APP - The few already shoulder the burden of taxation in this country


This has been posted many times over the years, but it bears repeating

The federal tax burden is carried by a small percentage of the US population. This is why I advocate for a tax system where EVERYONE pays federal income taxes. It is the only true fair system. Leftists talk about people paying their "fair share", but never are able to state why it is fair for people to pay nothing at all.

According to the Congressional Budget Office (the authority for leftists)

-The top one percent of households pay 39.4 percent of federal income taxes and 26.2 percent of total federal taxes.

- The top 20 percent of households pay 88.1 percent of federal income taxes and 69.5 percent of total federal taxes.

- The top one percent of households pay an average income tax rate of 24 percent while the middle quintile pays an average income tax rate of 3 percent.

- The top one percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 33.3 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of over 14 percent.

- The top 20 percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 26.7 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of 14 percent.

Now the typical leftist response to this data will be "yeah, but that doesn't account for payroll taxes". The answer to that is very simple. That is covered in total federal taxes because payroll taxes are FEDERAL taxes. So even when payroll taxes are taken into account, the few pay the lion's share of that as well.