The First First Lady Clown


Verified User
This country had 45 first ladies. Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated; Hillary Clinton was the cruelest and the biggest liar; Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry; Edith Wilson was the biggest opportunist; Eleanor Roosevelt was the homeliest and the first known lesbian; Mary Todd Lincoln was the wackiest, but there never was a first lady who was a clown. Jill Biden will be the first one should Senile Joe steal the election:


President Biden is bad enough
but the image of two clowns in the White House hitting each with rubber chickens boggles the mind.

Even worse, the combined IQs of the Bidens amounts to three and a half:


Jill Biden Is Not A Doctor, Probably Isn’t A Good Person Either
Derek Hunter
|Posted: Dec 14, 2020 12:01 AM
This country had 45 first ladies. Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated; Hillary Clinton was the cruelest and the biggest liar; Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry; Edith Wilson was the biggest opportunist; Eleanor Roosevelt was the homeliest and the first known lesbian; Mary Todd Lincoln was the wackiest, but there never was a first lady who was a clown. Jill Biden will be the first one should Senile Joe steal the election:

President Biden is bad enough

but the image of two clowns in the White House hitting each with rubber chickens boggles the mind.

Even worse, the combined IQs of the Bidens amounts to three and a half:

Jill Biden Is Not A Doctor, Probably Isn’t A Good Person Either
Derek Hunter
|Posted: Dec 14, 2020 12:01 AM



This country had 45 first ladies. Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated; Hillary Clinton was the cruelest and the biggest liar; Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry; Edith Wilson was the biggest opportunist; Eleanor Roosevelt was the homeliest and the first known lesbian; Mary Todd Lincoln was the wackiest, but there never was a first lady who was a clown. Jill Biden will be the first one should Senile Joe steal the election:

what alternate reality did you pull that list from?
President Biden is bad enough
but the image of two clowns in the White House hitting each with rubber chickens boggles the mind.

I should have called the Bidens killer clowns:

“‘Dr. Jill Biden’ sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic. Your degree is, I believe, an Ed.D., a doctor of education, earned at the University of Delaware through a dissertation with the unpromising title ‘Student Retention at the Community College Level: Meeting Students’ Needs.’ A wise man once said that no one should call himself “Dr.” unless he has delivered a child. Think about it, Dr. Jill, and forthwith drop the doc.” (Wall Street Journal, Dec. 11, 2020.)

Alas, no such “feelings of fraudulence” pricked at the conscience of the regime whose lifetime craving was the destruction of the nation that Jill Biden will soon preside over as first lady. When she honored this Stalinist, terror-sponsoring regime with a promotional visit as second lady, the KGB-trained Russia-colluders all gleefully referred to her as “Dr.”

And why not? She gleefully starred in and helped produce a tourism commercial to boost the America-hating, terror-sponsoring regime’s income. To wit:

“Dr. Jill Biden in Cuba to study Cuba’s achievements in health and education," read a headline in Stalinist Cuba’s media, Oct. 6, 2016.

More interestingly, during Jill Biden’s co-production with communist apparatchiks of her Potemkin tourism commercial to boost the income of Castro’s military and secret police who majority own Cuba’s tourism industry— her frequent escort was a Cuban lady named Josefina Vidal.

The KGB-trained Vidal was expelled from the U.S. in Oct. 2003 for her suspected operational links to Cuban spy Ana Belen Montes, responsible for the deepest and most damaging penetration of the U.S. Department of Defense in recent history. Montes was known as “Castro’s Queen Jewell” by the intelligence community and was convicted of the same crimes as Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Today Montes serves a 25-year sentence in federal prison. Only a plea bargain saved her from frying like the Rosenbergs. If Jill Biden suspected Vidal’s background, she gave no indication.

While Joe Biden served as U.S. vice president, President Obama, employing executive order after executive order, whittled down the (so-called) Cuba embargo and opened a U.S. economic lifeline to the terror-sponsoring Castro regime to a point where the cash-flow from the U.S. to Cuba (mostly in remittances and the tourism spending Jill Biden so graciously boosted) exceeded what the Soviets used to send Cuba at the height of their Castro-sponsorship. No small “achievement.”

As a result—and in a thundering refutation of the liberal/libertarian/Castroite propaganda line that an avalanche of U.S. tourists and their dollars would magically convert Cuba’s Stalinist rulers into Rotarians and their fiefdom into a Caribbean Switzerland—during this Obama/Biden-engineered deluge of U.S. dollars, Castroite repression increased both in Cuba and in their Venezuelan colony.

And speaking of Cuba’s colonies, when President Reagan was fighting tooth and nail to arm the anti-communist Nicaraguan Contras in their desperate fight against the Soviet/Cuban colonization of their homeland, Senator Joe Biden was just as desperately fighting against the anti-communist freedom-fighters.

Three different times (in 1984, 1986, 1987) Senator Joe Biden voted and lobbied against Reagan’s attempts to help the anti-communist Nicaraguan Contras, who were being helped by many Bay-of-Pigs affiliated Cuban American heroes including (Che Guevara captor) Felix Rodriguez as volunteers. Years earlier Biden had distinguished himself by voting and lobbying against helping the anti-communist South Vietnamese against their Soviet-lavished mass-murdering enemies.

“I met so many strong women in Cuba!…Cuba is full of STRONG WOMEN!” Jill Biden gushes in her Cuba tourism commercial.

She’s right. Problem is, Biden never met with any of them–or featured them in her regime-co-produced commercial. There’s absolutely no mention of the Ladies in White. Instead Biden’s version of “Cuban strong women” are the regime apparatchiks who OPPRESS and TORTURE the Ladies in White–and who spy on the U.S.

Cuban women’s prison conditions were described by former Cuban political prisoner Maritza Lugo. “The punishment cells measure 3 feet wide by 6 feet long. The toilet consisted of an 8 inch hole in the ground through which cockroaches and rats enter, especially in cool temperatures the rats come inside to seek the warmth of our bodies and we were often bitten. For week’s we’d be locked up in total darkness with a little cup of filthy water daily to drink. Nothing to wash or to flush the excrement and vermin crammed whole that passed for a toilet. Nothing to wash away the menstrual-fluid that caked to our legs. The suicide rate among women prisoners was very high.”

Indeed a study found that by 1986, Cuban women’s suicide rate reached 24 per 1,000—making it double Latin America's average, making it triple Cuba's pre-Castro rate, making Cuban women the most suicidal in the world.

How these women survived years and even decades of such horrors then “took charge of their lives” and “got their groove back,” might seem newsworthy and inspirational. Indeed their stories fairly epitomize the most popular themes of women’s chat shows. You can almost hear Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” as Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg greet these long-suffering—but somehow-surviving—Cuban ladies on stage with a standing ovation, sniffles and teary hugs.

HAH! Instead, “the national media has never shown the slightest interest in any of our stories,” shrugs Caridad Roque from Miami today. Ms. Roque was arrested by Castro’s KGB- trained police at the age of 19 and suffered 16 years of prison and torture in Cuba.

Her torturer, on the other hand, has been fawningly interviewed by feminists from Barbara Walters to Andrea Mitchell and from Maria Shriver to Oriana Fallaci. On a visit to Cuba in 2002 Feminist pioneer Carole King (also at the “Women’s March”) sang Fidel Castro a personal and heartfelt “You’ve Got a Friend.”

'Dr. Jill Biden’ Sure Flies with the U.S.-Hating, Stalinist Castro Regime
Humberto Fontova
Posted: Dec 19, 2020 12:01 AM

Finally, China Joe Biden certainly knew this:

What has gone virtually unreported, however, is the direct and instrumental role Castro played in the torture and murder of American POWs in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The story of Castro’s atrocities against American soldiers in this conflict is rarely ever told, least of all by our mainstream media.

During the Vietnam War, Castro sent a gang of his henchmen to run the “Cuban Program” at the Cu Loc POW camp in Hanoi, which became known as “the Zoo.” As Stuart Rochester and Frederick Kiley have documented in their book Honor Bound in a chapter entitled “The Zoo, 1967–1969: The Cuban Program and Other Atrocities,” one of the primary objectives of this “program” was to determine how much physical and psychological agony a human being could withstand.

Castro selected American POWs as his guinea pigs. A Cuban nicknamed “Fidel,” the main torturer at the Zoo, initiated his own personal reign of terror. He was described in documents based on POW debriefings as “a professional who was trained in psychology and prison control in Russia or Europe.”

Among Fidel’s torture techniques were beatings and whippings over every part of his victims’ bodies, without remission.

Castro’s Torture of American POWs in Vietnam
September 25, 2018
Jamie Glazov

Jill Biden was born in 1951; so I will give her the benefit of the doubt and say she did know about Castro murdering and torturing POWs in the early seventies when it was happening, but she sure as hell knew about it when she made her “tourist commercial” for Cuba’s Communists.
I should have called the Bidens killer clowns:

Tell you what, lets get away from the fantasies of the right, and talk reality:

"As courts, law enforcement, and the Trump administration continue to sort out what to do with the steady stream of migrants either crossing the southern border illegally or seeking asylum, the roots of the current misery are often forgotten. The desperate border-crossers often come from Central America’s “Northern Triangle”—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—and are fleeing high homicide rates and violence in those countries. But this instability did not arise in a vacuum. Many historians and policy experts are quick to point out that much of the troubles in Central America were created or at least helped by the US’s interference in those countries going back decades. In other words, the foreign policy of the past has profoundly shaped the present immigration crisis.

“Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,” said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona. “People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.” Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement.

Oglesby spoke to me from Guatemala, which even today is still feeling the cumulative effects of US actions from over 50 years ago. In the 1950s, Guatemala attempted to end exploitative labor practices and give land to Mayan Indians in the highlands. The move, according to now-unclassified CIA documents, threatened US interests like the United Fruit Company, which controlled a good portion of land in Guatemala. But instead of citing economic factors, many in the US cried “communism,” saying the labor reforms were a threat to democracy. Wisconsin Senator Alexander Wiley, chair of the Foreign Relations Committee at the time, said he believed that a "Communist octopus" had used its tentacles to control events in Guatemala. In 1954, the CIA helped organize a military coup to overthrow Guatemala’s democratically elected government, and continued to train the Guatemalan military well into the 70s."
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And once trump is out of office she will be one again. Just now she will be a rich one if she can prevent the kids from getting whatever trump leaves behind. Then too, she is reportedly worth some 150 million of her own.

Everything about Trump is horrible. Historians have it easy. Everything Trump does is bad for America.
Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated;


Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry;

No surprise here:

POTUS Donald Trump is not pleased that his wife and first lady Melania Trump was never put on the cover of any magazine during her time at the White House. Former First Lady Michelle Obama, 56, on the other hand, graced the covers of 12 magazines during her tenure. Melania, 50, has not been seen on any covers while her husband Trump has been president.

Trump slams 'elitist snobs in fashion press' for not putting Melania on a single magazine cover as first lady
By Ishani Ghose
Published on : 03:19 PST, Dec 26, 2020

Compare this photo of Melania:

to this photo of Michelle:
This country had 45 first ladies. Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated; Hillary Clinton was the cruelest and the biggest liar; Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry; Edith Wilson was the biggest opportunist; Eleanor Roosevelt was the homeliest and the first known lesbian; Mary Todd Lincoln was the wackiest, but there never was a first lady who was a clown. Jill Biden will be the first one should Senile Joe steal the election:

President Biden is bad enough
but the image of two clowns in the White House hitting each with rubber chickens boggles the mind.

Even worse, the combined IQs of the Bidens amounts to three and a half:


Jill Biden Is Not A Doctor, Probably Isn’t A Good Person Either
Derek Hunter
|Posted: Dec 14, 2020 12:01 AM

This country had 45 first ladies. Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated; Hillary Clinton was the cruelest and the biggest liar; Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry; Edith Wilson was the biggest opportunist; Eleanor Roosevelt was the homeliest and the first known lesbian; Mary Todd Lincoln was the wackiest, but there never was a first lady who was a clown. Jill Biden will be the first one should Senile Joe steal the election:

President Biden is bad enough
but the image of two clowns in the White House hitting each with rubber chickens boggles the mind.

Even worse, the combined IQs of the Bidens amounts to three and a half:


Jill Biden Is Not A Doctor, Probably Isn’t A Good Person Either
Derek Hunter
|Posted: Dec 14, 2020 12:01 AM

If you consider making porn glamorous; that's your business.
This country had 45 first ladies. Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated; Hillary Clinton was the cruelest and the biggest liar; Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry; Edith Wilson was the biggest opportunist; Eleanor Roosevelt was the homeliest and the first known lesbian; Mary Todd Lincoln was the wackiest, but there never was a first lady who was a clown. Jill Biden will be the first one should Senile Joe steal the election:

President Biden is bad enough
but the image of two clowns in the White House hitting each with rubber chickens boggles the mind.

Even worse, the combined IQs of the Bidens amounts to three and a half:


Jill Biden Is Not A Doctor, Probably Isn’t A Good Person Either
Derek Hunter
|Posted: Dec 14, 2020 12:01 AM

Trump LOST the election.

Get over it.

Stop crying. You are fucking up your keyboard.
This country had 45 first ladies. Melania Trump is the most glamorous and sophisticated; Hillary Clinton was the cruelest and the biggest liar; Michelle Obama was the most anti-America and the most angry; Edith Wilson was the biggest opportunist; Eleanor Roosevelt was the homeliest and the first known lesbian; Mary Todd Lincoln was the wackiest, but there never was a first lady who was a clown. Jill Biden will be the first one should Senile Joe steal the election:

President Biden is bad enough
but the image of two clowns in the White House hitting each with rubber chickens boggles the mind.

Even worse, the combined IQs of the Bidens amounts to three and a half:


Jill Biden Is Not A Doctor, Probably Isn’t A Good Person Either
Derek Hunter
|Posted: Dec 14, 2020 12:01 AM

you and your family put together have a lower IQ than Jill Biden. melania can barely talk, and is at best, a golddigger willing to touch a pear shaped pig like trump in order to get his dough, become an american and bring her family here, too. Melania might not go down in history, but she will go down on the other nude females in her photo shoots, ALLEGEDLY.

hillary clinton soars above punk ass bitches like you like an eagle soars over a bunch of maggots feasting on a dead rat in the sewer.
These are pages from a "children's" book Jill Biden wrote titled "Joey." It is a semi-fictional paean to Joke Biden's life...






I will say it's a bit better than the slathering nonsense and sycophantic groveling this "children's book" on the Hildabeast is.


Still, Ms. Biden's book is a bit odd. It's not written in wording and structure that would be associated with a children's book but rather a more adult sophisticated style. So, what age group is it aimed at? Teens would find it childish while children would find it hard to follow. Maybe it's just aimed at Democrat voters who can't figure out how to fill out a ballot...
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