The Geneva Convention....


Staff member
Should have a portion in it that defines the IRS's hold music as a Weapon of Mass Torture.

There is nothing more painful than when you have to call their line and hold... It makes you want to commit painful seppuku!
It just goes to show you that even the Geneva Convention folks don't want to mess with the IRS.
At least give me a choice in music. I don't want to listen to Carousel music when I'm on hold....

I hate it the most when they use it as time to up sell me.

I hate being forced to listen to a pitch just so I can tell when they are willing to talk to me.

I just know they are instructed NOT to answer until I hear the full sell.
I hate it the most when they use it as time to up sell me.

I hate being forced to listen to a pitch just so I can tell when they are willing to talk to me.

I just know they are instructed NOT to answer until I hear the full sell.
It is far more likely that your call is not placed in the queue before you hear the pitch.

Calls come unbidden when you work at a call center.