The dumbness of Trump World marches on

We don't know what or where we are right now.

America died last November, the Great Experiment concluding in abject failure.

The 75,000,000+ of us who voted for Kamala Harris are certainly devoid of any culpability,
so who does that leave?
It leaves you on the trash-heap of history, old man.

The train has left you at the station.

You could have been a contender, old man.
Dostoevsky had a minor literary magazine called Time Magazine, which the Czar's police confused with another Time Magazine(none of these magazines were the American Time Magazine). Dostoevsky was sentenced to death, but when the mistake was discovered, it was commuted to a couple of years in prison. I suspect the same might start happening in the USA.

Musk has already confused two different Gazas, and cut off anti-HIV aid to South Africa over that.