The Great Trials of World History


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The Great Trials of World History and the Lessons They Teach Us

No understanding of the past is complete without an understanding of the legal battles and struggles that have done so much to shape it. Inside a survey of world history's greatest trials are the key insights to critical issues we still talk about today, including freedom of speech, the death penalty, religious freedom, and the meaning of equality.

According to Professor Douglas O. Linder, University of Missouri Law School, these are some of the most consequential trials in world history.

I personally think it is an oversight to neglect the Moscow show trials of 1936-38 because they stand as a conspicuous and sober historical testament to a the use and abuse of kangaroo courts by despots and dictators.

The Trial of Socrates
The Trial of Gaius Verresn
The Trial of Sir Thomas More
The Trial of Giordano Bruno
The Salem Witchcraft Trials
The Boston Massacre Trials
The Aaron Burr Conspiracy Trial
The Amistad Trials
The Dakota Conflict Trials
The Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy Trial
The Scopes Monkey Trial
The Nuremberg Trials
The Alger Hiss Trial
The Rivonia (Nelson Mandela) Trial
The Mississippi Burning Trial

Can think of couple I might add, Dreyfus plus Sacco-Vanzetti

Also, for conversation sake, take off the Lincoln Assassination Trial regardless of Mary Stewart, Miss Burning Trials, and the Alger Hiss trial

Plus, if the list counted Supreme Court decisions, the list would get longer, i.e., Roe v Wade, Brown v Bd of Education
Can think of couple I might add, Dreyfus plus Sacco-Vanzetti

Also, for conversation sake, take off the Lincoln Assassination Trial regardless of Mary Stewart, Miss Burning Trials, and the Alger Hiss trial

Plus, if the list counted Supreme Court decisions, the list would get longer, i.e., Roe v Wade, Brown v Bd of Education

Eminently reasonable choices.

Yes, lots of SCOTUS trials...with national to whether or not they have significance from the perspective of world history, I leave it to others to decide.