APP - The ground is shifting again

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I think it is pretty much obvious to anyone paying attention and not biased to hate President Trump that there is ZERO evidence of any Russian Collusion to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

But, that isn't going to stop Mueller. He didn't spend all of this time and money to just get Papadopolous and Flynn.

So now Mueller is going to try to get Trump on a perjury charge. Which given Trump's personality and history probably won't be hard to do. It won't be hard to trip him up on some meaningless fact.

But, will that be enough o take down Trump? I doubt it.
I think it is pretty much obvious to anyone paying attention and not biased to hate President Trump that there is ZERO evidence of any Russian Collusion to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

But, that isn't going to stop Mueller. He didn't spend all of this time and money to just get Papadopolous and Flynn.

So now Mueller is going to try to get Trump on a perjury charge. Which given Trump's personality and history probably won't be hard to do. It won't be hard to trip him up on some meaningless fact.

But, will that be enough o take down Trump? I doubt it.

Clinton lied about a meaningless fact and they got him for perjury.

Trump should be a piece of cake to nail for perjury compared to Clinton.
Clinton lied about a meaningless fact and they got him for perjury.

Trump should be a piece of cake to nail for perjury compared to Clinton.

really? it was meaningless?

Oh, that’s right, you lie to your wife all the time about extramarital affairs. I forgot. My bad.

What is Trump supposedly going to lie about? We still haven't gotten any collusion evidence, but I know you hold out hope.

Hey, if a "lying to the FBI" charge is what you have been looking for then kudos to you sir. I am sure it will all have been worth it.
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really? it was meaningless?

Oh that's right, you lie to your wife about your extramarital affairs all the time. I forgot. My bad

What is Trump supposedly going to lie about? We still haven't gotten any collusion evidence, but I know you hold out hope.

Hey, if a "lying to the FBI" charge is what you have been looking for then kudos to you sir. I am sure it will all have been worth it.

The GOP spent months trying to connect Clinton to one phony, made up "scandal" after another, but in the end they settled for "lying under oath".

It will indeed be ironic if Trump goes down for the same thing.
I think it is pretty much obvious to anyone paying attention and not biased to hate President Trump that there is ZERO evidence of any Russian Collusion to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

But, that isn't going to stop Mueller. He didn't spend all of this time and money to just get Papadopolous and Flynn.

So now Mueller is going to try to get Trump on a perjury charge. Which given Trump's personality and history probably won't be hard to do. It won't be hard to trip him up on some meaningless fact.

But, will that be enough o take down Trump? I doubt it.

Trump will be under council from his personal attorney, so no, Mueller won't be able to trip him up on some meaningless "process crime". And he won't be answering questions that have nothing to do with the precise scope of Mueller's investigation, which includes 99% of what the Democrats always bitch about.
The GOP spent months trying to connect Clinton to one phony, made up "scandal" after another, but in the end they settled for "lying under oath".

It will indeed be ironic if Trump goes down for the same thing.

Remember, Clinton stayed in office, and left a very popular President. The GOP also paid a price for it congressionally.

Is that the path you want to follow? Sure, go for it.

I get it. You are heavily invested in this russian collusion narrative. You have to be. To believe otherwise would upset the delicate balance that is your already fragile psyche over your Queen Bee losing the election. You can't fathom the idea that the American people chose Trump over her. So you employ cognitive dissonance and invent "russian collusion"

Don't worry. I understand and feel sorry for you
The Russian conspiracy hoax has worn out its welcome with the public. A CNN reporter was moaning yesterday that they keep pushing it but "nobody cares".

The economy is the thing that voters care about. James Carville was right.

If the economy keeps improving and the voters remember who opposed the tax cuts, I don't think DEMOCRATS will have much chance of becoming the majority party this November.