The Fraudulent American Election System. The Founders Have Turned In Their Graves


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How many rich famous men have pussy throwing itself at them? Why? Because the pussy wants something and they think they can get it with their pussy. If they don't, then there's always the shout of "SEXUAL PREDATOR!"

What fools believe that most rich famous men DON'T take advantage of the pussy flaunting?

It takes two to Tango! The women accusing Trump are most likely pussy flaunters and it's not hard to believe he took advantage of it. The problem for the pussy flaunting women is they have no proof. It's She says/he says. If it were actually truthful sexual crime, how come they didn't come forward at the time of the crime? If it's political payback for them failing at getting what they wanted with their pussy, then they're the fucking scumbags.

Idiot Trump on the other hand has taken the bait. The neo-commie Democrats and their allied national media have the moron Donald by the balls! He can't stop talking about the sexual accusations. He's helping the enemy by providing them bullets for the gun they propagated to to finish his stupid ass off. And just think, there are still morons out there that think the asshole is smart enough to be President.

Of course then there's The Beastly Bitch Of Benghazi to consider. The felonious, incompetent, lying bitch belongs in jail and will become the most hated and most corrupt person to ever sit in the Oral Office, put there by the moron Trump and the brain-dead army of blacks, latinos, idiot women and other moron Democrats.

Idiots will hold their breath and vote for the lesser of humongous evils and incompetent morons while Gary Johnson spent all of his money getting on every ballot in every State and offering the voters in the duopoly’s rigged election an a candidate never shown to be dishonest and a man that promises to actually govern from the Presidency in accordence with the Constitution. Heaven forbid that America’s idiot voters should take that option, huh?

Of course none of it all really matters because voting in rigged duopoly elections is an exercise in stupidity. The duoply dictatorship shall prevail until the revolution and the watering of the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
How many rich famous men have pussy throwing itself at them? Why? Because the pussy wants something and they think they can get it with their pussy. If they don't, then there's always the shout of "SEXUAL PREDATOR!"

What fools believe that most rich famous men DON'T take advantage of the pussy flaunting?


Your virginity (probably) isn't permanent.