The ECHR Is A Subsidy Of The United Nations


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The ECHR took force in 1953 —— eight years after the U.N. opened for business. Before the ECHR “declares” a new piece of crap it must be cleared thru the U.N.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) declared on Thursday that mandatory vaccinations do not violate human rights and may be necessary to remedy public health concerns.

Naturally, it is all for the children:

They ruled that mandatory vaccinations administered in the Czech Republic were not illegal because the jabs were delivered in the “best interests” of children.

“The objective has to be that every child is protected against serious diseases, through vaccination or by virtue of herd immunity,” the judgment added.

European Union High Court Declares Mandatory Vaccinations are ‘Necessary in a Democratic Society’
Shane Trejo
Apr 9, 2021

The United Nations is not a government, but they have more blood on their hands than Nazi Germany, Communist China, the Soviet Union, and every other government that slaughters their own people. Put it in perspective by imagining Nazis and Communists claiming they kill for greater good. Greater good means killing is in the best interest of children. That is the very claim the U.N. makes every time they put a child to death.

Ask a Democrat any question on a sensitive topic and they will always reply “It is for the children.” Invoking the children is their ace in the hole.

Everything government butchers do they do for the children. Democrats use children like a battle axe every time they want to pass a piece of filthy parasite legislation. “It is for the children” is the only thing they have to say —— knowing that nobody will standup to them and their media stooges.

Democrats even imported contagious deceases just to show how much they love children everywhere. Democrats claim they do everything for the children, but the only thing American children ever got from open-borders was death and disease.

Take a close look and you will see that American Communists succeeded in their efforts to erode freedoms through most of the twentieth century and all of this century. I know this is true because when election time comes around it is Democrat candidates who tell the voters how bad things are for the children. The only thing they never tell private sector voters at election time is exactly how much taxation it will take to finally satisfy Socialist parasites. If their compassion is legitimate, rather than political, they could at least give us skeptics a number to work with. Speaking for myself, I am open to some adjustments to my thinking on taxation so long as the bottom line does not ultimately knock up against 100 percent which is where Socialists have been heading since 1913.

Democrat Party hypocrisy is never more evident than in their pretended concern for the children. Liberals initiated a Culture of Death in America, but still managed to convince everyone that they truly care for children. I am not only talking about Roe v. Wade’s infanticide.

Leading Democrats just love Communist China, but their love does not extend to LIVING children who end up in state-run institutions where they are deliberately left to die of starvation and disease. You always hear liberal phonies talking about a woman’s Rights, but did you ever hear a piece of Democrat feces chastise their pals in Peking for the treatment unwanted children receive?

Feminists are the cruelest of all toward children, yet they scream the loudest for their own Right to kill children in the womb. You can bet that feminist organizations will be the most silent about slaughtering infants that does not affect them personally.

With Ginsburg gone to the great abortion clinic in the sky one would think that children have a better chance of being born at all now with the three women on the Supreme Court are free of Ginsburg’s influence. Not so. The ultimate liberal argument says that the judicial system works as well as can be expected in an imperfect world. I am here to tell you that the courts do not work; at least not for children.

Finally, women in general should be outraged when a child is raped. Apparently, that is not the case. Put me on a jury where a man is accused of raping an adult woman and I will give the S.O.B a medal. Then ask liberals how they feel about raping children.

p.s. Here is the latest example of Democrats caring for children:

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott demanded that the White House close a San Antonio facility housing migrant children Wednesday following allegations that children there were being sexually assaulted.

Published 2 days ago
Texas Gov. Abbott blames Biden as allegations emerge of sexual assault at child migrant facility
By Caitlin McFall
Published 2 days ago
Democrat Party hypocrisy is never more evident than in their pretended concern for the children. Liberals initiated a Culture of Death in America, but still managed to convince everyone that they truly care for children.

Every Communist in Latin America organizing caravans is funded and advised politically by the United Nations. Biden is lying thru his teeth to take the heat off the United Nations. The truth is: The U.N. is behind open-borders worldwide. If they succeed in tearing down U. S. borders illegal aliens from Third World countries will be free to flood every First World country.

The worst part is that poverty-stricken populations will increase in the poorest of countries. That will never change until those Third World countries know they cannot send their people here for free medical care and free education under the pretext of looking for jobs.

On top of everything else parasites from the Third World have already lowered this county’s quality of life.

NOTE: America welcomed immigrants before the Democrat Party’s welfare state told every parasite in the world to come here for free stuff.

Regardless of anything the scum bag says about a border crisis millions of illegal aliens of all ages will pour into this country before 2025. The flood will not stop after Democrats lose both Chambers in 2022 simply because Democrat presidents now govern the country with mandates and EOs.

Make no mistake about open-borders —— China Joe Biden gets his press releases from the United Nations:

President Joe Biden finally described the rush of unaccompanied minor migrants to the border as a “crisis” on Saturday, despite himself and members of his administration previously refusing to use the word to describe the situation.

Biden spoke to reporters about the border crisis after a round of golf at the Delaware Country Club on Saturday.

He commented on the crisis as he explained why he reversed his position on raising the caps set by former President Donald Trump on refugees.

“The problem was that the refugee part was working on the crisis that ended up on the border with young people,” he said to reporters. “We couldn’t do two things at once. But now we are going to increase the number.”

Preliminary data shows more than 18,500 unaccompanied children crossed the border in March, 60 percent more than the previous record of 11,494 in May 2019.

In March, Biden denied the flood of migrants coming to the Southern border was a crisis.

“No,” he replied when a reporter asked him if it was a crisis. “We’ll be able to handle it. God willing.”

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas also said the border situation was not a crisis.

“I think the answer is no,” Mayorkas said when asked by a reporter if there was a crisis on the border. “I think there is a challenge at the border that we are managing, and we have our resources dedicated to managing it.”

In March, White House press secretary Jen Psaki corrected herself after she referred to the problems at the border as a “crisis.”

“Challenges on the border,” she said when asked by a reporter if the administration had changed its view of the crisis.

Joe Biden Now Describes Migrant Rush on the Border as a ‘Crisis’
by Charlie Spiering
17 Apr 2021
NOTE: America welcomed immigrants before the Democrat Party’s welfare state told every parasite in the world to come here for free stuff.

Can anyone deny that illegal alien parasites would go back where they came from if they had to work for a living?

Note that illegal aliens refuse to work at unskilled labor jobs for minimum wage. Illegals usually demand between $25 and $50 dollars an hour —— try hiring an illegal alien to clean your house for less. And do not threaten to turn them in to immigration authorities —— they will laugh at you because they know there is not a chance ‘law-abiding illegal aliens’ will be send home when authorities do not deport murderers and perverts.

In fact, illegal aliens want to be paid for the job not by the hour. So if they come in to clean your house they usual demand approximately $80 dollars for cleaning the average home. In no time at all they do the job in one hour and still demand $80. Only in America do people who go to a job earn less per hour than they pay their employees.

Check the amounts illegal aliens want from productive Americans:

This month, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and state Democrats struck a budget deal that includes $2.1 billion of taxpayer money for nearly 300,000 illegal aliens.

Those eligible will get a one-time payment of $15,600, the equivalent of about $300 a week for a year. The aid to illegal aliens in New York is $1.1 billion more than tax credits and grants authorized for small businesses in the state.

Now, illegal aliens in New Jersey — backed by groups like Make the Road, the New Jersey Immigrant Alliance for Justice, and the New Jersey Policy Perspective — are on a hunger strike to lobby Gov. Phil Murphy (D) for a New York-style benefits program.

The illegal aliens are asking for $2,000 direct cash payments and $600 weekly benefits.

New Jersey: Illegal Aliens on Hunger Strike to Win Taxpayer-Funded Benefits
by John Binder
19 Apr 2021
Regardless of anything the scum bag says about a border crisis millions of illegal aliens of all ages will pour into this country before 2025. The flood will not stop after Democrats lose both Chambers in 2022 simply because Democrat presidents now govern the country with mandates and EOs.

QUESTION: how does brain freeze cause writer's cramp?

Ask a Democrat any question on a sensitive topic and they will always reply “It is for the children.” Invoking the children is their ace in the hole.


Democrat Party hypocrisy is never more evident than in their pretended concern for the children. Liberals initiated a Culture of Death in America, but still managed to convince everyone that they truly care for children.

Like the man said: