The GULAG Kosher death camps.

Yagoda, Firin, Berman, Rappaport, Frenkel & Kogan were all Jews at the helm of the GULAG, no!!??

He is mentioned from this period by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago: "It is time to put six names on the slopes of this channel – the main helpers of Stalin and Yagoda, the main supervisors of Belomor canal, six mercenary killers, after each of them thirty thousand deaths victims: Firin [de] – Berman – Frenkel – Kogan – Rappaport – Zhuk".

Oh. You shouldn't speak against your jewish overlords by mentioning that they were responsible for the greatest genocide in human history. You will likely get banned if you do. Either they or their obedient slaves run this forum. They probably run every forum.