APP - The easiest way to shut down the Ford nonsense

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
As always the stupid Republicans play the game on the democrat party's turf. They are so afraid of being seen as "anti woman" heading into the election they are cowering in fear letting this leftist dictate the terms

The simplest way for them to call her out for the fraud she is, is to take her claims VERY seriously

Senator Grassley should come out today and say "I think that Dr. Ford has raised some very serious issues that deserve to be investigated. Attempted rape is a serious crime and the Senate Republicans feel that any individual proven guilty of that crime should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. If Judge Kavanaugh is found to be guilty of attempted rape, not only should be not be seated in the Supreme Court, but he should be impeached from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. We encourage Dr. Ford to file a complaint with the local police department of Montgomery County MD so that they can do a proper investigation and if warranted bring criminal charges against Judge Kavanaugh. We in the United States Senate will do all we can to assist her in this process. But, as it stands we will move forward with confirmation. Thank you"

That will end it right there. Game. Set. Match.