The Grind Thread

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on indefiniate mod break
I have decided to start my own thread, where I post things I like.

It's kind of like a tomthread, except better, and all in one place.
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Todays Submissions:

First up, a picture of Hitler age 11, 1900.


Next, we have an interesting podcast from the BBC:

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss Romulus and Remus, the central figures of the foundation myth of Rome. According to tradition, the twins were abandoned by their parents as babies, but were saved by a she-wolf who found and nursed them. Romulus killed his brother after a vicious quarrel, and went on to found a city, which was named after him.
The myth has been at the core of Roman identity since the 1st century AD, although the details vary in different versions of the story. For many Roman writers, the story embodied the ethos and institutions of their civilisation. The image of the she-wolf suckling the divinely fathered twins remains a potent icon of the city even today.
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Entry Number II of the Grind Thread
A few new interesting things to indulge in.

First up, ever wonder what Mount Rushmore looked like before we exploded our leaders faces into it as if they were demigods?


Next up - a JPP rewind. Here is a post that may have been overlooked initially by many here, so enjoy this story told by Mott the Hoople about how he was once held at gunpoint:

And lastly, gotta love the brits. A man spent 10 hours a day for weeks in an apartment building elevator, filming all those that would ride in it. As this video progresses, we learn more about these people and their lives, and see them go from a bit icey and standoffish to more welcoming and engaging.

It's 24 minutes. Too long for your A.D.D. rattled, unfocused brains? Yeah I thought so too before watching. Thought I would watch just a few minutes, and then sure enough I had watched the whole thing.

Stay tuned for Grind Thread III, next Wednesday.
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Entry IV

Little bit extra this week since I missed last wednesday.

First we start off with a small romanian child giving a heart shaped balloon to an officer in riot gear



Next, since all this talk about the pope quitting is making the rounds, here is a quick overview on how one gets the job:

Third, we have a really awesome story about how a kid got blasted at point blank rage by a shotgun, and lived to tell the tale:

Last but not least, I did an interview with dixie a while back. I will now be posting it here:

Me: Is there any particular political (or other philosophical) belief that you have, which may surprise some of your detractors, or some belief one may not readily associate with you? If so, what might that be?

Dixie: I have a fairly libertarian social view, personally. I believe strongly in the right of the people to determine issues of 'social morality' at the state level, through the ballot box.

What do you feel is your primary motivation with regards to casting your vote in the last election?

Getting rid of the Marxist Socialist.

What, in your view, is the biggest problem facing america today?

Marxist Socialism.

If you woke up tomorrow as dictator of America, what would be your first 3 policy changes?

1. Repeal income taxation, replace with consumer tax.
2. Enact a balanced budget amendment requiring a balanced budget each year.
3. Outlaw dictatorships and reinstitute democracy.

Who might be your favorite president among a list that would NOT include one that has served in the last 30 years, and is not Washington, Jefferson, FDR, JFK, or Lincoln?

James Madison edges out James Monroe because of Dolly.

And now, Some fluff questions:

Favorite Recreational Past time?


Favorite Beer?


What's more fun, making a sandcastle, or smashing one?

Stupid question. Making one, of course!

Would you rather have a pet monkey or a pet penguin?

Neither... Monkeys are nasty and disgusting, penguins are creepy and disturbing. Now, I know you will ask, how are penguins creepy and disturbing, so I will explain... Imagine you are driving down a dark country road at night and suddenly, you see a bloody corpse in the middle of the road. You get out to examine the body, but you feel something is watching you. Looking up, you see a penguin standing by the tree line with a bloody knife. This could happen!

Thanks again to dixie for answering all my pestering questions :)

Have a good rest of the week!
Here is a fake town built on top of a factory during WWII to camoflage it from being bombed. They hired actors to bike around, stand around, and pretend to be part of this creepy fake neighborhood:

Labor Day parade in tornoto in the early 1900's:


Black Panthers protest over the right to bear arms, 1969:

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