The Divine Sarah Is Back


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Sarah Palin is the third Divine Sarah. The first was Sarah Bernhardt (1844 - 1923). The second was Sarah Vaughan (1924 - 1990). Bernhardt and Vaughan were divine in their entertainment fields. Palin is divine in the field of government.

Palin has even been hinting at a run for Lisa Murkowski’s Senate seat, as our Editor at Large, Kira Davis reported.

Sarah Palin Is Making a Comeback, Whether You Like It or Not
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell
Sep 18, 2021 3:00 PM ET

Talk of a Senator Palin began in 2018:


Former Republican Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fired a warning shot at Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) after the senator voted against the cloture motion to end debate on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, hinting she may run to unseat the longtime lawmaker in 2022 or endorse a challenger.

Sarah Palin Fires Warning Shot at Lisa Murkowski: ‘I Can See 2022 from My House’
by Joshua Caplin
5 Oct 2018

NOTE: Irrespective of the final outcome of Sarah’s lawsuit —— challenging a NY Times lie will be good for a truckload of votes against Murkowski:

Court: Sarah Palin libel lawsuit against NY Times to go to trial
Denies NY Times’ request for summary judgment, sets February 1, 2021, trial date, “pandemic permitting,” over false editorial blaming Palin’s electoral map for shooting of Gabby Giffords.

Posted by William A. Jacobson
Friday, August 28, 2020 at 09:05pm

One thing is certain. Democrats will not get give conservative ‘Senator Palin’ the same warm welcome they gave to Republican back stabber Mitt Romney et al.

For the record, I was Sarah’s biggest fan when she ran for vice president. Back in 2008 I even suggested a campaign theme song because I envisioned thousands of Sarah’s supporters greeting her every time she came on stage:

This came as no surprise when Sarah was not invited.

The exclusion of Governor Sarah Palin from Senator McCain’s funeral this afternoon strikes us as an off-note from the McCain camp. It’s unclear exactly who — the Senator before he died or his family or others — decided not to extend an invitation. Reports, in People magazine and Breitbart News, suggest that not only was Mrs. Palin not invited but that she was asked to stay away. It’s an missed opportunity in respect of a man who sought to summon our better angels.

It’s not as if Mrs. Palin had pushed her way into McCain’s political life. His presidential campaign was floundering when, in the summer of 2008, he sought to make a Hail Mary play by reaching out to ask Mrs. Palin to join his ticket. Then in Anchorage, the Alert Alaskan, as we called her, had the highest approval rating of any governor in the country. Much is made of the risk Mr. McCain took in bringing on a freshman governor. Also, too, though, Mrs. Palin took a risk.

The McCain Palin Snub
Editorial of The New York Sun | August 29, 2018

Considering John McCain’s worldview it is no wonder swamp creatures did not want Sarah at the funeral!

Parenthetically, the polls in 2008 said that Hillary Clinton nudged out Sarah as the most admired woman in the world. My poll said Sarah would cream Hillary Clinton in a fight for the presidency —— assuming illegal aliens were not counting the votes.

In any event, how can the PETA (People eating tasty animals) crowd vote for a classy lady who shoots dinner? —— then cooks it!

Incidentally, President Trump had plenty of time to give Sarah a cabinet spot. In early 2017 I suggested Sarah for the EPA or for Secretary of Energy. Trump refused to take my call. No matter. Sarah still has what it takes now that she is back.

I put together a bunch of comments about my unrequited love affair with the Divine Sarah. Let me open with:

NOTE: I voted for Sarah Palin not John McCain.

Sarah did not give McCain a victory, but her on the ticket prevented Obama from defeating John McCain in a landslide.

The hatred directed at candidate Sarah Palin coming from Democrats was pathological. That hatred was rooted in the fact that Sarah chose to give birth to a son knowing he had Down syndrome. ‘KNOWING’ was Sarah’s unforgivable sin. Democrats will never forgive it. Liberals slaughter infants in the womb for a variety of political reasons; so Sarah giving birth to Trig was a slap in the face to everything the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death is trying to accomplish.

Back when Trump was putting his cabinet together I suggested Sarah Palin for the United Nations. After you listen to the Divine Sarah talk about this country’s sovereignty, you tell me who would have done a better job?

Finally, Nikki Haley was President Trump’s worst appointment. Realistically speaking, Trump never did anything to anger the United Nations crowd. In the interest of full disclosure I did not much care for Nikki Haley before Trump made her U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

On the sunny side of the street:

Nikki Haley Falls to the Back of the GOP Pack in 2024 Straw Poll
by Hannah Bleau
21 Jun 2021