The Gun Control Nitty Gritty, no holds barred


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Take our guns away and the gang member "THUGS" and general bad guys will run roughshod over US, specializing in home invasions, since the good guys will have relinquished their guns like their good little progressive stooges do. Roughshod is a horse term depicting a bad horseshoe job, ruining a horses ability to run around, no pun intended. Also, without our guns, the Liberals can do anything the want to US, via Government mandates/"edicks", and that is what all this gun control is about. Gun control is not about the few isolated shooting incidents that the Liberal controlled mainstream media over publicizes to create hysteria in mainly women/mothers, while not publicizing the vast number of gun used self defenses, it is about enabling physical control over the silent majority of US, who believe in the Right to defend our Freedoms against ALL invaders of those Constitutional Freedoms. Do "these" people actually believe that "THUGS" will turn in their "pieces"(guns), forget about it.

Progressives are experts in the "Do as I say, not as I do" philosophy, and Liberal men are pussy whipped pink pajamaed AC/DC jackasses who are told what to do by the Feminazis, and if it feels good, do it, and that is the girleyman mantra. Liberals will eventually ruin US, if we stay silent, and give in.

No immigration reform, no way, no how, never, because Reagan gave into Immigration amnesty in 1986 and ya'all see the results, it never ends because the Libs know that immigration reform means more Lib votes.

After Russia released their KBG records to US, we found out that there were actually more Hollywood Communists(agents) than was thought back in the Congressional hearings in the early 50's. My question is: How many genuine Commies post on this Forum, anyone have any ideas, I sure do not want to slander anyone and get my Lilly White ass sued...LOL?
Take our guns away and the gang member "THUGS" and general bad guys will run roughshod over US, specializing in home invasions, since the good guys will have relinquished their guns like their good little progressive stooges do. Roughshod is a horse term depicting a bad horseshoe job, ruining a horses ability to run around, no pun intended. Also, without our guns, the Liberals can do anything the want to US, via Government mandates/"edicks", and that is what all this gun control is about. Gun control is not about the few isolated shooting incidents that the Liberal controlled mainstream media over publicizes to create hysteria in mainly women/mothers, while not publicizing the vast number of gun used self defenses, it is about enabling physical control over the silent majority of US, who believe in the Right to defend our Freedoms against ALL invaders of those Constitutional Freedoms. Do "these" people actually believe that "THUGS" will turn in their "pieces"(guns), forget about it.

Progressives are experts in the "Do as I say, not as I do" philosophy, and Liberal men are pussy whipped pink pajamaed AC/DC jackasses who are told what to do by the Feminazis, and if it feels good, do it, and that is the girleyman mantra. Liberals will eventually ruin US, if we stay silent, and give in.

No immigration reform, no way, no how, never, because Reagan gave into Immigration amnesty in 1986 and ya'all see the results, it never ends because the Libs know that immigration reform means more Lib votes.

After Russia released their KBG records to US, we found out that there were actually more Hollywood Communists(agents) than was thought back in the Congressional hearings in the early 50's. My question is: How many genuine Commies post on this Forum, anyone have any ideas, I sure do not want to slander anyone and get my Lilly White ass sued...LOL?
Come on, let US know about your Commie modus operandi, try to show some huevos and quit being Lib girleymen long enough to admit your guilt to this Forum, that your hero is George "Georgi" Soros. Who pays you people to post on internet political Forums, under different names, 16 hours a day? You will try to make jokes about what I have stated here, but down deep, everyone knows that I am Right.
FBI says 95 percent of gun murders are committed by family and friends.
Thanks NRA gun nuts
No way gang bangers and the rest of organized crime have kin or acquantences is there ? Why I understand elements of organized crime take the name of families even where there is not necessarily any actual kinship. Please note there is a difference between data and information.
More Guns = More Gun Deaths
Gun deaths from Gang members shooting each other is always included in Nationwide death by gun stats, and they should not be, because these "THUGS" are not the norm, they are the reason that we need to keep our guns. There are hundreds of thousands of self defense incidents in any given calendar year that are hardly ever reported by the gun grabbing Liberal Main Stream media but every rare shooting incident is. They need to report all the gangsta shootings to US, so we all know who the "enemy" really is.........................
....."* Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year"......

......"* Based on survey data from the U.S. Department of Justice, roughly 5,340,000 violent crimes were committed in the United States during 2008. These include simple/aggravated assaults, robberies, sexual assaults, rapes, and murders. Of these, about 436,000 or 8% were committed by offenders visibly armed with a gun"......

We need a big victory in 2014 to save our guns, and then we can reclaim the White House in 2016 from the Social Experiment gone mas
Take our guns away and the gang member "THUGS" and general bad guys will run roughshod over US, specializing in home invasions, since the good guys will have relinquished their guns like their good little progressive stooges do. Roughshod is a horse term depicting a bad horseshoe job, ruining a horses ability to run around, no pun intended. Also, without our guns, the Liberals can do anything the want to US, via Government mandates/"edicks", and that is what all this gun control is about. Gun control is not about the few isolated shooting incidents that the Liberal controlled mainstream media over publicizes to create hysteria in mainly women/mothers, while not publicizing the vast number of gun used self defenses, it is about enabling physical control over the silent majority of US, who believe in the Right to defend our Freedoms against ALL invaders of those Constitutional Freedoms. Do "these" people actually believe that "THUGS" will turn in their "pieces"(guns), forget about it.

Progressives are experts in the "Do as I say, not as I do" philosophy, and Liberal men are pussy whipped pink pajamaed AC/DC jackasses who are told what to do by the Feminazis, and if it feels good, do it, and that is the girleyman mantra. Liberals will eventually ruin US, if we stay silent, and give in.

No immigration reform, no way, no how, never, because Reagan gave into Immigration amnesty in 1986 and ya'all see the results, it never ends because the Libs know that immigration reform means more Lib votes.

After Russia released their KBG records to US, we found out that there were actually more Hollywood Communists(agents) than was thought back in the Congressional hearings in the early 50's. My question is: How many genuine Commies post on this Forum, anyone have any ideas, I sure do not want to slander anyone and get my Lilly White ass sued...LOL?

You poor buggers live in this sick nightmare. It profits the death-merchants, as all your views profit those who exploit you, poor, brainwashed dabs! Grovel on to starvation!
You poor buggers live in this sick nightmare. It profits the death-merchants, as all your views profit those who exploit you, poor, brainwashed dabs! Grovel on to starvation!
I hit the nail on the head with this thread, and you know it, so be a man and admit the truth. The truth will set you Free and also help cure your constipation, Libs on the old Board always complained about constipation, along with getting fat.
I hit the nail on the head with this thread, and you know it, so be a man and admit the truth. The truth will set you Free and also help cure your constipation, Libs on the old Board always complained about constipation, along with getting fat.
No MAN needs to play cowboys, kid. Grow up. I'm not a liberal, incidentally, fascist.
FBI says 95 percent of gun murders are committed by family and friends.

Please post a link to the exact source of that exact information (the actual FBI would be the most appreciated).

Thanks NRA gun nuts

And that tells me that you haven't the intellectual integrity or respect for others that would permit you to be up-front and post the source of any of the crap you spew or to be adult enough to discuss this in the realm of facts.
More Guns = More Gun Deaths

Not true because at least 4 million guns are added every year to the "arsenal" of the American citizen and given the fact that in 1990, 16,218 people out of a population of 249,464,396 were murdered with a gun and in 2010, 8,775 people out of a population of 308,745,538 were murdered with a gun . . . that means that:

20 years + 60,000,000 people + at least 80,000,000 guns = 7743 FEWER ANNUAL HOMICIDES?

How can it be true that "More Guns = More Gun Deaths"????
I wonder what the gun-grabbers think should be done regarding private gun ownership, given that it is a Constitutional right recently upheld by SCOTUS...which makes it "settled law", doesn't it?

ID checks? Already in place.

Gun-free zones? Already in place.

Waiting periods? Already in place.

Licensing requirements? Already in place.

So, gun-grabbers, what, exactly, are you proposing?