APP - The great liberal healthcare paradox


One thing has always puzzled me about the positions liberals hold when it comes to healthcare. For years they have pushed and pushed for a single payer (government monopoly) of our healthcare system arguing that it is the only way to save and extend human life.

At the same time liberals hold positions that are anathema to saving and extending human life

For example:

1) They are extremists on the abortion front. They have never met an abortion that they opposed up to and including partial birth the day before the baby is due
2) They are all about euthanasia (see Terry Schaivo)

So how to explain this blatant contradiction? Well, I believe that liberals don't really care about the health and well being of others. Liberals are inherently the most selfish people I have ever met. They convince themselves of their moral superiority and compassion by clamoring for government supported services that others should pay for (see the rich). But, you rarely see liberals give of themselves. They have a "I gave at the office" attitude.

No what liberals seek with their push toward single payer is complete control over the citizenry to pass any law they want. You see once they control payment of your healthcare then every law including gun control can be framed as "controlling healthcare costs".