APP - The folly of reducing magazine capacity

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
As the leftists in the United States try to exploit yet another shooting, we will hear more calls for "common sense gun control". One of the scams the leftists try to perpetrate is that we need to limit the capacity of magazines. The video below shows what a silly notion that really is and that its ultimate goal is not to save lives, but to try to incrementally erode our 2nd Amendment rights

The relevant portion begins at 3:01 if you don't want to sit through the beginning portion

As you will see, a magazine change takes almost 2 seconds. It takes on average 6-10 minutes for the po po to arrive on scene. So anyone who thinks that a magazine change will allow time for someone to attack the shooter is deluded.

If leftists want to discuss guns, they should really learn more about them first.
Here is another video essentially showing the same thing

The bottom line is that magazine restrictions will do nothing to save lives. Don't let leftists lie to you. They are not interested in "common sense gun restrictions". They are interested in only one thing and that is an out and out ban on all guns in the United States. They have to use words like "common sense gun restrictions" because they know they can't do it in one fell swoop so they are taking the incrementalist approach.
I think your making a flawed assumption in that you think people who propose these regulations are genuine in their attempts to help people, rather than simply trying to move the Overton window towards a general prohibition of arms.
I think your making a flawed assumption in that you think people who propose these regulations are genuine in their attempts to help people, rather than simply trying to move the Overton window towards a general prohibition of arms.

I make no such flawed assumption at all. I say so in my OP where I state categorically that

"....its ultimate goal is not to save lives, but to try to incrementally erode our 2nd Amendment rights"