The First Purge.....

I had never heard of 'the first purge' and have no idea what lib'ruls are, unless that is some sort of spelling that means something special to PPM as postmodernism is rather interpretive.

But I looked it up and while it is obviously food or is that fodder for the TV masses, the quote below is true of America today and in its past. If you doubt read:

"The first film used the premise as background to an otherwise unremarkable home invasion thriller, but the subsequent films all deliberately, explicitly illuminate the basic reality that American society values poor people — and poor people of color specifically — less than anyone else."

I wonder if Paul Ryan and other republicans are advisors for such a film as they want to eliminate the New Deal and help for the working poor and those in need of healthcare etc. Consider that many will die if the ACA is destroyed. So while farfetched, republicans love hurting needy Americans, serves the poor right for being poor.

"The white poor have been with us in various guises, as the names they have been given across centuries attest: Waste people. Offscourings. Lubbers. Bogtrotters. Rascals. Rubbish. Squatters. Crackers. Clay-eaters. Tackies. Mudsills. Scalawags. Briar hoppers. Hillbillies. Low-downers. White nig-gers. Degenerates. White trash. Rednecks. Trailer trash. Swamp people." see book above

"The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together." Hannah Arendt
how many of the board lib'ruls believe The First Purge is a documentary?.......

Here's a purge fer ya:

Facebook labels declaration of independence as 'hate speech'
The website told a local newspaper they violated its community guidelines by posting the original document

"Merciless Indian savages", Tommy Jefferson.
Your declaration of independence.

An now silicon valley billionaires will decide for you what you can see or not on line.
I had never heard of 'the first purge' and have no idea what lib'ruls are, unless that is some sort of spelling that means something special to PPM as postmodernism is rather interpretive.

But I looked it up and while it is obviously food or is that fodder for the TV masses, the quote below is true of America today and in its past. If you doubt read:

"The first film used the premise as background to an otherwise unremarkable home invasion thriller, but the subsequent films all deliberately, explicitly illuminate the basic reality that American society values poor people — and poor people of color specifically — less than anyone else."

I wonder if Paul Ryan and other republicans are advisors for such a film as they want to eliminate the New Deal and help for the working poor and those in need of healthcare etc. Consider that many will die if the ACA is destroyed. So while farfetched, republicans love hurting needy Americans, serves the poor right for being poor.

"The white poor have been with us in various guises, as the names they have been given across centuries attest: Waste people. Offscourings. Lubbers. Bogtrotters. Rascals. Rubbish. Squatters. Crackers. Clay-eaters. Tackies. Mudsills. Scalawags. Briar hoppers. Hillbillies. Low-downers. White nig-gers. Degenerates. White trash. Rednecks. Trailer trash. Swamp people." see book above

"The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together." Hannah Arendt

Oh brother. Democrats have had almost 60 years legislating policy to “help the poor”. All your party has managed to do is drive our economy into massive entitlement programs. Programs that have created generational dependence, encourages single parent households, provides a steady stream of unearned income for people who invest in low level drug dealing.

Safety nets should be a be a temporary aid in dire circumstances- not a way of life.
Here's a purge fer ya:

Facebook labels declaration of independence as 'hate speech'
The website told a local newspaper they violated its community guidelines by posting the original document

"Merciless Indian savages", Tommy Jefferson.
Your declaration of independence.

An now silicon valley billionaires will decide for you what you can see or not on line.

LOL of course "Indian savages" triggered the algorithm. They probably just went in and put in a further context search to make sure it wasn't a historical document like the declaration of independence, there, done. Stop getting your panties in a twist.
Here's a purge fer ya:

Facebook labels declaration of independence as 'hate speech'
The website told a local newspaper they violated its community guidelines by posting the original document

"Merciless Indian savages", Tommy Jefferson.
Your declaration of independence.

An now silicon valley billionaires will decide for you what you can see or not on line.

Are you also aware that FB recanted and apologized.