The GOP is embracing Christian nationalism

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The evidence is piling up that former President Trump, the leading candidate for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, is also the leader of a white, Christian nationalist movement.

Last week, he actively packaged anti-Semitism for Republicans.

America’s “wonderful [Christian] Evangelicals are far more appreciative,” of him than “the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S.,” he wrote on social media, before going on to praise Israeli Jews.

Trump also spoke to Kanye West last week and the two planned to go to dinner, according to a report from Politico, which cited “a person familiar with the call.”

West, who now refers to himself as ‘Ye,’ recently threatened to go “death con 3 on Jewish people.”

Trump’s anger at Jewish voters appears related to his 2017 order for the U.S. embassy in Israel to be moved to Jerusalem — and what he sees as insufficient gratitude in return.

He boasted that “No President has done more for Israel than I have.” Now he holds a grudge that most Jewish voters remain loyal Democrats.

Of course, American Jews and others living in the U.S. might notice that one segment of Christian evangelical support for Israel is based not on some reverence for Judaism itself, but on the idea that Christ will return to life in Israel and usher in the end times.
In a 2017 study, more than 50 percent of American evangelicals said that they supported Israel partly on the basis that the country was “important for fulfilling biblical prophecy.”

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R- Colo.) is also promoting a Trumpian mix of the political and the evangelical. Boebert last week told a GOP dinner in Tennessee that “many of us in this room believe that we are in the last of the last days…you get to be a part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is similarly stirring evangelical passions. In February, he declared it was time for his political backers to “put on the full armor of God. Stand firm against the left’s schemes.”

That was part of a pattern that prompted The Miami Herald to note the disturbing “overlap between Christian nationalism – and its nostalgia for our ‘Anglo-Protestant’ past — and white supremacy.”

But Trump dares to stand behind a candidate with a history of ties to anti-Semitism.

Trump endorsed Doug Mastriano, the GOP’s gubernatorial candidate in Pennsylvania. It turns out Mastriano’s campaign paid $5000 to a notorious right-wing social media platform, Gab.

Gab’s founder, Andrew Torba, has “repeatedly made antisemitic remarks and said in one video that neither he nor Mr. Mastriano would give interviews to non-Christian journalists,”
Trump knows that many of his own supporters embrace the so-called “Great Replacement Theory.”

They see Jews engineering the replacement of white Christian voters by encouraging an influx of immigrants, specifically Black and Brown people.

Let’s not forget that while Trump was president there was a spike in racial violence, including violence against Jews.

Robert Bowers, an alleged follower of neo-Nazi and white supremacist websites, is the sole suspect for killing 11 people and wounding six at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018. His trial has been set for next year.
Is there any evidence that Trump is a Christian believer, let alone evangelical?

I think for him it's just another scam, AND some of his evangelical followers know that and don't care.

In any other anglophone country this would not arise because RW "Christian" nationalism is virtually non-existent. America is exceptional. Why? :dunno:
Its been rising in many nations

It’s been a project of Russian and Chinese programs to Destabilize democracies
I am ethnically Catholic but I practice secular humanism.

People can't help that with which life saddles them at birth,
but if they are able to maintain human intellect without devolving into sub-human mutants,
at some point they recognize the nonsense with which others might try to delude them.

Of course Trump will attempt to marshal to his side whatever useful idiots he can use to his advantage.
Christian nationalists are all too happy to be his useful idiots. It's something that they can actually do,
and that's not an easy thing for them to find.
Rubio canvasser who was beaten up has massive right wing racist ties

and you provided a link where the police said he was attacked for being a Republican by two demmycrat fascist thugs who had no clue who he was except that he was handing out flyers for DeSantis and Rubio......demmycrats are pretty sick aren't they......
Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

Christian nationalism, a belief that the United States was founded as a white, Christian nation and that there is no separation between church and state, is gaining steam on the right.

Prominent Republican politicians have made the themes critical to their message to voters in the run up to the 2022 midterm elections. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, has argued that America is a Christian nation and that the separation of church and state is a “myth.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia hard-liner, declared: “We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian Nationalists.” Amid a backlash, she doubled down and announced she would start selling “Christian Nationalist” shirts. Now Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis seems to be flirting with Christian nationalist rhetoric, as well.
The evidence is piling up that former President Trump, the leading candidate for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, is also the leader of a white, Christian nationalist movement.

Last week, he actively packaged anti-Semitism for Republicans.

America’s “wonderful [Christian] Evangelicals are far more appreciative,” of him than “the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S.,” he wrote on social media, before going on to praise Israeli Jews.

Trump also spoke to Kanye West last week and the two planned to go to dinner, according to a report from Politico, which cited “a person familiar with the call.”

West, who now refers to himself as ‘Ye,’ recently threatened to go “death con 3 on Jewish people.”

Trump’s anger at Jewish voters appears related to his 2017 order for the U.S. embassy in Israel to be moved to Jerusalem — and what he sees as insufficient gratitude in return.

He boasted that “No President has done more for Israel than I have.” Now he holds a grudge that most Jewish voters remain loyal Democrats.

Of course, American Jews and others living in the U.S. might notice that one segment of Christian evangelical support for Israel is based not on some reverence for Judaism itself, but on the idea that Christ will return to life in Israel and usher in the end times.

You realize you're going to lose in just a few days right? This buffoonery of yours would be funny if it wasn't so sad