The Grasshopper War


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Irrespective of the green states in the map, increased resistance to marijuana in yellow and red states is also growing. I would not call “Resistance” a full-blown movement just yet, but it sure looks like a declaration of war to me.

Decriminalizing marijuana has been ongoing war since the 1950s. In 2012 Colorado and Washington State won the first major battle when they legalized recreational steam.

Parenthetically, the parasite class advocates legal marijuana across the board so it can be taxed to pay for healthcare and everything else Socialists/Communists lust after. Their position is nothing more than “Tax everything to pay for everything.” I suspect that making an honest woman out of Mary Jane is the best kept secret in AOC’s Green New Deal.

Individuals are legally entitled to make a prescribed amount of beer, wine, and whiskey for their own consumption. Not many American drinkers make their own hooch; so taxation was never a problem for tax collectors. Not so with Good Giggles. Assuming that Mary Jane gets the same personal-use exemption John Barleycorn enjoys, tens of millions of grasshoppers will grow their own.

Taxes collected on legal retail marijuana sales will be cut in half after the exemption. That puts the government on same side as distillers.

NOTE: It is not the distillation, it is the bottling that dissuades drinkers from brewing their own not to mention the number of ingredients in alcohol; whereas, marijuana has only one ingredient, nor is there extraneous expense and labor attached to growing your own.

Mother Nature is the freest labor this side of slavery because she does 99 percent of the work. Nobody knows how many grasshoppers are already into creative gardening.

Thirty or forty million grasshoppers, spread across fifty states, growing their own is more than enough to panic tax collectors. Even twenty million gardening-grasshoppers can put a serious dent in alcohol sales; more so if they supply their friends on the quiet. It is logical to assume that a few million will share Mr. Happyweed with family and friends. So long as they are not selling there is not much chance the revenooers can stop them.

Even if the government levies hefty fines on miscreants, the expense involved in catching and prosecuting every weed-whacker who shares his crop would defeat the purpose. And can you image nine or ten million grasshoppers demanding jury trials?

Now that Mary Jane is law-abiding citizen I would like to see how the courts deal with the personal-use issue? It will be a hoot listening to anti-tobacco moralists singing a different tune when they have to get behind legal steam for tax purposes?

You gotta love this one:

Progressives successfully banned smoking in public places now they have to champion smoking sunshine.

The usual debates that surrounded legalization throughout the “dry years” always avoided one very important question: When will dirty little moralists learn they cannot legislate good behavior anymore than they can legislate love? Their first attempt was in effect from 1920 to 1933.

Although there is no constitutional amendment prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, and sale of addictive drugs, the XVIII Amendment serves as a beacon shining on what not to do. Prohibition was an attempt to legislate the behavior of law-abiding citizens as opposed to prohibiting murder, theft, and so on.

The XVIII Amendment was such a disaster it stands as the only Amendment ever to be repealed, and it was repealed a mere 13 years after it was ratified. Those 13 years gave the country organized crime, and corrupt government officials on every level. The Volstead Act was enforced, although not effectively, resulting in an army of successful gangsters like Al Capone.

NOTE: Today’s Drug Cartels have been operating for so long they now use military tactics to protect their incomes. Just think what Mafia Dons would have accomplished if they had 40 or 50 years instead of 13.

Watering holes are an integral part of the culture not to mention the huge amount of money spent on barroom decorations, etc.

I do not have the breakdown on beer, wine, and hard liquor, but I am fairly certain that the hard stuff is primarily consumed by customers in taverns. A look at the beer aisle in supermarkets tells me that beer consumed at home, etc., is probably a fifty-fifty split with taverns/restaurants.

Discounting a small number of closet drinkers social intercourse is in play even if one goes to a tavern and sits alone. On the other hand, the only companionship involved in blowing steam is blowing steam. In short: Drinking is wrapped in social mores, smoking grass is not, and never will be, a group activity.

I believe that alcohol sales will be hit hard because grasshoppers do not have to do their smoking in bars. If tens of millions grow their own they will not be welcomed in “Pot Bars” anymore than tipplers can bring their own booze into drinking establishments.

I cannot see private parties in homes just to smoke a joint or two; at least not on a large scale. Smoking ganja is not a social-gathering type activity. Grasshoppers get behind a little steam whenever the mood moves them; whereas, ordinary drinkers do not pull out a hip flask and take a pull whenever and wherever they need a fix.

Follow the money

A flower pot, or a small backyard, is all that is required to grow your own. (I predict the day will come when blue ribbons will be awarded to the best marijuana plant just as one is awarded to the best rose at local flower shows.)

The price for one store-bought joint is already going through the roof. Compare that cost against a flower pot, a little water, and a quarter acre of dirt, and it is only a matter of time before “How To Grow” books will outnumber diet books on bookstore shelves.

NOTE: Save the trees was an early environmental hustle even though there are more trees now then when the Pilgrims arrived. This is the latest hustle:

CBS News August 24, 2018, 7:44 AM
People are growing marijuana illegally in national forests – and it's ravaging them

Finally, the Brits went too far:

To dig, or not to dig? That's the latest question.

Did Shakespeare Smoke Weed? Let's Dig Him Up and Find Out
By Alec Liu
Published June 23, 2011

p.s. Grasshoppers have a theme song:

Last edited:
California's legal weed profits going up in smoke
CBS News
2 days ago

California’s licensed grasshoppers are losing the war, but nothing compared to the defeat they face on the day the personal-use exemption kicks in:

Individuals are legally entitled to make a prescribed amount of beer, wine, and whiskey for their own consumption. Not many American drinkers make their own hooch; so taxation was never a problem for tax collectors. Not so with Good Giggles. Assuming that Mary Jane gets the same personal-use exemption John Barleycorn enjoys, tens of millions of grasshoppers will grow their own.

Individuals are legally entitled to make a prescribed amount of beer, wine, and whiskey for their own consumption. Not many American drinkers make their own hooch; so taxation was never a problem for tax collectors. Not so with Good Giggles. Assuming that Mary Jane gets the same personal-use exemption John Barleycorn enjoys, tens of millions of grasshoppers will grow their own.

Taxes collected on legal retail marijuana sales will be cut in half after the exemption.

This is the first tax cut the Parasite Class ever passed:

New York legalizes recreational marijuana, expunges former pot convictions
ByIvan Pereira
March 31, 2021, 12:23 PM
New York’s 13% cannabis tax may be too high, since state has ‘one of the most sophisticated’ black markets in U.S., expert says
Ciara Linnane
22 hrs ago

Amateur gardeners will not pay 13 percent or 1 percent:

Thirty or forty million grasshoppers, spread across fifty states, growing their own is more than enough to panic tax collectors. Even twenty million gardening-grasshoppers can put a serious dent in alcohol sales; more so if they supply their friends on the quiet. It is logical to assume that a few million will share Mr. Happyweed with family and friends. So long as they are not selling there is not much chance the revenooers can stop them.
here we see two outright and obvious false promises that the democrats made concerning their 'decriminalization' of marijuana...............Dems have the power to do it, but haven't even bothered to try. The revolutions base is too enraptured in their idolatry of their old white man to acknowledge this clear intention of doing absolutely nothing so that the federal government, along with many states, can continue to persecute people who aren't doing anything morally wrong.

Joe is doing an awesome job..................praise be. /SARCASM AS FUCK
Soviet Communists flocked to the environmental fraud on the day the Soviet Union imploded. In the 28 years since the ‘Implosion Heard Round the world’ —— U.N. environmental parasites made more inroads in this country’s sovereignty than the Soviet Union ever accomplished throughout its brutal 74 year life span.

All is lost for the grasshoppers when the United Nations sends in peacekeepers:

And Now the Left Targets Marijuana as an Enemy of Climate Change
Matt Vespa
Posted: Aug 12, 2021 1:45 PM