The Guinea Pig Conspiracy


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American judges can order curricula and medical treatment:

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on November 2, 2005 that parents' fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children "does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door," and that a public school has the right to provide its students with "whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise."

Children forced to take chemotherapy showed that Democrats are already chomping on the bit to initiate medical butchery:

Judge Rules Teen Must Get Cancer Treatments
Published May 15, 2009
By Associated Press,2933,520318,00.html

If you read the entire article remember that England is the birthplace of Socialism/Communism —— not the Soviet Union or China:

"This is a disgusting and horrifying example of how COVID-19 hysteria has made us lose our humanity," the blog posting charged. "A group of NHS nurses anger and stress an expectant mother by telling her they will ram a PCR test up her baby’s nose right after birth. That alone is enough to frighten any mother or father."

Further, the posting charged, the nurses "had the audacity to say the baby isn’t her property the moment he or she leaves her abdomen."

By WND Staff
Published July 29, 2021 at 4:53pm

Basically, nurses and everyone else employed by the U.K.’s National Health Service can administer a dangerous test on infants. They will not stop at testing. Crippling and deadly vaccinations will follow as sure as night follows day.

My point: Millions of guinea pigs are being hustled off to slaughterhouses by this moneygrubbing bum:


while every American judge, every elected official, and every bureaucrat in this country already have the authority to force Americans who resist to submit to COVID-19 testing —— AND TREATMENT. Make no mistake about the Democrat Party’s conspiracy. It is an ancient conspiracy with a different name.

Parasites will always find a way to get paid for doing nothing more than preaching their moral garbage. That is why parasites brought down every civilization, every empire, every country, every culture that ever was, than did any other factor.

Finally, parasite conspiracies always begin by promising Shangri-la. This time fools will get a COVID-19 butcher’s block.
common sense, dumbass. you actually think a bunch of gun nuts could stand up to the US army if push came to shove? do you eat a lot of paint chips?
common sense, dumbass. you actually think a bunch of gun nuts could stand up to the US army if push came to shove? do you eat a lot of paint chips?

what is it about numbers that you don't comprehend? there are maybe 1.5 million people in the army. compare that to about 10 million of us 'gun nuts'............most of us veterans ourselves. are you the one eating paint chips?
there are maybe 1.5 million people in the army. compare that to about 10 million of us

To SmarterthanYou: The important factor is that the 10 million have the organizational skills necessary to plan and carry off a successful counterrevolution. The real number is close to 200 hundred million armed Americans.

You can bet that in addition to locating every gun the government does not know about —— every intelligence agency is busy cataloguing armed Americans with organizing skills. (The government’s greatest fear is that the machinery for counterrevolution is already up and running.)

NOTE: American Communists long for a Hitler, a Lenin, or a Mao. Neither Biden nor the blow job are figureheads that inspire confidence. Senile Joe Biden is such an empty suit American Communists are so hard up they remind me of the old song:

Conversely, Communist forces can only rely upon a small percentage of enlisted military personnel, plus one or two million private sector Communists willing to die for the cause —— if that many.
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