The Fuffoon forgets what country he in

btw: I totally boned out on the thread title: Buffoon, not "fuffoon", or whatever the hell stupid typo I made. :rolleyes:
Syndey, Australia, Sept. 7:

President Bush's trademark struggles with the finer points of public speaking were on full display Friday, when he thanked his "Austrian" hosts for inviting him to this year's "OPEC" summit

He didn't thank his "Austrian" hosts he referred to Australian troops as "Austrian Troops".

Just for Darla, I'm telling you he saw some of those Sydney blonds and wasn't able to think correctly.

Umm many of us would not consider Boosh to be fully human...
And most apparently consider him not to be fit to be president.

and you are so perfect and all...Billy Bob made quite a few dress et al...and of course not to forget Al Gores statement he invented the internet...the list is long and hard on both sides of the aisle...give it a rest already!:cof1:
Umm BB I am not aware of any other politicians that have made so many gaffes or as often as boosh has.
I think he holds the record for any elected official.

Umm BB I am not aware of any other politicians that have made so many gaffes or as often as boosh has.
I think he holds the record for any elected official.

You my friend are living in a 'Bubble' all :rolleyes: politicals make the same errors...just depends on the person who is against or for a certain person...