The Dunning–Kruger Effect: On Being Ignorant of One's Own Ignorance


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By David Dunning

People's ignorance is often invisible to them.

I describe the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which poor performers in many social and intellectual domains seem largely unaware of just how deficient their expertise is. Their deficits leave them with a double burden—not only does their incomplete and misguided knowledge lead them to make mistakes but those exact same deficits also prevent them from recognizing when they are making mistakes and other people choosing more wisely.

The less you know the more you think others are equally ignorant.
A college sophomore is a 'wise fool' because they think after freshman year they know all the subjects to be studied.
They have barely become knowledgeable but think they are experts.
By David Dunning

People's ignorance is often invisible to them.

I describe the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which poor performers in many social and intellectual domains seem largely unaware of just how deficient their expertise is. Their deficits leave them with a double burden—not only does their incomplete and misguided knowledge lead them to make mistakes but those exact same deficits also prevent them from recognizing when they are making mistakes and other people choosing more wisely.

The less you know the more you think others are equally ignorant.

Here's a perfect example of Dunning-Kruger, you posted an abstract, not the actual material. Why did you do that?
By David Dunning

People's ignorance is often invisible to them.

I describe the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which poor performers in many social and intellectual domains seem largely unaware of just how deficient their expertise is. Their deficits leave them with a double burden—not only does their incomplete and misguided knowledge lead them to make mistakes but those exact same deficits also prevent them from recognizing when they are making mistakes and other people choosing more wisely.

The less you know the more you think others are equally ignorant.

What leads people to become ignorant of their own time displaced eternally separated evolving one at a time in plainsight?

Was it hope, faith, charity?
was it tomorrow's power, wealth, fame?
wass it serving God, Country, Community theater cradle to grave as traditionally honored ancestrally so far?
Is it the thrill of intellectually getting away with mayhem, madness, misery inflicted on everyone else for not obeying deniers in charge of each reality saving humanities?

this is how one can use syllogism to correct corruption instead of protecting it.
By David Dunning

People's ignorance is often invisible to them.

I describe the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which poor performers in many social and intellectual domains seem largely unaware of just how deficient their expertise is. Their deficits leave them with a double burden—not only does their incomplete and misguided knowledge lead them to make mistakes but those exact same deficits also prevent them from recognizing when they are making mistakes and other people choosing more wisely.

The less you know the more you think others are equally ignorant.

an excellent description of you liberals/leftists
By David Dunning

People's ignorance is often invisible to them.

I describe the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which poor performers in many social and intellectual domains seem largely unaware of just how deficient their expertise is. Their deficits leave them with a double burden—not only does their incomplete and misguided knowledge lead them to make mistakes but those exact same deficits also prevent them from recognizing when they are making mistakes and other people choosing more wisely.

The less you know the more you think others are equally ignorant.

Don't ya just gotta love those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists performing a patriot act of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming of what's left of the USA Peter Principle Islamidiotocracy pyramid scheme ?
By David Dunning

People's ignorance is often invisible to them.

I describe the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which poor performers in many social and intellectual domains seem largely unaware of just how deficient their expertise is. Their deficits leave them with a double burden—not only does their incomplete and misguided knowledge lead them to make mistakes but those exact same deficits also prevent them from recognizing when they are making mistakes and other people choosing more wisely.

The less you know the more you think others are equally ignorant.

they say the road to recovery begins with recognizing your problem.......good luck on your journey......