The French are brilliant advertisers for AIDS awareness (don't open at work)



French aids awareness poster.
Watermark, you're obviously a knuckledragging redneck if the meaning of the posters eludes you. You have to be able to recognize the subtle nuance.
I'm ok as i've never had full sex with a massive scorpion and i'm 80% sure that my last girlfriend hadn't been pleasured by a giant spider.

Stay safe people - don't mess with arachnids.
First of all, these ads are like a year old...Watermark will be posting videos of fat kids singing Romanian pop tunes next if he keeps it up.

Secondly, these are very effective advertisements. Because Western Europe will actually engage the issue of HIV/AIDS instead of trying to push abstinence and continually ignoring the pressing need for safe-sex education (like in the US), Western Europe's percentage of people with AIDS has dropped to numbers that haven't been seen since the initial outbreak. That means that the percentage of Western Europeans with HIV is now lower than the percentage of Americans with HIV.

EDIT: And to all of you calling it worthless, you obviously miss the point.
First of all, these ads are like a year old...Watermark will be posting videos of fat kids singing Romanian pop tunes next if he keeps it up.

Secondly, these are very effective advertisements. Because Western Europe will actually engage the issue of HIV/AIDS instead of trying to push abstinence and continually ignoring the pressing need for safe-sex education (like in the US), Western Europe's percentage of people with AIDS has dropped to numbers that haven't been seen since the initial outbreak. That means that the percentage of Western Europeans with HIV is now lower than the percentage of Americans with HIV.

EDIT: And to all of you calling it worthless, you obviously miss the point.

First of all, why the fuck do you go croozing for the newest AIDS ads? I searched for "French" in google images and this was the first thing that came up so :321:

Second, this is horrifying, not matter what purpose it has accomplished. Europeans are goddamn weird.
First of all, why the fuck do you go croozing for the newest AIDS ads? I searched for "French" in google images and this was the first thing that came up so :321:
I don't go cruising for them, I just happen to be aware of that particular awareness campaign (no pun intended, even though that isn't exactly a pun).

Second, this is horrifying, not matter what purpose it has accomplished. Europeans are goddamn weird.
The chick seems to be enjoying it.

LOL That would be it. Thought I'd be a bit more discreet than you and just post the link. On a more important note, I would totally do that hottie up the ass too (Gollum's decision making skills are not entirely bad it seems). She also has a nice mouth, as you can see.