The Google Kerfuffle Conspiracy


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Yesterday NBC News, the employer of Brian Williams and former employer of Matt Lauer, Mark Halperin, and Chris Matthews, revealed that it has an obscure self-described “verification unit” that appointed itself to police American political discourse, and initially reported that Zero Hedge and the Federalist had been banned from generating revenue through widely used Google Ads, deeming their content to be racist. The report characterized those sites as “far-right,” even though the Federalist publishes a variety of right-of-center viewpoints and Zero Hedge is an idiosyncratic libertarian-leaning financial and market news site.

NBC Appoints Itself Internet-Speech Arbiter
By Jim Geraghty
June 17, 2020 9:39 AM

NBC is not the only one:

Basically, government liars had to do something about freedom of speech on social media. It served no purpose to blackout stories the public has no business learning about when social media craps on television’s wall of silence. It is social media that forced MSM liars to find a way to continue reaping the benefits lying by omission always provided. Single Topic News is a conspiracy media liars are engaging in to solve their problem.

The Internet is television’s nemesis.

B.T. (Before Television) print press controlled everything the public heard about the federal government. Print press began losing control of public discourse on the day a television set appeared in every home. Social media is doing the same thing to television’s control —— as well as threatening T.V. with the loss of billions of tax deductible advertising dollars. (Print press never came close to billions every year.)

NOTE: Tucker Carlson standing up for Social Media in the lion’s den deserves a lot of credit, while the man he replaced on the coveted 8:00 pm time slot, Bill O’Reilly, repeatedly blamed the Internet for all of society’s ills. That should tell you everything you have to know about O’Reilly. In short: O’Reilly topped himself since television did more harm to this country from within than all of its enemies can do if they ever find a way to attack freedom of speech militarily.

Issues evolve. Opinions change. Loyalty to one’s income is changeless.

Google stepping on the old school tie prompted Carlson to defend his income and television’s revenues. His monologue on the 16[SUP]th[/SUP] was pure doublespeak blaming social media platforms for committing a sin more painful than the death of a thousand cuts:


Regardless of which institution practices censorship, I oppose censorship of every kind. In simple terms, I distrust Big Tech, but I distrust people like Republican Senator Josh Hawley a lot more than I distrust Google. Why? you may ask. Answer: Because Hawley’s game is working toward television regaining complete control of public discourse.


While Hawley goes toe to toe against a giant with more money than the federal government, he comes across as an unswerving defender of the First Amendment. Hawley’s horseshit works wonders with conservative voters at reelection time.

In the interest of full disclosure, I admit Coogle became my search engine after AOL began charging a fee. (AOL does not charge for its email service.)

I use Google for research to prop up my fading memory. I know nothing else about Google. So I do not know how serious the Google kerfuffle is since censorship began in earnest with the invention of the printing press.

The written word was not the beginning of censorship. Ruling classes censored the spoken word thousands of years before the printing press came along. Indeed, politically INCORRECT speech is nothing more than censorship enforced by the first government and every government that followed the first one. (I dare you to name one institution that does not engage in censorship to some degree.)

You might say that Grand Inquisitor Torquemada censored heretics for uttering incorrect speech is not much different than the censorship Communist and Muslim theologies employ today.

NOTE: Television has always been an instrument of government propaganda. It does not take a political genius to see that reining in the Internet strengthens the government’s control over free Americans. Also note that Republicans worked hand in glove with Democrats from day one of the LBJ years. Between establishment Republican and freedom-hating Democrats they created a welfare state and a burgeoning Parasite Class.

I do know that television’s decision makers are searching for a villain worse than television. Their search is an exercise in futility. Combine every enemy of free speech, and you will see that the harm they do collectively amounts to .0001 percent of the harm television does every day.

p.s If the topic of censorship interests you see this thread for more of my observations about censorship:

Russian readers had a long love affair with censorship. Stalin censored every novel except Jack London’s The Iron Heel. That was the only novel by an American author that Stalin allowed in Communist libraries. Among Old Joe’s other records he still holds the record for the most novels censored, and look what happened to the Soviet Union.

Censorship bit Soviet Communists on the ass when they locked up dissident authors. Years later the Kremlin admitted they would have let their dissidents emigrate to the West a lot sooner had they known that nobody in America cared what dissidents said.!&p=2873962#post2873962

The Internet is television’s nemesis.

A MUST READ article exposing the Parasite Class’ devious strategy:

The media is dying. Its business model is defunct. Its bias has alienated most of the country. In the latest Pew survey, the only group that still trusts the media are Democrats.

And while so many millions are out of work, Democrats are bailing out the media.

The wave of consolidations and bankruptcies is sweeping like a fire through major papers. Cable news will be a casualty of demographics and the end of bundling. The end of network television is less than a decade away. Brand names like CNN and MSNBC will soon be where Time, Newsweek, and other news magazines ended up once subscriptions collapsed.

The media is dying, but it’s not about to die gracefully. It just needs to find money. Lots of it.

Big Tech billionaires have bought classic newspapers and magazines

Big Tech billionaires have bought classic newspapers and magazines like Time, The Washington Post, and The New Republic, but those are vanity projects and even Jeff Bezos doesn’t have enough money to subsidize the entire ossified infrastructure of the media.

But the only people who have more money than the Amazon CEO are the American people.

The media’s Plan A has been sponging off Big Tech companies like Google and Facebook, pressuring them to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into its operations. Its Plan B is blurring the line between lefty activist non-profits and its newsrooms with organizations like Report for America being funded by Facebook and Google to embed activists into local newspapers.

Is that going to pay the media’s bills? No. That’s why there’s Plan C. And Plan C is you.

H.R. 7640: The Local Journalism Sustainability Act was introduced in Congress, backed by a coalition that includes Report for America and the National Newspaper Association, and would offer tax credits for newspaper subscriptions and tax credits for paying the salaries of the radical activists working there. There’s also a $5,000 tax credit for advertising in newspapers.

At a time when millions of Americans are out of work, when families are faced with losing their homes and businesses, Democrats have decided that they should aggressively subsidize a dying industry at the expense of everyone else whose jobs are seen as “non-essential”.

The Local Journalism Sustainability Act

The countless stores, gyms, bars, salons, and other small businesses going out of business in the epidemic of Democrat lockdowns and lootings could use this kind of bailout. But the Democrats insist that their media messaging operations are vital and should be subsidized.

While Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, who introduced the bill, claims that it will fund “local newspapers”, those local newspapers are largely owned by national operations and hedge funds. While actual local businesses go out of business, Democrats are proposing a bailout for media investors.

Rep. Kirkpatrick’s press release touts support from from the News Media Alliance whose board is stacked with the heads of McClatchy and USA Today, huge national chains with a combined thousands of papers, not to mention the CFO of the New York Times, and a VP at the Washington Post. Are these the local small businesses Democrats want to subsidize?

The Local Journalism Sustainability Act has over 40 Democrat sponsors and nearly 20 Republican sponsors. Democrat sponsors include some of the House’s most extreme figures like Rep. Ted Lieu, Rep. Raul Grijalva, Rep. Eric Swalwell, and Rep. Andre Carson.

H.R. 7640 would be an outrage at any time, it’s a particular outrage when so many Americans are out of work and so many small businesses are going under that Democrats and some Republicans want to provide a $250 tax credit for newspaper subscriptions, a tax credit covering half of $50,000 salaries for media hacks, and $5,000 credits for advertising in newspapers.

There’s nothing local about this bailout—It’s sleazy, it’s slimy, and it’s just the beginning

Companies that own dozens, hundreds, and thousands of papers are lobbying Congress.

They keep claiming that the bill will help save “local journalism”. But how does the Local Journalism Sustainability Act define local journalism? Not based on the paper, but the readers. As long as 51% of the paper’s readers live in the same state, it’s considered a local paper. Even if the paper is a subsidiary of a national chain whose real headquarters is in New York or D.C.

Or alternatively, they live within 200 miles of each other. Depending on how you measure, Washington Post readers in New York and New York Times readers in D.C. would be “local”.

That’s some “local” journalism. And it’s no accident that it was written this way.

There’s nothing local about this bailout. It will mostly go to subsidize the huge newspaper chains that are lobbying for it, while bribing businesses and readers to fund their failed business model.

Even while Democrats are destroying businesses with viable business models, they’re trying to keep the media alive by exclusively offering tax credits for their political allies.

It’s sleazy, it’s slimy, and it’s just the beginning.

Local Journalism Sustainability Act allow the media to ease into the transition by having it both ways, maintaining corporate ownership, while having their operations subsidized by tax credits

Democrat organizations like Acronym’s Courier Newsroom have been setting up fake local papers while Report for America has been hollowing out papers by embedding radical activists into newsrooms. The Local Journalism Sustainability Act is testing the business model for converting the media into a bunch of political non-profits backed by taxpayers and lefty donors.

Beyond media associations, backing for the Local Journalism Sustainability Act comes from Report for America, and the American Journalism Project, which is advocating the transformation of the media to a non-profit model. Report for America is an initiative of the GroundTruth Project which is backed by the Knight Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. The Ford Foundation is a leading backer of Black Lives Matter.

While these donors already back a network of radical messaging operations, proposals like the Local Journalism Sustainability Act allow the media to ease into the transition by having it both ways, maintaining corporate ownership, while having their operations subsidized by tax credits.

As the Left sets up new complex interplays between corporate media and its non-profits, the line between journalism and political advocacy blurs into a strange twilight zone in which non-profits subsidize media operations and taxpayers subsidize corporate chains as if they were non-profits, while creating something that looks very much like a state media operation.

The internet has been slowly digesting the separate parts of the media, and it doesn’t pay the bills. The ads and subscriptions that funded local newspapers were wiped out by the internet. Streaming dooms cable channels and local news, leaving behind a lot of online video. But even digital media is being crushed by social media. Vox, Vice, the Huffington Post, and all the digital lefty outlets were hit with layoffs after facing the impossibility of actually turning a profit.

Democrats Want You To Pay The Media's Bills
By Daniel Greenfield
October 8, 2020