APP - The Fox News' stance.


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I'll give you my perspective of that from a Canadian's POV.

Fox News being pro-Russia is stating it as an accusation and that's a wrong approach. In actual fact, it's more like a rational approach by Fox News against the overblown position of the US left which is driven by the Democrats.

The Democratic party won't soften their stance on Russia because they are using it to bring down Trump. That's very dangerous for America and the right can see that. Fox News takes a logical position on it, but perhaps for the wrong reasons. If it's to save Trump then that's a wrong reason. If it's a rational approach that's meant to stop irreparable damage between the US and Russia, that could lead to a hot war, then they're right on target.

I hope some people are able to rise above the domestic politics in order to appreciate the impending danger in the demonizing of Russia/Putin for domestic political gain?
Hello montgomery,

I'll give you my perspective of that from a Canadian's POV.

Fox News being pro-Russia is stating it as an accusation and that's a wrong approach. In actual fact, it's more like a rational approach by Fox News against the overblown position of the US left which is driven by the Democrats.

The Democratic party won't soften their stance on Russia because they are using it to bring down Trump. That's very dangerous for America and the right can see that. Fox News takes a logical position on it, but perhaps for the wrong reasons. If it's to save Trump then that's a wrong reason. If it's a rational approach that's meant to stop irreparable damage between the US and Russia, that could lead to a hot war, then they're right on target.

I hope some people are able to rise above the domestic politics in order to appreciate the impending danger in the demonizing of Russia/Putin for domestic political gain?

Russia is not our friend. Russia is run by a dirty KGB guy who makes people disappear. And he tweaked up the rules just so he could be re-elected. He's a liar and a cheat and a dirty player who offs people. Everything is corrupt in Russia. The only people with big money in Russia all got it through dirty money and pay-offs. There is no such thing as clean big money in Russia.

It is in Putin's better interest to have Trump as US President. That way, when Russia's economy delivers nothing but disappointment for most, it looks better if the USA doesn't appear a whole lot better.
Hello montgomery,

Russia is not our friend. Russia is run by a dirty KGB guy who makes people disappear. And he tweaked up the rules just so he could be re-elected. He's a liar and a cheat and a dirty player who offs people. Everything is corrupt in Russia. The only people with big money in Russia all got it through dirty money and pay-offs. There is no such thing as clean big money in Russia.

It is in Putin's better interest to have Trump as US President. That way, when Russia's economy delivers nothing but disappointment for most, it looks better if the USA doesn't appear a whole lot better.

I don't agree with anything you have said in that post but I understand how a majority of Americans have been coerced into feeling that way.
Hello montgomery,

I don't agree with anything you have said in that post but I understand how a majority of Americans have been coerced into feeling that way.

You don't think everything big in Russia is a pay-off or bribe?

You think Putin is a sincerely good guy?
Hello montgomery,

You don't think everything big in Russia is a pay-off or bribe?

You think Putin is a sincerely good guy?

I think you're talking about Russia's internal business, which is distinct from any business to do with the US. But also fwiw, what you're suggesting is exaggereated rhetoric with little basis in fact. It's what you're supposed to say in my opinion, as all Americans are supposed to be saying.

Here's a video from RTnews that will pretty much convey what all the 'Meddling Madness' is all about. It should be very pleasing for the Trump supporters!

To explain my position in a few words: Trump needs to be taken down but using Russia to take him down is misguided and very dangerous. The American people have been stirred up so much by this Russia hate business now, that they completely tuned up for another war, as long as it's in a country where Russia has stakes.
RT is nothing but Putin's mouthpiece. People at RT do what they are told unless they want to spend the rest of their lives in Siberia.
RT is nothing but Putin's mouthpiece. People at RT do what they are told unless they want to spend the rest of their lives in Siberia.

RT is the voice of the state and is going to spin as much news as possible in Russia's favour. People at RT do what they are told in the same way that people on the US media outlets do the same. That's an issue for debate of course but it's really avoiding the more important issue.

Sadly, the American people has been brought along to regard Russia as a threat to the US in the very same way the Soviet Union was a threat. Or, at least in truth, was a threat to US expansion of it's sphere of influence in the world. And again, I refer back to nearly 40 US wars of aggression since WW2 alone!

But let's stay with Russia for now. When the Soviet Union fell, the US immediately stepped up it's aggression with the Iraq war. I contend that protecting Kuwait was a ruse and I'll explain why with an abundance of evidence. Are you prepared to hear that evidence?

I'm firmly contending that the only threat Russia is to the US is in the fact that Russia is standing strong in the ME, and elsewhere, to stop US expansion of it's influence. Syria stands as a successful peace brought about by Russia, in the face of US plans. And Iran has become of strategic importance to both Russia and China and therein lies the reason for US demonization of Russia in that part of the world.

The aggression party is over now for the US. The window of opportunity that opened when the Soviet Union fell, has now been slammed shut.
RT is the voice of the state and is going to spin as much news as possible in Russia's favour. People at RT do what they are told in the same way that people on the US media outlets do the same. That's an issue for debate of course but it's really avoiding the more important issue.

Sadly, the American people has been brought along to regard Russia as a threat to the US in the very same way the Soviet Union was a threat. Or, at least in truth, was a threat to US expansion of it's sphere of influence in the world. And again, I refer back to nearly 40 US wars of aggression since WW2 alone!

But let's stay with Russia for now. When the Soviet Union fell, the US immediately stepped up it's aggression with the Iraq war. I contend that protecting Kuwait was a ruse and I'll explain why with an abundance of evidence. Are you prepared to hear that evidence?

I'm firmly contending that the only threat Russia is to the US is in the fact that Russia is standing strong in the ME, and elsewhere, to stop US expansion of it's influence. Syria stands as a successful peace brought about by Russia, in the face of US plans. And Iran has become of strategic importance to both Russia and China and therein lies the reason for US demonization of Russia in that part of the world.

The aggression party is over now for the US. The window of opportunity that opened when the Soviet Union fell, has now been slammed shut.

I think I have a realistic view of Russia. Corrupt from the top down. They used social media propaganda and fake news to destroy Ukraine and start that war. Then they turned their focus on disrupting the US election which resulted in a neophyte US President. The US certainly engages in plenty of strong-arm operations all over the world but only seems interested in protecting the interests of rich capitalists, rather than expanding the size of the US.
I think I have a realistic view of Russia. Corrupt from the top down. They used social media propaganda and fake news to destroy Ukraine and start that war. Then they turned their focus on disrupting the US election which resulted in a neophyte US President. The US certainly engages in plenty of strong-arm operations all over the world but only seems interested in protecting the interests of rich capitalists, rather than expanding the size of the US.

It seems that you're not aware of just how the Ukraine trouble started? In brief, an elected Ukraine government was overthrown with US illegal support. Of the 40 wars of aggression started by the US and Russia since WW2, the one that Russia was responsible for, the annexation of the Crimea, was done peacefully and in accord with the people's wishes.
Hello montgomery,

It seems that you're not aware of just how the Ukraine trouble started? In brief, an elected Ukraine government was overthrown with US illegal support. Of the 40 wars of aggression started by the US and Russia since WW2, the one that Russia was responsible for, the annexation of the Crimea, was done peacefully and in accord with the people's wishes.

Putin stole it.