
There Can be Only One!
Saw it on Faux Noose last night. The nighttime shows are hosting snake-oil maggots making that claim. The MAGA nut bags obviously realize now twump's a guilty fuck, so to cover for him - they're spewing that garbage. We should have seen it coming.

I can't wait to see Rudy at a fertilizer store talking about FBI misconduct with hair dye running down his ugly mug.
It's the same cycle each time.

1. Trump does something criminal
2. MAGA media calls it a "witch hunt".
3. The story turns out to be true.
4. MAGA media calls it a "frame job" or "false flag operation".

Like I said, I should have seen that coming.
Saw it on Faux Noose last night. The nighttime shows are hosting snake-oil maggots making that claim. The MAGA nut bags obviously realize now twump's a guilty fuck, so to cover for him - they're spewing that garbage. We should have seen it coming.

I can't wait to see Rudy at a fertilizer store talking about FBI misconduct with hair dye running down his ugly mug.

Sounds like they know that the FBI got some important evidence. If the FBI got something good this is their only defense.
Sounds like they know that the FBI got some important evidence. If the FBI got something good this is their only defense.

How much you wanna bet Tucker's working on a "documentary" now with Blackhawk helicopters reigning down on poor donald and stormtroopers rushing into Mar-A-Lardo with shoulder launchers and AK's? it's gonna happen. I can see it, now.
How much you wanna bet Tucker's working on a "documentary" now with Blackhawk helicopters reigning down on poor donald and stormtroopers rushing into Mar-A-Lardo with shoulder launchers and AK's? it's gonna happen. I can see it, now.

Poor Tuck.
the "searching" was not allowed to be observed so yes, there could easily be planting of "evidence".

gee... just like ballot counting in 2020....

looking like a trend.
the "searching" was not allowed to be observed so yes, there could easily be planting of "evidence".

gee... just like ballot counting in 2020....

looking like a trend.

So, please provide me a list of times you're aware the police allowed "observers" to be present while serving and executing a warrant. Post the list right here:

You twumptards, you'll just throw any bullshit against the wall!