The GOP Wouldn't Even Elect Jesus


Oh, let's see. If a person's actions and beliefs don't define him or her as a Christian, then what would? You're as dumb as dirt.

How does one disassociate one's self from historical fact. The fact that you chose to use the term "bondage", without reservation, to me, an African-American, whose ancestors were in bondage to your ancestors, reflects your insensitivity and your flippancy, which you now try to caveat as "meaning something totally different". Words mean something, even if you don't think so. Then, to excuse your ignorance and arrogancy, you accuse me of having a "racist mind". The very word you chose, invoked "racism"...but of course, you take no responsibility for what flows from your mouth or hand, by virtue of "white privilege", which dictates that a white person is always right, and never wrong; never needing to apologize or acknowledge wrong-doing, because "white makes you right". But I'm the racist. And it's my mind which continually defaults to skin color. And I identify with it, and my "sexual perversion" (according to you). And I'm sad and pathetic and you pity me. Did I get it right? Amazing. That someone could think that way, and sleep at night.

In response to:

Originally Posted by Alias

What a person..."looks, acts, and sounds like" doesn't make them a Christian.

Your skin color has nothing to do with the bondage I'm speaking of. Your racist mind continually defaults to skin color in any conversation you have. You identity with your skin color and your sexual perversion. That's very sad and pathetic. I pity you.