The Grand Old Duke of York

will pay out £12 million.

The Duke of York will pay his accuser more than £12million using money from the Queen, The Telegraph can disclose.

It was announced on Tuesday that Prince Andrew had reached an out-of-court settlement with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, meaning he will no longer face a jury trial on claims that he sexually abused and raped her on three separate occasions when she was 17.

Negotiations over the settlement are understood to have lasted for at least 10 days, with the Duke's team changing tack when the date for his deposition – which would have seen him questioned under oath by Ms Giuffre's legal team – was set for March 10.
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A source close to his team said: "It has been made clear that the public have heard enough about him and enough from him. They need to hear no more."
Age of Consent.
I guess it's always important 'where' you are when you have sex with people.

Some years ago, an Actress (middle aged) had sex with her younger co-star, he was 17. She was Italian, where Age of Consent is 14. But, the Incident took place in California, where Age of Consent is 18.
Years later, when this guy was out of work and things weren't looking up, he sued the woman for 'Rape'. It was all very Tabloid. Juicy details. Outrage. ... AND MONEY.