The False Narrative of Vote-By-Mail Fraud


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If we are to have safe, healthy, and fair elections this year in the face one of the worst pandemics in a century, Americans must make widespread use of mail ballots. Election administrators and other leaders from across the political spectrum have urged support to make the necessary adjustments to their election infrastructure. They recognize we have no choice. Most Americans, including a majority of Republicans, agree.

President Trump and his allies, however, are pushing back against this option, raising spurious claims that fraudulent mail ballots will contaminate the election. “I think a lot of people cheat with mail-in voting,” Trump said earlier this week. “Mail in voting is a terrible thing. . . . I think if you vote, you should go,” he later added, not long after he requested a vote-by-mail ballot for the Florida primary. Shortly afterward, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel echoed the president in a Fox News op-ed. (This is in sharp contrast to former chairman Michael Steele, who coauthored an op-ed arguing that “the current emergency demands expanded use of vote-by-mail,” and that “democracy depends on it.”)

Trump’s claims are wrong, and if used to prevent states from taking the steps needed to ensure public safety during November’s election, they will be deadly wrong. Mail ballot fraud is incredibly rare, and legitimate security concerns can be easily addressed.

Mail balloting is not a newfangled idea; it was already deeply embedded in the American electoral system before the coronavirus hit. In the last two federal elections, roughly one out of every four Americans cast a mail ballot. In five states — Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington — mail balloting has been the primary method of voting. In 28 additional states, all voters have had the right to vote by mail ballot if they choose, without having to provide any reason or excuse. Over time, a growing number of voters have chosen that option. Since 2000 more than 250 million votes have been cast via mailed-out ballots, in all 50 states, according to the Vote at Home Institute. In 2018, more than 31 million Americans cast their ballots by mail, about 25.8 percent of election participants.

Despite this dramatic increase in mail voting over time, fraud rates remain infinitesimally small. None of the five states that hold their elections primarily by mail has had any voter fraud scandals since making that change. As the New York Times editorial board notes, “states that use vote-by-mail have encountered essentially zero fraud: Oregon, the pioneer in this area, has sent out more than 100 million mail-in ballots since 2000, and has documented only about a dozen cases of proven fraud.” Rounded to the seventh decimal point, that’s 0.0000001 percent of all votes cast. An exhaustive investigative journalism analysis of all known voter fraud cases identified only 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud from 2000 to 2012. As election law professor Richard L. Hasen notes, during that period “literally billions of votes were cast.” While mail ballots are more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting, it is still more likely for an American to be struck by lightning than to commit mail voting fraud.
So Trump lies about elections He has done that since 2016. The truth means nothing to him. If saying elections are crooked helps him, he will proclaim it loudly and repeatedly. There have been lots of election checks and our elections have been found to be incredibly honest. Won't mail -in eliminate the terrible problem of illegals coming over the border to vote for Dems?
I am getting so tired of arguing Trump lies. This is more Trump noise making.
Facts are difficult to refute, aren't they sweetie?

He is not familiar with such things as facts. I am amazed that people are able to convince themselves that voter fraud is rampant. But then the same people convinced themselves that Trump is qualified to be president. The vote has been checked repeatedly. It is extremely honest. That is what the righty does not want They have spent decades twisting elections into their favor. Now they may not be able to cheat. That is why Trump said with Mail-in, Repubs cannot win. That is because they cannot win a fair election.
Hello Nordberg,

He is not familiar with such things as facts. I am amazed that people are able to convince themselves that voter fraud is rampant. But then the same people convinced themselves that Trump is qualified to be president. The vote has been checked repeatedly. It is extremely honest. That is what the righty does not want They have spent decades twisting elections into their favor. Now they may not be able to cheat. That is why Trump said with Mail-in, Repubs cannot win. That is because they cannot win a fair election.

They can't all be that dumb. They just have no morals. They know mail-in voting is perfectly safe. They simply fear a large voter participation rate, which will end their party rule.
He is not familiar with such things as facts. I am amazed that people are able to convince themselves that voter fraud is rampant. But then the same people convinced themselves that Trump is qualified to be president. The vote has been checked repeatedly. It is extremely honest. That is what the righty does not want They have spent decades twisting elections into their favor. Now they may not be able to cheat. That is why Trump said with Mail-in, Repubs cannot win. That is because they cannot win a fair election.

I think you people are familiar with the just won't admit what they are.....
Hello Nordberg,

They can't all be that dumb. They just have no morals. They know mail-in voting is perfectly safe. They simply fear a large voter participation rate, which will end their party rule.

here's a proposal for you........let's pick a demmycrat run area at random.....some place like Detroit or Washington DC......we do a study of an election, verifying every absentee ballot......if no unverified ballots are found I will agree mail in voting is okay......if one faulty ballot is found, you idiots will stop pretending fraud doesn't happen......
here's a proposal for you........let's pick a demmycrat run area at random.....some place like Detroit or Washington DC......we do a study of an election, verifying every absentee ballot......if no unverified ballots are found I will agree mail in voting is okay......if one faulty ballot is found, you idiots will stop pretending fraud doesn't happen......

And that there is the right's denominator for any discussion on mail in voter, "if one faulty ballot is found," you can present them with study after study showing that mail in voting is not a problem, and they will return with some isolated case in some election over the last fifty years proving that mail in voting is ripe for fraud

Explain to us there "pp" how five States have been doing it for some time now, including ruby red Utah, and they haven't recorded any significant problems
And that there is the right's denominator for any discussion on mail in voter, "if one faulty ballot is found," you can present them with study after study showing that mail in voting is not a problem, and they will return with some isolated case in some election over the last fifty years proving that mail in voting is ripe for fraud

Explain to us there "pp" how five States have been doing it for some time now, including ruby red Utah, and they haven't recorded any significant problems

why are you afraid to look at Detroit?......I'm sure Utah has no problems......they're Republicans.......
how about Benton Harbor, MI.....
Edward Pinkney
Buying Votes, Fraudulent Use of Absentee Ballots
Following a jury trial, Reverand Edward Pinkney of Benton Harbor
was found guilty of possessing other individuals’ absentee ballots
and buying votes in a 2005 runoff election. At a local soup kitchen,
Pinkney would pay $5 to each poor or homeless person who would
fill out an absentee ballot.

one of 938 people convicted of doing something that "never happens".......
Trump never said what is fraudulent in mail in balloting. Gosh, he's lying again.

The military has been voting by mail since the Civil War.

If Trump wanted to point out mail-in balloting fraud he could have used the Republican who won the House seat in N.C. in 2018. and had the election thrown out. There was a big scandal over municipal election mail-in ballot fraud in Dallas County.

I don't think it is a big problem but it is the easiest type of voter fraud to perpetuate.
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The military has been voting by mail since the Civil War.

If Trump wanted to point out mail-in balloting fraud he could have used the Republican who won the House seat in N.C. and had the election thrown out.

I don't think it is a big problem but it is the easiest type of voter fraud to perpetuate.

Trump welcomed the Russian government's interference in our last election. He is the last person to complain about fraud.
why are you afraid to look at Detroit?......I'm sure Utah has no problems......they're Republicans.......

Look at Detroit for what?

And I see, if a red state wants to do mail in voting it is fine, even though the most recent case of fraud involving absentee ballots occurred with Republicans in North Carolina

It is easy to find and cherry pick examples of voter fraud given the overall number of elections held each year in America over the course of years, we are talking hundreds of thousands if not more, but even collectively none of this invalidates the numerous studies that have been done establishing that mail in voting isn't vulnerable to mass fraud and has been successfully done in five US States for some time now