The EMPIRE Hustle


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The specter of a new "trial of the century" for Jussie Smollett, over what looks like his staging of a fake hate crime, is scaring the leaders of the identity politics movement that dominates the Democratic Party. Two presidential candidates, Cory Booker and Smollett's longstanding friend and associate, Kamala Harris, immediately endorsed and exploited the burst of saturation coverage by the national media to hype the "anti-lynching law" they have been using to burnish their credentials with the victimologist constituency.

The nightmare would be a televised trial over the felonious filing of a false police report and other possible charges. Yesterday, two famous progs started the campaign to treat Jussie as a victim of a psychiatric malady and therefore properly given treatment, not a prison sentence of up to three years.

Rep. Eric Swalwell has taken time off from his incessant unproven claims of Trump collusion with Russia to express sympathy for poor Jussie and "hope he gets the help he needs."

February 19, 2019
The full horror of Jussie Smollett's botched plot starting to scare progs
By Thomas Lifson

I never heard of Jussie Smollett, or the TV series EMPIRE, until the other day. After the story broke I did not know why a second-rate television actor got so much coverage. Everything became clear the minute I learned that EMPIRE is a black show with black actors. Smollett enhancing his career was secondary. His hustle was designed to boost the show’s ratings among black and non-black TV viewers.

At first blush, media mouths were in on the standard “racism” scam. They always are, but then Smollett bit talking heads on their collective ass.

As soon as Smollett’s hustle was questioned by the Chicago police media mouths found a way out by invoking the similarity to the lies Twana Brawley told some years ago. The word went out faster than a speedy bullet. As soon as the doo-doo hit the fan television executives knew they had to quickly derail every reference to EMPIRE’s advertising dollars —— and they had to do it without doing any damage to the racism myth.

Bottom line: Smollett’s hustle is the only racism scam that ever put television’s advertising dollars at risk. God forbid the public start thinking it was a publicity stunt for money rather than “We’s all God’s chillun.”

Finally, da Reverend Al dropped Smollett like a used condom because Sharp Al was not going to bite the hand that feeds him:

'I, among many others when hearing of the report, said that the reports were horrific and that we should come with all that we can come with in law enforcement to find out what happened and the guilty should suffer the maximum,' Sharpton said on MSNBC's PoliticsNation.

Reverend Al Sharpton says Jussie Smollett should be held accountable 'to the maximum' if it's found he staged homophobic and racist attack
By Emily Crane For
Published: 12:47 EST, 18 February 2019 | Updated: 16:55 EST, 18 February 2019

Tucker Carlson nailed da Reverend Al anyway —— without mentioning the threat to a network losing hundreds of millions of tax deductible advertising dollars should EMPIRE go in the tank (including reruns):
