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Everybody with a working brain cell know deep down in their gut, Trump is a moron, a lunatic, a narcesstical baboon, a clown, these folks know that, but they also know he's a racist. And not just any racist, but the kind that will spit on a negro one minute and should the negro be a fan, will praise the man/woman to the grave. In essence, he's a entertainer too. But for all the negative words I can use to describe this moron, its his voters we must address. Nobody will speak the truth on Trump supporters, because God forbid you piss off a white man with a gun, but the truth of the matter is this, Trump supporters are afraid, afraid of what is happening in this nation, afraid of change, afraid of someday and very soon becoming the minority and not just any minority, but a minority that fears retribution from those they've abused since the boat ride....blacks. That is why the GOP has stacked the courts, passed unfair voting laws and is doing everything humanly possible to stop blacks from voting. These voters are so mired in hatred and fear of brown ppl, they're actually anticipating a race war someday....but here's the deal....race war with WHO???
no one race on this planet, worships white ppl more than negro's, especially negroid men...which is helping fuel the animist most whites have against the race...Barbie with Tryone....a image that keeps southern white haters on edge. So this race war, I'd be pressed to see who they'd fight, since 78% lof whites, especially in the south, has blacks in the family....just sayin.
no one race on this planet, worships white ppl more than negro's, especially negroid men...which is helping fuel the animist most whites have against the race...Barbie with Tryone....a image that keeps southern white haters on edge. So this race war, I'd be pressed to see who they'd fight, since 78% lof whites, especially in the south, has blacks in the family....just sayin.