APP - The Future of American Politics.


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The Dems' best chance, and the only hope for the country is an anti-establishment candidate to run against the Republican. Trump won't be running.

Bernie represented the new hope Americans were starting to catch onto. Trump hijacked the anti-establishment message and the Dems hijacked Bernie in favour of the best possibility who could lose to Trump. Breaking the establishment hold on the American people is the main issue. The Dem party is the only major party that could do it but it would have to be a radically reformed party and they may not be ready for that yet. My hunch, from an outsider's POV, which is clearer than Americans' biased P'sOV is that the time may have come for a third party challenge. The problem with Americans not being able to look ahead will be quickly solved when Mueller and the FBI take down Trump.

A huge portion of Republican supporters are ready for the anti-establishment candidate. It's what they were supporting with Trump but got so badly doublecrossed with Trump's lies. It was a very close call with disaster for the R party until they found that Trump could be brought onside enough to represent them and their agenda of promoting the wealthy while throwing the people to the dogs.

Trump's failure is him acting like a bull in a China shop in dealing with foreign trade. He's not nuanced and careful enough to deal with the very sophisticated methods of china and other trading partners, and do his methods are failing at an alarming rate. But he also does nothing good for the ordinary people who make up his base.

To all comers: Where will the Republican party head after Trump? Where will the Democrats head? Can the people triumph over the establishment with either party to break out of the death hold US greedy capitalism has on them?

Breaking free of the establishment is the only way that America is going to have a chance to come back to the pace of the rest of the world's capitalist countries.

(This topic is not intended to be kept strictly on topic) (Ideas on the general topic of American politics of the future are welcome)