are fundamental problems in this county that must be addressed,” he said, citing income inequality, student debt and health care.

He also called out fellow Democratic candidate and billionaire former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising.

No “WE” are not.

“We are a democracy, not an oligarchy,” Sanders said. “You’re not going to buy this election.”

The Vermont senator's visit came on the heels of his win in the New Hampshire primary and just three weeks ahead of Democrats casting their ballots in the state presidential primary. The state party will use the primary for the first time to allocate delegates to candidates, with 89 delegates to be awarded based on the results.

Supporters lined up hours ahead of the evening rally. Cali Randall, an 18-year-old high school senior from Tacoma, arrived with two friends and was carrying a #Babes4Bernie sign. Randall was excited to be voting in her first presidential election, and to start with a vote for Sanders in the presidential primary.

“Bernie has a movement behind him,” she said.

Earlier in the day, Sanders spoke at a rally in Richmond, California. The state — which offers more delegates than any other state — is among the more than dozen states where voters will cast their ballots on so-called Super Tuesday, March 3. Two contests come before Super Tuesday — caucuses in Nevada on Saturday and a primary in South Carolina on Feb. 29.

Last year, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed a measure moving the state's presidential primary from May to the second Tuesday in March. The move was an effort to involve more voters and make Washington more relevant during the national delegate chase. And while Republicans had previously used the primary to allocate delegates, this is the first year in which both parties will use the results of the primary instead of the caucuses.

The state Democratic Party's central committee voted last year to start using a hybrid system that utilizes the state’s vote-by-mail system for a presidential primary to apportion delegates to candidates, and caucuses and conventions to select which delegates will represent the state at the national convention in Milwaukee.

About 230,000 Washington Democrats turned out to caucus across the state in March 2016, while 1.4 million cast a ballot in the May presidential primary. Sanders handily won the caucuses, but Hillary Clinton, who went on to become the Democratic nominee, won the non-binding Democratic primary in Washington that year. Of the 1.4 million ballots cast, more than 802,000 ballots were cast by Democrats, even though their vote didn’t count.

With the change by the state party, a much broader Democratic electorate will be involved this year in deciding the winner of the state. Ballots will be mailed to the state’s nearly 4.5 million registered voters on Friday.

Washington state has no party registration but since 2008, the presidential primary requires voters to attest to being either Republican or Democrat.

Eight candidates remain in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, who placed fourth in the New Hampshire primary, has scheduled a rally in Seattle for Saturday.

Useful idiots even bring their children:

Erik Butler, 49, traveled to the rally with his 12-year-old son Bryce, from nearby Gig Harbor.

Butler said he also likes Warren, but said he has decided to cast his vote for Sanders.

“At the end of the day he’s been consistent in his vision," Butler said. “I really applaud that.”

Bernie Sanders draws thousands to rally in Tacoma
Feb 17, 2020 Updated Feb 17, 2020

Do not be fooled by 24/7 so-called news delivered by television’s talking heads. Talking heads like Bloomberg better than they like Sanders because Bloomberg is Wall Street’s first choice.

As far as first loyalty to this country goes, the Dwarf is no better than the Dirty Old Commie:

SEE VIDEO (Move the cursor to 7:15 to hear about Bloomberg.)
Anyone who actually writes the term "dirty old commies" has to be older than 80 years old, remains fused to an archaic red scare mentality, and undoubtedly thinks the Howdy Doody show was the pinnacle of television comedy.

On a sidebar, I will not charge you for this history lesson nor expect gratitude for improving you knowledge:

The Tsar was not overthrown by communists.

The Tsar abdicated to a coalition of Russian liberals. The liberal-democratic socialist coalition government was overthrown in turn 10 months later in a violent coup by Bolsheviks. Manifestly demonstrating that communists considered democratic socialists and liberals their enemy.
Anyone who actually writes the term "dirty old commies" has to be older than 80 years old, remains fused to an archaic red scare mentality, and undoubtedly thinks the Howdy Doody show was the pinnacle of television comedy.

To Cypress: I cannot say if Mini-Mike ever watched Howdy. No matter. Since you went astray let me point out that the Howdy Doody Show was on from 1947 to 1960. The Chicago sewer rat was born in 1961. His presidency and the things he said since leaving office show that he was neither funnier nor smarter than a puppet made of wood and cloth.

On a sidebar, I will not charge you for this history lesson nor expect gratitude for improving you knowledge:

To Cypress:
Your expectation is well-founded.

The Tsar was not overthrown by communists.

The Tsar abdicated to a coalition of Russian liberals.

To Cypress: Stop smoking happy weed in your hubbly bubbly pipe. Communists executed Czar Nicholas and his family.

The liberal-democratic socialist coalition government was overthrown in turn 10 months later in a violent coup by Bolsheviks. Manifestly demonstrating that communists considered democratic socialists and liberals their enemy.

To Cypress: As dumb as Obama is, he is smart enough not to throw-in with your fictional account of the Russian Revolution:

Given America’s deplorable history of slavery and segregation, all Americans should be proud that their country had the courage to elect its first black president. With invaluable assistance from a cheerleading media, a young and charismatic Barack Obama was swept into the most powerful job in the world with the enthusiastic endorsement of a sizable majority of the American electorate. More than three years after leaving office, he remains one of the most influential political figures in America.

But is that plaudit warranted? These days, a look at his past suggests an exceptionally anti-American orientation, and as Obama's Democrats now swing even farther left, this history is worth a look.

Presenting himself in 2008 as a political moderate who fully embraced America’s two-party constitutional democracy and its free-market capitalist economy, Obama’s ideological beliefs were never closely examined by the mainstream media. But as his presidency unfolded, serious questions began to pile up about who he really was, specifically how closely he was aligned with the oppressive theories of Marx and Lenin. Obama denied being a Bolshevik, but many objective people doubted that assertion based on the long trail of troubling circumstantial evidence.

Following are parts of his past pointing to the suspicion that despite promising to be the most transparent president ever, he carefully concealed that core ideology.

In his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, Obama described the only six months he would ever work for a profit-making company as “working for the enemy,” adding that he felt like “a spy behind enemy lines.” Obama also acknowledged in Dreams an affinity he had for Marxist professors, yet he has refused to release his transcripts of his years at Columbia, a university known as a hotbed of Marxist professors and student groups. Release of those records could provide important clues about his true ideological leanings.

In Dreams, Obama made numerous admiring references to Frank Marshall Davis, arguably his single most influential adolescent mentor. The subject of a 600-page FBI file, Davis was a pro-Soviet, card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA. When Obama released a 2005 audio version of Dreams in anticipation of running for president, all references to Davis were quietly purged. In attempting to grind down the country he despised, Davis employed the class warfare tactics called for in The Communist Manifesto. Davis’s communist views would later be adopted by his most famous protégé, as evidenced by the class warfare strategy Obama used in his 2012 re-election campaign against Mitt Romney.

When Obama moved to Chicago two years after graduating from Harvard, he developed a close, 20-year association with Rev. Jeremiah “God d--n America” Wright. As pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, Wright taught black liberation theology, a religious doctrine predicated on the perceived perpetual existence of an oppressor class (a predominately white society) vs. a victim class (people of color). Victim vs. oppressor ideology is classic Marxism. Obama had another important mentor from Chicago, Saul Alinsky. In his revolutionary book Rules for Radicals, the Marxist community organizer wrote, “The despair is there; it’s now up to us to rub raw the wounds of discontent and galvanize them for radical social change.” The radical change to which he referred is the transformation of America into a single-party socialist nation.

In 1995, Obama began his political career in the living room of Bill Ayers, a self-declared communist revolutionary who has worked his entire adult life toward the destruction of America’s capitalist system. To save his campaign, Obama dismissed Ayers as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood, not someone I regularly exchange ideas with.” But as reported by The Wall Street Journal, an investigation showed otherwise. In 2001, a defiant Bill Ayers demonstrated his disdain for America by consenting to be photographed trampling on the U.S. Flag. Seven years later, during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama revealed his own low regard for the Flag by refusing to wear a lapel pin bearing its image, a position he later was forced to reverse out of political necessity.

In an unguarded moment while speaking with “Joe the Plumber” on the 2008 campaign trail, Obama was recorded saying that he intended to “spread the wealth around.” Seven years earlier, he lamented that the Supreme Court was not structured to bring about “major redistributive change.” Wealth redistribution is the foremost command of communism.

As president, Obama appointed an assortment of people with extreme-left views to key positions in his administration, including: former White House green jobs czar Van Jones, a self-avowed communist; FCC chief diversity officer Mark Lloyd, who expressed admiration for Venezuela’s communist strongman, Hugo Chavez; White House communications director Anita Dunn, who told a high school graduating class that Mao is one of her most admired philosophers; and, White House manufacturing czar Ron Bloom, who said he agrees with Mao that “political power comes largely at the barrel of a gun.”

During his eight years in office, Obama routinely exhibited contempt for America and its capitalist system. In referring to his “You didn’t build that!” admonition directed at private sector job creators, The Wall Street Journal observed that “rarely do politicians so clearly reveal their core beliefs.” In September 2011, Obama showed his full-throated support of the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street protests by announcing, “We are on their side.” An influential group of hardened anti-capitalists known at the highest levels of the Democratic Party, OWS’s behind-the-scenes leaders have long sought the total destruction of America’s capitalist system. In a pre-rally pep talk to Occupy protestors in Chicago, OWS inspiration Bill Ayers — the same Bill Ayers in whose living room Obama launched his political career — said this: “I wake up every morning thinking that today will be the day I end capitalism.”

In March 2016, when he no longer faced re-election, and with communist officials of Castro’s murderous regime standing beside him, Obama defiantly posed in front of a six-story statue of one of communism’s most celebrated icons, Ernesto “Che” Guevara. To those who question Obama’s true ideological beliefs, posing in front of a six-story likeness of Guevara is no different than posing in front of a massive likeness of Stalin. Eight years earlier, a Cuban flag bearing an image of Guevara was removed from Obama’s Houston campaign office, but only after it was publicly revealed. The Guevara flag doesn’t mean that Obama approves of the mass-murdering communist revolutionary, but does suggest his Houston campaign office had reason to believe he did.

Finally, five days before he was first elected, Obama made a statement that attracted little attention at the time, vowing to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” Caught up in the euphoria of Hope and Change, many who voted for him never thought to ask themselves, Transform it into what? A long trail of compelling evidence leads to the unavoidable conclusion that his strategy from the beginning has been to carefully conceal his true ideology, while quietly working to transform America into a communist society, a total betrayal of the oath he took to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, including the hammer and sickle. Without cover from the corrupt mainstream media, he would never have been elected.

Is Obama a traitor for the ages? You decide.

February 19, 2020
Barack Obama: A Traitor for the Ages
By John Eidson

Bottom Line: Just like Obama the Dirty Old Commie and his inner circle deny that he is a Communist.

The Dwarf does not have to deny that he leans towards totalitarian Communism —— he simply hops in bed with the Chicoms.

As far as first loyalty to this country goes, the Dwarf is no better than the Dirty Old Commie:

SEE VIDEO (Move the cursor to 7:15 to hear about Bloomberg.)
You gotta give the Dirty Old Commie credit. He knows how to pack his speechifying with useful idiots:

If the Dirty Old Commie lived in Russia before the 1917 revolution he would be attacking:

Sanders’ talking points would be different when Communists were fomenting violent revolution in Russia, but his message would be the same:

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — Bernie Sanders rallied thousands of supporters in Washington state three weeks ahead of its presidential primary, calling for the grassroots movement that led to his win in the state’s 2016 caucuses to continue through the broader primary that takes place March 10.

“We may not have billions of dollars to throw around, but we have hundreds of thousands of people in every state in this country knocking on doors,” he said. “And that’s why we’re going to win here in Washington and why we’re going to win all over this country."

Supporters packed the Tacoma Dome and chanted Sanders' name as he appeared on stage after being introduced by U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Seattle Democrat who is chairing his Washington state campaign. The Tacoma Dome holds about 23,000 people, and the campaign said more than 17,000 people were in attendance. Also speaking at the rally was actor Tim Robbins, who told the crowd “Bernie Sanders is the one who can unite us.”

Sanders told the crowd that he believes President Donald Trump can be defeated because “there are fundamental problems in this county that must be addressed,” he said, citing income inequality, student debt and health care.

He also called out fellow Democratic candidate and billionaire former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising.

No “WE” are not.

“We are a democracy, not an oligarchy,” Sanders said. “You’re not going to buy this election.”

The Vermont senator's visit came on the heels of his win in the New Hampshire primary and just three weeks ahead of Democrats casting their ballots in the state presidential primary. The state party will use the primary for the first time to allocate delegates to candidates, with 89 delegates to be awarded based on the results.

Supporters lined up hours ahead of the evening rally. Cali Randall, an 18-year-old high school senior from Tacoma, arrived with two friends and was carrying a #Babes4Bernie sign. Randall was excited to be voting in her first presidential election, and to start with a vote for Sanders in the presidential primary.

“Bernie has a movement behind him,” she said.

Earlier in the day, Sanders spoke at a rally in Richmond, California. The state — which offers more delegates than any other state — is among the more than dozen states where voters will cast their ballots on so-called Super Tuesday, March 3. Two contests come before Super Tuesday — caucuses in Nevada on Saturday and a primary in South Carolina on Feb. 29.

Last year, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed a measure moving the state's presidential primary from May to the second Tuesday in March. The move was an effort to involve more voters and make Washington more relevant during the national delegate chase. And while Republicans had previously used the primary to allocate delegates, this is the first year in which both parties will use the results of the primary instead of the caucuses.

The state Democratic Party's central committee voted last year to start using a hybrid system that utilizes the state’s vote-by-mail system for a presidential primary to apportion delegates to candidates, and caucuses and conventions to select which delegates will represent the state at the national convention in Milwaukee.

About 230,000 Washington Democrats turned out to caucus across the state in March 2016, while 1.4 million cast a ballot in the May presidential primary. Sanders handily won the caucuses, but Hillary Clinton, who went on to become the Democratic nominee, won the non-binding Democratic primary in Washington that year. Of the 1.4 million ballots cast, more than 802,000 ballots were cast by Democrats, even though their vote didn’t count.

With the change by the state party, a much broader Democratic electorate will be involved this year in deciding the winner of the state. Ballots will be mailed to the state’s nearly 4.5 million registered voters on Friday.

Washington state has no party registration but since 2008, the presidential primary requires voters to attest to being either Republican or Democrat.

Eight candidates remain in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, who placed fourth in the New Hampshire primary, has scheduled a rally in Seattle for Saturday.

Useful idiots even bring their children:

Erik Butler, 49, traveled to the rally with his 12-year-old son Bryce, from nearby Gig Harbor.

Butler said he also likes Warren, but said he has decided to cast his vote for Sanders.

“At the end of the day he’s been consistent in his vision," Butler said. “I really applaud that.”

Bernie Sanders draws thousands to rally in Tacoma
Feb 17, 2020 Updated Feb 17, 2020

Do not be fooled by 24/7 so-called news delivered by television’s talking heads. Talking heads like Bloomberg better than they like Sanders because Bloomberg is Wall Street’s first choice.

As far as first loyalty to this country goes, the Dwarf is no better than the Dirty Old Commie:

SEE VIDEO (Move the cursor to 7:15 to hear about Bloomberg.)

This is another "Hitler Ate Sugar" argument.
Anyone who actually writes the term "dirty old commies" has to be older than 80 years old, remains fused to an archaic red scare mentality, and undoubtedly thinks the Howdy Doody show was the pinnacle of television comedy.

On a sidebar, I will not charge you for this history lesson nor expect gratitude for improving you knowledge:

The Tsar was not overthrown by communists.

The Tsar abdicated to a coalition of Russian liberals. The liberal-democratic socialist coalition government was overthrown in turn 10 months later in a violent coup by Bolsheviks. Manifestly demonstrating that communists considered democratic socialists and liberals their enemy.

Socialist/Communist is accurate but not a stem-winder phrase that speech writers dream about; so President Trump said “AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST COUNTRY.”

Trump could have, and should have, said “AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A COMMUNIST COUNTRY.”

Trump saying “Socialist” sounded good but it was a mistake because the public separates Socialism from Communism when there is only one difference between the two. Early Socialist planners planted the misconception in the late 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century when they set out to acquire political power incrementally, while Communists preferred violent revolution.

The intelligentsia knew the public would accept the word SOCIALISM, but never COMMUNISM because of the Soviet Union’s documented brutality; so the press and the teachers took the misconception to new heights in the 1930s when they laid down their most efficient lie to date —— Communism is good because Fascism is so bad. (Socialism is good because Fascism is so bad)

Bottom Line: Just like Obama the Dirty Old Commie and his inner circle deny that he is a Communist.

The Dwarf missed an opportunity last night. He is the only Democrat wannabe that can get away with calling the Dirty Old Commie a SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST as well as calling his political philosophy SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM. The rest of them cannot say it because they are replicas of Sanders.

Former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg attacked Democratic presidential frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I., Vt.) economic agenda during Wednesday's debate, saying, "It was called communism and it just didn't work."

Asked if he would support Sanders's economic proposals as a business owner, Bloomberg said, "Absolutely not," adding that Sanders's communist policies have failed historically.

"We're not going to throw out capitalism, we tried that, other countries tried that. It was called communism and it just didn't work," Bloomberg said.

QUESTION: What in hell is democratic Socialism? ANSWER: The Dirty Old Commie means Socialism is down by the head with democratic ideals. He knows damn well he dare not say ‘democratic Communism.’

Sanders responded that his political philosophy is "democratic socialism, not communism." Although Sanders called Bloomberg's attack a "cheap shot," the Vermont senator has a history of praising communist regimes.

Somebody should tell the Dirty Old Commie that this country’s Founders did more to eliminate extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization when they gave us limited government.

Limited government is the form of government the Dirty Old Commie & Company want to replace with totalitarian Communism. Incidentally, they have to call it democracy before brain dead useful idiots wise up.

And how come the Dirty Old Commie did not give his beloved Soviet Union some credit since China picked picked up where the Soviet Communists left off?

He said communist China has "made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization" in an August interview.

In 1986, Sanders blasted the New York Times for not telling the "real truth" about Nicaraguan communism and spoke of being "very excited" about former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro "rising up against rather ugly rich people." The Vermont senator also defended communist North Vietnamese fighters in his 1972 gubernatorial run, saying U.S. military action in Vietnam was "almost as bad as what Hitler did."

Bloomberg Swipes Bernie: We Tried Communism and It Didn’t Work
Collin Anderson
February 19, 2020 11:22 PM
Anyone who actually writes the term "dirty old commies" has to be older than 80 years old, remains fused to an archaic red scare mentality, and undoubtedly thinks the Howdy Doody show was the pinnacle of television comedy.

And anyone who would make the blatantly ignorant comments above is either too young to remember near history like the Soviet Union, or purposefully attempting to disinform.
The president's people criticizing the Dem candidates is fun but unimportant.

They use terms 'like democratic socialists' and 'commies' that meaning nothing to anyone.
Jesus H. Christ...

...we still have Americans throwing around the word "commie" and hoping it lands like a nuclear bomb.

My guess: The world, including America, of 100 years from now will look a hell of a lot closer to what we now conceive of as a "communist" economy...than to what we now conceive of as a "capitalistic" economy.

Some free enterprise will exist (it has to)...but will be tempered in ways that people like Bernie Sanders are now espousing.


Most likely, the majority of the people living then will look back at the American conservatives of this day and wonder how there could have been as many troglodytes still alive during the early 21st Century.
And anyone who would make the blatantly ignorant comments above is either too young to remember near history like the Soviet Union, or purposefully attempting to disinform.

My great Uncles, my Aunt's husband, and numerous cousins were rounded up by the NKVD and sent to forced labor camps in the GULAG. Some of them went to Vorkuta, purportedly the worst labor camp of all. The KGB had a file on my father. The Chinese communists callously dug up my grandfather's grave to make room for a parking lot, and used his tombstone as riverbank rip rap. My Grandmother and Aunt were exiled in effect by Chinese communists and became stateless refugees.

I know a tad more about totalitarian communism and European democratic socialism, and the profound distinction between them, than you do.

Edit to add: I have a body of posts on this board in which I express my hostility to totalitarian communism, in a more genuine, articulate, and compelling way, than you ever have in your entire life.
You gotta give the Dirty Old Commie credit. He knows how to pack his speechifying with useful idiots:

If the Dirty Old Commie lived in Russia before the 1917 revolution he would be attacking:

Sanders’ talking points would be different when Communists were fomenting violent revolution in Russia, but his message would be the same:

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — Bernie Sanders rallied thousands of supporters in Washington state three weeks ahead of its presidential primary, calling for the grassroots movement that led to his win in the state’s 2016 caucuses to continue through the broader primary that takes place March 10.

“We may not have billions of dollars to throw around, but we have hundreds of thousands of people in every state in this country knocking on doors,” he said. “And that’s why we’re going to win here in Washington and why we’re going to win all over this country."

Supporters packed the Tacoma Dome and chanted Sanders' name as he appeared on stage after being introduced by U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Seattle Democrat who is chairing his Washington state campaign. The Tacoma Dome holds about 23,000 people, and the campaign said more than 17,000 people were in attendance. Also speaking at the rally was actor Tim Robbins, who told the crowd “Bernie Sanders is the one who can unite us.”

Sanders told the crowd that he believes President Donald Trump can be defeated because “there are fundamental problems in this county that must be addressed,” he said, citing income inequality, student debt and health care.

He also called out fellow Democratic candidate and billionaire former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising.

No “WE” are not.

“We are a democracy, not an oligarchy,” Sanders said. “You’re not going to buy this election.”

The Vermont senator's visit came on the heels of his win in the New Hampshire primary and just three weeks ahead of Democrats casting their ballots in the state presidential primary. The state party will use the primary for the first time to allocate delegates to candidates, with 89 delegates to be awarded based on the results.

Supporters lined up hours ahead of the evening rally. Cali Randall, an 18-year-old high school senior from Tacoma, arrived with two friends and was carrying a #Babes4Bernie sign. Randall was excited to be voting in her first presidential election, and to start with a vote for Sanders in the presidential primary.

“Bernie has a movement behind him,” she said.

Earlier in the day, Sanders spoke at a rally in Richmond, California. The state — which offers more delegates than any other state — is among the more than dozen states where voters will cast their ballots on so-called Super Tuesday, March 3. Two contests come before Super Tuesday — caucuses in Nevada on Saturday and a primary in South Carolina on Feb. 29.

Last year, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed a measure moving the state's presidential primary from May to the second Tuesday in March. The move was an effort to involve more voters and make Washington more relevant during the national delegate chase. And while Republicans had previously used the primary to allocate delegates, this is the first year in which both parties will use the results of the primary instead of the caucuses.

The state Democratic Party's central committee voted last year to start using a hybrid system that utilizes the state’s vote-by-mail system for a presidential primary to apportion delegates to candidates, and caucuses and conventions to select which delegates will represent the state at the national convention in Milwaukee.

About 230,000 Washington Democrats turned out to caucus across the state in March 2016, while 1.4 million cast a ballot in the May presidential primary. Sanders handily won the caucuses, but Hillary Clinton, who went on to become the Democratic nominee, won the non-binding Democratic primary in Washington that year. Of the 1.4 million ballots cast, more than 802,000 ballots were cast by Democrats, even though their vote didn’t count.

With the change by the state party, a much broader Democratic electorate will be involved this year in deciding the winner of the state. Ballots will be mailed to the state’s nearly 4.5 million registered voters on Friday.

Washington state has no party registration but since 2008, the presidential primary requires voters to attest to being either Republican or Democrat.

Eight candidates remain in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, who placed fourth in the New Hampshire primary, has scheduled a rally in Seattle for Saturday.

Useful idiots even bring their children:

Erik Butler, 49, traveled to the rally with his 12-year-old son Bryce, from nearby Gig Harbor.

Butler said he also likes Warren, but said he has decided to cast his vote for Sanders.

“At the end of the day he’s been consistent in his vision," Butler said. “I really applaud that.”

Bernie Sanders draws thousands to rally in Tacoma
Feb 17, 2020 Updated Feb 17, 2020

Do not be fooled by 24/7 so-called news delivered by television’s talking heads. Talking heads like Bloomberg better than they like Sanders because Bloomberg is Wall Street’s first choice.

As far as first loyalty to this country goes, the Dwarf is no better than the Dirty Old Commie:

SEE VIDEO (Move the cursor to 7:15 to hear about Bloomberg.)

gee how did the czar do? :palm:
To Cypress: I cannot say if Mini-Mike ever watched Howdy. No matter. Since you went astray let me point out that the Howdy Doody Show was on from 1947 to 1960. The Chicago sewer rat was born in 1961. His presidency and the things he said since leaving office show that he was neither funnier nor smarter than a puppet made of wood and cloth.

To Cypress:
Your expectation is well-founded.

To Cypress: Stop smoking happy weed in your hubbly bubbly pipe. Communists executed Czar Nicholas and his family.

To Cypress: As dumb as Obama is, he is smart enough not to throw-in with your fictional account of the Russian Revolution:

Given America’s deplorable history of slavery and segregation, all Americans should be proud that their country had the courage to elect its first black president. With invaluable assistance from a cheerleading media, a young and charismatic Barack Obama was swept into the most powerful job in the world with the enthusiastic endorsement of a sizable majority of the American electorate. More than three years after leaving office, he remains one of the most influential political figures in America.

But is that plaudit warranted? These days, a look at his past suggests an exceptionally anti-American orientation, and as Obama's Democrats now swing even farther left, this history is worth a look.

Presenting himself in 2008 as a political moderate who fully embraced America’s two-party constitutional democracy and its free-market capitalist economy, Obama’s ideological beliefs were never closely examined by the mainstream media. But as his presidency unfolded, serious questions began to pile up about who he really was, specifically how closely he was aligned with the oppressive theories of Marx and Lenin. Obama denied being a Bolshevik, but many objective people doubted that assertion based on the long trail of troubling circumstantial evidence.

Following are parts of his past pointing to the suspicion that despite promising to be the most transparent president ever, he carefully concealed that core ideology.

In his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, Obama described the only six months he would ever work for a profit-making company as “working for the enemy,” adding that he felt like “a spy behind enemy lines.” Obama also acknowledged in Dreams an affinity he had for Marxist professors, yet he has refused to release his transcripts of his years at Columbia, a university known as a hotbed of Marxist professors and student groups. Release of those records could provide important clues about his true ideological leanings.

In Dreams, Obama made numerous admiring references to Frank Marshall Davis, arguably his single most influential adolescent mentor. The subject of a 600-page FBI file, Davis was a pro-Soviet, card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA. When Obama released a 2005 audio version of Dreams in anticipation of running for president, all references to Davis were quietly purged. In attempting to grind down the country he despised, Davis employed the class warfare tactics called for in The Communist Manifesto. Davis’s communist views would later be adopted by his most famous protégé, as evidenced by the class warfare strategy Obama used in his 2012 re-election campaign against Mitt Romney.

When Obama moved to Chicago two years after graduating from Harvard, he developed a close, 20-year association with Rev. Jeremiah “God d--n America” Wright. As pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, Wright taught black liberation theology, a religious doctrine predicated on the perceived perpetual existence of an oppressor class (a predominately white society) vs. a victim class (people of color). Victim vs. oppressor ideology is classic Marxism. Obama had another important mentor from Chicago, Saul Alinsky. In his revolutionary book Rules for Radicals, the Marxist community organizer wrote, “The despair is there; it’s now up to us to rub raw the wounds of discontent and galvanize them for radical social change.” The radical change to which he referred is the transformation of America into a single-party socialist nation.

In 1995, Obama began his political career in the living room of Bill Ayers, a self-declared communist revolutionary who has worked his entire adult life toward the destruction of America’s capitalist system. To save his campaign, Obama dismissed Ayers as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood, not someone I regularly exchange ideas with.” But as reported by The Wall Street Journal, an investigation showed otherwise. In 2001, a defiant Bill Ayers demonstrated his disdain for America by consenting to be photographed trampling on the U.S. Flag. Seven years later, during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama revealed his own low regard for the Flag by refusing to wear a lapel pin bearing its image, a position he later was forced to reverse out of political necessity.

In an unguarded moment while speaking with “Joe the Plumber” on the 2008 campaign trail, Obama was recorded saying that he intended to “spread the wealth around.” Seven years earlier, he lamented that the Supreme Court was not structured to bring about “major redistributive change.” Wealth redistribution is the foremost command of communism.

As president, Obama appointed an assortment of people with extreme-left views to key positions in his administration, including: former White House green jobs czar Van Jones, a self-avowed communist; FCC chief diversity officer Mark Lloyd, who expressed admiration for Venezuela’s communist strongman, Hugo Chavez; White House communications director Anita Dunn, who told a high school graduating class that Mao is one of her most admired philosophers; and, White House manufacturing czar Ron Bloom, who said he agrees with Mao that “political power comes largely at the barrel of a gun.”

During his eight years in office, Obama routinely exhibited contempt for America and its capitalist system. In referring to his “You didn’t build that!” admonition directed at private sector job creators, The Wall Street Journal observed that “rarely do politicians so clearly reveal their core beliefs.” In September 2011, Obama showed his full-throated support of the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street protests by announcing, “We are on their side.” An influential group of hardened anti-capitalists known at the highest levels of the Democratic Party, OWS’s behind-the-scenes leaders have long sought the total destruction of America’s capitalist system. In a pre-rally pep talk to Occupy protestors in Chicago, OWS inspiration Bill Ayers — the same Bill Ayers in whose living room Obama launched his political career — said this: “I wake up every morning thinking that today will be the day I end capitalism.”

In March 2016, when he no longer faced re-election, and with communist officials of Castro’s murderous regime standing beside him, Obama defiantly posed in front of a six-story statue of one of communism’s most celebrated icons, Ernesto “Che” Guevara. To those who question Obama’s true ideological beliefs, posing in front of a six-story likeness of Guevara is no different than posing in front of a massive likeness of Stalin. Eight years earlier, a Cuban flag bearing an image of Guevara was removed from Obama’s Houston campaign office, but only after it was publicly revealed. The Guevara flag doesn’t mean that Obama approves of the mass-murdering communist revolutionary, but does suggest his Houston campaign office had reason to believe he did.

Finally, five days before he was first elected, Obama made a statement that attracted little attention at the time, vowing to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” Caught up in the euphoria of Hope and Change, many who voted for him never thought to ask themselves, Transform it into what? A long trail of compelling evidence leads to the unavoidable conclusion that his strategy from the beginning has been to carefully conceal his true ideology, while quietly working to transform America into a communist society, a total betrayal of the oath he took to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, including the hammer and sickle. Without cover from the corrupt mainstream media, he would never have been elected.

February 19, 2020
Barack Obama: A Traitor for the Ages
By John Eidson

Bottom Line: Just like Obama the Dirty Old Commie and his inner circle deny that he is a Communist.

The Dwarf does not have to deny that he leans towards totalitarian Communism —— he simply hops in bed with the Chicoms.

You responded to what you wish I had said, not to what I actually said.

I said the Tsar was overthrown in the February revolution, and replaced by a coalition government of liberals and democratic socialists.

The Bolsheviks only took possession the the Tsar and his family after their violent coup in the October Revolution, in which the communists overthrew the liberal-socialist coalition government.

You throw around the world "dirty communist" like it is a game.

My family history is chock full of repression by actual totalitarian communists. It is laughable to me that you would compare a garden variety American citizen like Bernie Sanders, to what I actually know about the NKVD, Vorkuta, the Gulag, arrest, survellaince, and repression.

I have a body of post on the board, in which I have expressed hostility to actual, real totalitarian communism in a more genuine, compelling, and articulate way, than you have ever done in your entire life.
The president's people criticizing the Dem candidates is fun but unimportant.

They use terms 'like democratic socialists' and 'commies' that meaning nothing to anyone.

I believe I have mostly refrained from calling Mitch McConnell or Rand Paul "Nazis". I have been trying to dial back the reich wing meme.

The attempt to link garden variety American citizens like Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama to Joseph Stalin, the GULAG, and totalitarian communism is laugh out loud preposterous.

I actually know more about the Soviet Union, the NKVD, the GULAG, the Great Terror, the forced labor camps, and totalitarian communism than any established rightwing poster here. And unlike them, I actually have a body of posts expressing hostility to totalitarian communism in a more genuine, articulate, and compelling way than any conservative here ever has.
And anyone who would make the blatantly ignorant comments above is either too young to remember near history like the Soviet Union, or purposefully attempting to disinform.

Nah, your just stuck in the 20th Century, contrary to what your demagogues are promoting, Bernie getting elected ain't going to lead to nationalizing industries nor gulags

And it is your type of thinking that gave us McCarthyism
I believe I have mostly refrained from calling Mitch McConnell or Rand Paul "Nazis". I have been trying to dial back the reich wing meme.

The attempt to link garden variety American citizens like Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama to Joseph Stalin, the GULAG, and totalitarian communism is laugh out loud preposterous.

I actually know more about the Soviet Union, the NKVD, the GULAG, the Great Terror, the forced labor camps, and totalitarian communism than any established rightwing poster here. And unlike them, I actually have a body of posts expressing hostility to totalitarian communism in a more genuine, articulate, and compelling way than any conservative here ever has.

We have seen some posts by some on the right here expressing administration of Putin, his regime, and the Russian way of doing things.
Sanders solidifies himself as frontrunner in Nevada and beyond, new polls show
Yahoo News
Dylan Stableford and Christopher Wilson
Feb 21st 2020 2:38PM

Young Americans voting for the Dirty Old Commie delude themselves into believing they are voting for a better world. Getting something for nothing is incidental. In truth, the current crop of useful idiots are being led down the garden path to another Communist slaughterhouse. Even worse, naive voters see the Dirty Old Commie as a kindly old gentle man dripping compassion for the poor, the elderly, and the sick. On the day fools get a taste of naked Communism they will see Sanders for what he is:

The Dirty Old Commie is another butcher in a long line of vicious fanatic Magi, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, and so on who torture, maim, and kill everybody for the sheer pleasure of brutality. Nothing separates Bernie Sanders’ governing philosophy from the late Fidel Castro’s Communism:

Castro’s Torture of American POWs in Vietnam
September 25, 2018
Jamie Glazov
The dirty commie, Trump,who has worked to help Russia at least has his followers wear red showing where their real loyalty lies. Trump and Putin are subverting American elections. That does not help America. Putin is messing in our elections to help Bernie and Trump. That is designed to make Americans lose faith in their Democratic systems. If you cannot trust elections, what is real? This is bedrock and Putin is attacking it and TRump is helping them. Trump and Putin are showing us what a fragile thing our Democracy is.
I thought America was strong and people really believed in what we created. I did not believe that half of America could be convinced in crazy conspiracies and turn against the country. Who was dumb enough to be convinced thre are underground groups wrecking America. There are not. Trump and Putin are doing it ion plain sight. And rightys are falling in line.
Trump and Putin are showing us what a fragile thing our Democracy is.

To Gonzomin: It is the Parasite Class’ democracy. Americans live in a constitutional Republic.

Who was dumb enough to be convinced thre are underground groups wrecking America.

To Gonzomin: Everybody with a double-digit IQ is smart enough to know the size of the wrecking ball John Kerry & Company use.

Kerry should be disdainful of democracy. The problem with Kerry’s arrogance is that he betrays his country for something worse than democracy—— a one government world administered by the United Nations.
To Gonzomin: It is the Parasite Class’ democracy. Americans live in a constitutional Republic.

To Gonzomin: Everybody with a double-digit IQ is smart enough to know the size of the wrecking ball John Kerry & Company use.

Kerry should be disdainful of democracy. The problem with Kerry’s arrogance is that he betrays his country for something worse than democracy—— a one government world administered by the United Nations.

Your posts are getting crazier and crazier. Perhaps your font is too small. I know some reds live in fear of the UN. They think it is taking over the world. How dumb is that? The wealthy are taking over the world and you like it.
As president, Obama appointed an assortment of people with extreme-left views to key positions in his administration, including: former White House green jobs czar Van Jones, a self-avowed communist; FCC chief diversity officer Mark Lloyd, who expressed admiration for Venezuela’s communist strongman, Hugo Chavez; White House communications director Anita Dunn, who told a high school graduating class that Mao is one of her most admired philosophers; and, White House manufacturing czar Ron Bloom, who said he agrees with Mao that “political power comes largely at the barrel of a gun.” [So long as nobody else has guns.]

Note that our angry Democrat women are carbon copies of Mao’s women:

Remember Obama’s communications director, Anita Dunn? She cited as inspirations her “two favorite political philosophers,” Mother Teresa and, naturally, Mao Tse-tung.

Now there, in Ms. Dunn, was a revolutionary thinker. Obama sure knows how to pick ‘em.

Did Barack Obama Vote Communist in 1980?
Paul Kengor
September 27, 2016, 12:14 am

I wonder if Dunn admired distaff butchers during China’s Cultural Revolution more than she admired Mao?

NOTE: They are angry because they have to put their heels behind their ears for men; even then decent men want nothing to do with them.

Where is Dunn today? I cannot say for sure, but I am guessing she is in the basement with Senile Joe:

Senior Adviser Anita Dunn On The State Of The Joe Biden Campaign
February 11, 2020
4:24 PM ET

My point. Democrat women are just as brutal as the women that were an integral part of Mao’s revolution:

I’m ambivalent about statues and J.K. Rowling being torn down, but terrified of the thought process behind the destruction. Decisions should never be made by mobs.

Is America on the edge of a cultural revolution?

The historical namesake and obvious parallel is the Cultural Revolution in China, which lasted from 1966 to 1976. Its stated goal was to purge capitalist and traditional elements from society, and to substitute a new way of thinking based on Mao’s own beliefs. The epic struggle for control and power waged war against anybody on the wrong side of an idea.

To set the mobs on somebody, one needed only to tie him to an official blacklist like the Four Olds (old customs, culture, habits, and ideas). China’s young people and urban workers formed Red Guard units to go after whomever was outed. Violence? Yes, please. When Mao launched the movement in May 1966, he told his mobs to “bombard the headquarters” and made clear that “to rebel is justified.” He said “revisionists should be removed through violent class struggle.” The old thinkers were everywhere and were systematically trying to preserve their power and subjugate the people.

Whetted, the mobs took the task to heart: Red Guards destroyed historical relics, statues, and artifacts, and ransacked cultural and religious sites. Libraries were burned. Religion was considered a tool of capitalists and so churches were destroyed—even the Temple of Confucius was wrecked. Eventually the Red Guards moved on to openly killing people who did not think as they did. Where were the police? The cops were told not to intervene in Red Guard activities, and if they did, the national police chief pardoned the Guards for any crimes.

Education was singled out, as it was the way the old values were preserved and transmitted. Teachers, particularly those at universities, were considered the “Stinking Old Ninth” and were widely persecuted. The lucky ones just suffered the public humiliation of shaved heads, while others were tortured. Many were slaughtered or harassed into suicide. Schools and universities eventually closed down and over 10 million former students were sent to the countryside to labor under the Down to the Countryside Movement. A lost generation was abandoned to fester, uneducated. Red Guard pogroms eventually came to include the cannibalization of revisionists. After all, as Mao said, a revolution is not a dinner party.

The Cultural Revolution destroyed China’s economy and traditional culture, leaving behind a possible death toll ranging from one to 20 million. Nobody really knows. It was a war on the way people think. And it failed. One immediate consequence of the Revolution’s failure was the rise in power of the military after regular people decided they’d had enough and wanted order restored. China then became even more of a capitalist society than it had ever imagined in pre-Revolution days. Oh well.

I spoke with an elderly Chinese academic who had been forced from her classroom and made to sleep outside with the animals during the Revolution. She recalled forced self-criticism sessions that required her to guess at her crimes, as she’d done nothing more than teach literature, a kind of systematic revisionism in that it espoused beliefs her tormentors thought contributed to the rotten society. She also had to write out long apologies for being who she was. She was personally held responsible for 4,000 years of oppression of the masses. Our meeting was last year, before white guilt became a whole category on Netflix, but I wonder if she’d see now how similar it all is.

That’s probably a longer version of events than a column like this would usually feature. A tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust in terms of human lives, an attempt to destroy culture on a level that would embarrass the Taliban—this topic is not widely taught in American colleges, never mind in China.

It should be taught, because history rhymes. Chinese students are again outing teachers, sometimes via cellphone videos, for “improper speech,” teaching hurtful things from the past using the wrong vocabulary. Other Chinese intellectuals are harassed online for holding outlier positions, or lose their jobs for teaching novels with the wrong values. Once abhorred as anti-free speech, most UC Berkeley students would likely now agree that such steps are proper. In Minnesota, To Kill A Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn are banned because fictional characters use a racial slur.

There are no statues to the Cultural Revolution here or in China. Nobody builds monuments to chaos. But it’s never really about the statues anyway. In America, we moved quickly from demands to tear down the statues of Robert E. Lee to Thomas Jefferson to basically any Caucasian, including “White Jesus.“

Of course, it was never going to stop with Confederate generals because it was not really about racism any more than the Cultural Revolution was really about capitalism. This is about rewriting history for political ends, both short-term power grabs (Not Trump 2020!) and longer term societal changes that one critic calls the “successor ideology,” the melange of academic radicalism now seeking hegemony throughout American institutions. Douglas Murray is more succinct. The purpose “is to embed a new metaphysics into our societies: a new religion.” The ideas—centered on there being only one accepted way of thought—are a tool of control.

It remains to be seen where America goes next in its own nascent cultural revolution. Like slow dancing in eighth grade, maybe nothing will come of it. These early stages, where the victims are Uncle Ben, Aunt Jemima, someone losing her temper while walking a dog in Central Park, and canceled celebrities, are a far cry from the millions murdered for the same goals in China. Much of what appears revolutionary is just Internet pranking and common looting amplified by an agendaized media. One writer sees “cancel culture as a game, the point of which is to impose unemployment on people as a form of recreation.” B-list celebs and Karens in the parking lot are easy enough targets. Ask the Red Guards: it’s fun to break things.

Still, the intellectual roots of our revolution and China’s seem similar: the hate of the old, the need for unacceptable ideas to be disappeared in the name of social progress, intolerance toward dissent, violence to enforce conformity.

In America these are spreading outward from our universities so that everywhere today—movies, TV, publishing, news, ads, sports—is an Oberlin where in the name of free speech “hate speech” is banned, and in the name of safety dangerous ideas and the people who hold them are not only not discussed but canceled, shot down via the projectile of the heckler’s veto, unfriended, demonetized, deleted, de-platformed, demeaned, chased after by mobs both real and online in a horrible blend of self-righteousness and cyber bullying. They don’t believe in a marketplace of ideas. Ideas to the mob are either right or wrong and the “wrong” ones must be banished. The choices to survive the mobs are conformity or silence. In China, you showed conformity by carrying around Mao’s Little Red Book. In America, you wear a soiled surgical mask to the supermarket.

The philosophical spadework for an American Cultural Revolution is done. Switch the terms capitalism and revisionism with racism and white supremacy in some of Mao’s speeches and you have a decent speech draft for a Black Lives Matter rally. Actually, you can keep Mao’s references to destroying capitalism, as they track pretty closely with progressive thought in 2020 America.

History is not there to make anyone feel safe or justify current theories about policing. History exists so we can learn from it, and for us to learn from it, it has to exist for us to study it, to be offended and uncomfortable with it, to bathe in it, to taste it bitter or sweet. When you wash your hands of an idea, you lose all the other ideas that grew to challenge it. Think of those as antibodies fighting a disease. What happens when they are no longer at the ready? What happens when a body forgets how to fight an illness? What happens when a society forgets how to challenge a bad idea with a better one?

Remember the Red Guards Before You Cheer the Woke Mobs
July 7, 2020
12:01 am
Peter Van Buren
