The Exit Trap


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In this extremely important story over at Zero Hedge that ANP reader 'I Don't Know' had linked to in this comment section yesterday, their story, a message to President Trump, began: "I write to you because I’m seeing something unfold that concerns you, and I have no way of knowing if you’re aware of it, nor have I seen anyone else mention it. That is, sir, you are being set up, a trap is being set for you, and unless you are aware of it, you may well walk into that trap eyes wide open."

April 6, 2019
A Warning To President Trump: The Globalists May Be Leading You Into A Trap - New 2016 Election Collusion Evidence Points To Hillary Clinton Colluding With The Ukraine
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die


The collusion story aside, Trump has only to open dialogue for the U.S. to exit from the United Nations and he will trap the lot of them:

