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Liberals discount reality so much that perhaps it needs saying: our first and most vital interest is to prevent an attack on America itself. Some of our nation's darkest moments have resulted from foreign attacks, from Great Britain's burning of the capital during the War of 1812 to Pearl Harbor to 9/11 in our own living memory.
America isn't immune from attack. In the age of nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles, we're more vulnerable than we were a century ago. China, Russia, and even North Korea could strike us with nuclear weapons. The threat will only grow if we allow other rogue states like Iran to obtain nuclear weapons (which is exactly what obama & biden have done or are allowing). In addition, these nations can threaten us with chemical and biological weapons, as well as the damage done by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Iran also plots to kidnap and kill on American soil, as do terrorists.
The most immediate threat to our home is the slow-motion invasion at biden's open southern border. A country without borders isn't a country. Thanks to joe biden and the radical left, our southern border is essentially open. Biden's 1st year in office more than two million illegal immigrants came through. Many are so-called economic migrants, who may not threaten our safety but do take American jobs and drive down wages. In 2021 alone twenty-three known or suspected terrorists were caught.
ISIS recently plotted to smuggle hit men across the border to assassinate former president George W. Bush. While all illegals aren't criminals, there still remains a sizable amount of drug runners and terrorists. More than 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses last year, mostly from fentanyl and heroin trafficked across our southern border.
America isn't immune from attack. In the age of nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles, we're more vulnerable than we were a century ago. China, Russia, and even North Korea could strike us with nuclear weapons. The threat will only grow if we allow other rogue states like Iran to obtain nuclear weapons (which is exactly what obama & biden have done or are allowing). In addition, these nations can threaten us with chemical and biological weapons, as well as the damage done by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Iran also plots to kidnap and kill on American soil, as do terrorists.
The most immediate threat to our home is the slow-motion invasion at biden's open southern border. A country without borders isn't a country. Thanks to joe biden and the radical left, our southern border is essentially open. Biden's 1st year in office more than two million illegal immigrants came through. Many are so-called economic migrants, who may not threaten our safety but do take American jobs and drive down wages. In 2021 alone twenty-three known or suspected terrorists were caught.
ISIS recently plotted to smuggle hit men across the border to assassinate former president George W. Bush. While all illegals aren't criminals, there still remains a sizable amount of drug runners and terrorists. More than 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses last year, mostly from fentanyl and heroin trafficked across our southern border.