APP - The fatal mistake liberals always make


Former Vice President
I have watched liberals stumble around losing election after election since 2009 save for Obama's re-election, but I think he was an anomaly based on race not ideology. I have watched them on this forum since Trump beat Hillary and they just can't wrap their arms around him winning.

Here is the three fatal political mistakes all liberals make.

1) They presume that their political opponents are stupid
2) They presume that the majority of people think like they do
3) They presume that people don't know what is in their own best interests

Because of these three mistakes, liberals are almost ALWAYS surprised by the outcome of elections. We saw it with Reagan in 1980 and 1984. We saw it with Bush in 2000 and 2004 and now we have seen it again with Trump.

Liberals find comfort in their bubbles. They lash out at opinions that differ from theirs and automatically label them as racist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic and sexist. By doing this, they allow themselves to write these people off and not treat their concerns as valid.

The reason Hillary Clinton lost can be summed up in one word "DEPLORABLES". The democrat party thinks all they have to do is come up with an economic message and they will get these voters back. It is false, it presumes the voters are stupid and that the voters don't listen to the democrats when they call them racist, sexist etc.

It all started with Obama and his bitter clingers comment. You can't write people off and mock them and then act surprised that they don't turn around and vote for you

But the democrat party did just that. Now, I am not going to sit here and proclaim that the democrat party will never win another election. That would be foolish. But, if McConnell and Ryan play their cards right, they could cement their majorities for a long time. I suspect they don't have the will to do so and it will cost them their majority in the House.