The Fantastical Logic of The Religious!

"Well, if humans came from apes then we should be backward compatible. You can made a dog with a wolf and a wolf with a dog. You can't mate a human with an ape or any of their genus i.e., monkies, chimps, orangutans, etc.

Mankind did not evolve from monkeys or apes."

TonyN, Internet Infidels Discussion Board [Comments (43)] [2007-Feb-26]
Ahh it is sort of like Dixie trying to justify his viewpoints, the religions have just had a lot longer to refine their rhetoric.

Like God making scattering everyone and maiking them speak different languages (act of vengence or paranoia) to explain why humans speak different languages.
It's a nightmare. The poor chimpanzees are probably ashamed of us.

"What, them? No, we're not related. Just ask 'em. Got any termites on you?"
LMAO... So Arnold thinks we came from apes? Is this what we are to conclude?

Well... clearly an argument can be made for this, some of the pinheads on this very board, seem to be so mentally deficient, it would certainly lend credence to this theory. I actually think people like Arnold may have evolved from apes or chimps, it would explain a lot!
In many ways we are ethically and morally the lowest form of life on the earth.

Okay, you are going to have to stop posting these so close together! I only like to change the DPQM once a week, and you are making me have to change it daily!
LMAO... So Arnold thinks we came from apes? Is this what we are to conclude?

Well... clearly an argument can be made for this, some of the pinheads on this very board, seem to be so mentally deficient, it would certainly lend credence to this theory. I actually think people like Arnold may have evolved from apes or chimps, it would explain a lot!
It would be more accurate to say that we and the modern apes descended from common, ape-like ancestors. As I say, though, the modern apes may try to deny the relationship.
Black, white, and asian people can mate with eachother, but clearly we all have evolved differently.
Black, white, and asian people can mate with eachother, but clearly we all have evolved differently.

True, but as we've discussed in another thread, humans are all one species. Unlike, say, horses and donkeys, which can mate but produce sterile offspring, interracial offspring are just fine. We'd need several hundred thousand more years of evolution, at least, to evolve differently enough (assuming different conditions and environmental challenges) to make it impossible for us to interbreed.
True, but as we've discussed in another thread, humans are all one species. Unlike, say, horses and donkeys, which can mate but produce sterile offspring, interracial offspring are just fine. We'd need several hundred thousand more years of evolution, at least, to evolve differently enough (assuming different conditions and environmental challenges) to make it impossible for us to interbreed.
Genetic diversity with the human species is extremely narrow. We are more like one another even than different breeds of dogs are, yet all domestic dogs are still the same species.

There is almost no genetic basis for colloquial "race" at all.
Genetic diversity with the human species is extremely narrow. We are more like one another even than different breeds of dogs are, yet all domestic dogs are still the same species.

There is almost no genetic basis for colloquial "race" at all.

Yes, I think we covered that on the other thread, too.
It would be more accurate to say that we and the modern apes descended from common, ape-like ancestors. As I say, though, the modern apes may try to deny the relationship.

No, I'd say the modern apes are quite proud of their ancestors. Consider Prissy and Jarhead for example.
LMAO... So Arnold thinks we came from apes? Is this what we are to conclude?

No, Dixie you plonker, I understand evolution, of course I wouldn't think this.

I believe that we share a common ancestor, and are part of the same family tree as apes. Do you think a magic man in the sky zapped a handful of clay and created man?

Well... clearly an argument can be made for this, some of the pinheads on this very board, seem to be so mentally deficient, it would certainly lend credence to this theory. I actually think people like Arnold may have evolved from apes or chimps, it would explain a lot!

This coming from a man who thinks an invisible entity whispers financial advice to him in the shower, who thinks that man was created by the same financial advisor zapping a piece of clay and morality is absolute and defined by an entity who, according to its own book, exercises moral relativism...

Go figure.....
Typical of a left wing nut to use a satire site to explain religions. LOL

Its not a satire site, gollum, it is a site that collects the postings of the religiously ill on other sites. Muppet.
Everyone knows Man came from dirt and woman from a Rib.
And 2 of each species of animals on earth fit in an Ark with all their food for 40 days....
Everyone knows Man came from dirt and woman from a Rib.
And 2 of each species of animals on earth fit in an Ark with all their food for 40 days....

Uh,huh. I always wondered why they took the mosquitoes too. :p

It's a nice story designed to keep people in line, so long as nobody questions the feasibility of it all.
I liked the commandemnt which says "Thou shalt have no other gods brfore me".
Which indicates that other gods exist.