The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) finished up 2.2% at around 25,548 on Wednesda


Well-known member
The recovering economy means a great deal to all Americans except the far left loons in the Democrat party (almost all of them are far left loons now).

It means jobs returning, food on the table for Americans and their families.

The harm to our economy and economies around the world was caused by the virus from China that China failed to contain.

How typical for the Democrats to blame the president instead of the Communist Chinese Government.

They are now the "useful CCP idiots."

The economy will slowly recover, but it won't be back to its January GDP for at least a year and more likely 2. That is a harsh reality.

If you truly feel the economy will be back to where it was in the next 2 months, I would suggest you buy Disney. They just announced they will be reopening Disneyworld in July. The Chinese Disney has already opened. The stock is currently 22% off its January high. At its current price it is a steal if they will be completely recovered in 2 months. Disney movies can flood crowded movie theaters. The parks will be packed with little kids eager to see Goofy.

Meanwhile those of us who live in reality know that the current price is probably too high. Disney in China is open with restrictions that only allow 30% of visitors per day. It will likely be the same restrictions in Disneyworld announced by the CEO today.

But do buy Disney. It is the perfect buying opportunity for that full recovery you think is going to happen.
You have no clue as to the economy in Jan., Snowflake.