"The great replacement"

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The white nationalist "great replacement" conspiracy theory was popularized by French writer Renaud Camus in his 2012 book Le Grand Remplacement. Often intermingled with a "white genocide" conspiracy theory, it proposes that a variety of factors, such as an influx of nonwhite immigrants, multiculturalism, and falling birthrates among white Europeans, will result in white populations losing their position as the dominant demographic.

And the theory is not a purely academic endeavor; it seeks to mobilize believers into action against their supposed "replacement." This mobilization manifests itself in various ways, including political activism against immigration, efforts to encourage white women to have more children to bolster demographic growth, and, in an extreme form, deadly violence against immigrants and communities of color.

Perceived White population decline indirectly related to right-wing extremism in the United States

“White population decline, aside from minority population growth, can cause some White Americans to develop a sense of existential threat, which is associated with far-right extremism.


I don't think that there's a bit of doubt that #TRE45ON knew of and played to the fears of the whites on the RW of being supplanted. Remember the Nazis marching in Charlottesville, chanting "Jews will not replace us"? "Jews" of course meant everyone not-white-male-RWers. #TRE45ON called them "some good people." All you have to do if you still have doubt is look at all the posts just on this forum from the snowflakes crying about being persecuted and discriminated against. :rolleyes:
The Hatred of 'White People' shown by Guno and TTQ just proves the point.
(I wonder how many 'White People' Guno and TTQ have scared INTO the Republican Party by their Hatred?)

I am mixed race goofus

Cool. Maybe Volsrock and TDAK are 'mixed race'. Who cares. What is important is their 'Message'. Like you ... it is Racial Hatred. Exactly the same.

Brotherhood. Fraternity. 'Dia de La Raza'. Should be The Struggle.
