The end of the American dream?

Median married couples household income is up to about 75,000 and net worth is over $100,000. The nubers presented by the loser include 12 million illegals dragging down salaried and seniors.:tongout:
"The unprecedented split between growth and living standards is the defining economic agenda of the day," says the EPI's senior economist, Jared Bernstein.

During the five years from 2000 to 2005, the US economy grew in size from $9.8 trillion to $11.2 trillion, an increase in real terms of 14%.

Productivity - the measure of the output of the economy per worker employed - grew even more strongly, by 16.6%.

But over the same period, the median family's income slid by 2.9%, in contrast to the 11.3% gain registered in the second half of the 1990s.

The wages of households of African or Hispanic origin fell even faster.

And new entrants to the labour market fared particularly badly.

Average hourly real wages for both college and high school graduates actually fell between 2000 and 2005, and fewer of the jobs they found carried benefits such as health care or company pensions.
This is one reason that I believe the stock market is no longer an economic indicator!

Sure, the above average America is doing fine now, but the others which is the majority aren't making any ground!
That is one of the interesting things about SS , if they had kept it healthy and fully funded without spending its surpluses it would have been a way of defrying any ecomonic deep trough.

If SS was there and people could collect it and spend it into the economy no matter what happened then any trough would be shallower.

I think securing SS is one of our smartest moves.
That is one of the interesting things about SS , if they had kept it healthy and fully funded without spending its surpluses it would have been a way of defrying any ecomonic deep trough.

If SS was there and people could collect it and spend it into the economy no matter what happened then any trough would be shallower.

I think securing SS is one of our smartest moves.

You forget the oppurtunity cost, Desh.

Every thing that costs money that the government does takes away money from something every indidual in the US who is taxed could've done with that money instead - have you ever considered that they may have spent it better than the government would to simply "boost the economy"? Money doesn't come from nowhere.
theres millions of illegals bringing down average salaries, dems are only making that easier. The globalization cat is out the bag and turning back hard would cause a depression.
The 25% getting a college education are doing great, let's up that number. Our poor are doing better than most developed countries middle class. I.E. their waistlines like Desh's are twice the average. Hence the term FAT DUMB AND HAPPY!!!
You have to be...

You forget the oppurtunity cost, Desh.

Every thing that costs money that the government does takes away money from something every indidual in the US who is taxed could've done with that money instead - have you ever considered that they may have spent it better than the government would to simply "boost the economy"? Money doesn't come from nowhere. of today does come from "Nowhere"..We have not been on the 'Gold Standard' or any other standard for many decades...Money printed today is nothing more than Government 'IOU's" sad but true! of today does come from "Nowhere"..We have not been on the 'Gold Standard' or any other standard for many decades...Money printed today is nothing more than Government 'IOU's" sad but true!
Which doesn't stop you from buying gold with your money if you think this is the best investment. Do think of the fact it has been going down in worth lately, not upwards. You can also use it to purchase whatever else of value you think will hold the value better. Personally I prefer the way money works now to losing value in my account without doing anything because it associates to a market segment.
You forget the oppurtunity cost, Desh.

Every thing that costs money that the government does takes away money from something every indidual in the US who is taxed could've done with that money instead - have you ever considered that they may have spent it better than the government would to simply "boost the economy"? Money doesn't come from nowhere.

SS insures people an income when they have had other catastrophes in their lives which prevented them securing their futures.

What would have happened to those who had their money stolen during the Enron scandal?