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NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden spent only a weekend as the “Hamburglar” in the conservative media world.
But while the false story lasted, it moved with a damaging speed and breadth, another example of a closed ecosystem of information affecting public opinion.
An academic study published a year before Biden became president was used to speculate that he would place limits on how much red meat Americans can consume as part of his stated goal to sharply reduce greenhouse gas pollution. It was a potentially potent, visceral argument with punchy cable TV octane, namely that Biden was trying to limit people to eating one hamburger a month — an allegation that could seriously undermine his climate change plan before he even announced it.
There was one main problem: He's said no such thing."
Is this the best tRump and his sewer conspiring GOPer hypocrites can come up against President Biden to which tRump and his gutter GOPer goons constantly indulge in clumps of meat and animal fat as the rabid meat eating carnivores they are, a hamburger? This is when tRump served stale Mcburgers to them who were willing to join in the and sell out for to a gutter hacked in tyrant with his taxpayer paid banquet of cold and stale dainties for a sucker. Actually there is always the option instead of consuming animal meat products to go vegan or plant based meat tasting products that leaves out the animal fat, which came into existence recently compared to the past to which all was there was fatty animal meat based products or so-called vegie burgers that tasted grassy and horrible. Simple as that to which a tRump ass kissing fool should realize.
But while the false story lasted, it moved with a damaging speed and breadth, another example of a closed ecosystem of information affecting public opinion.
An academic study published a year before Biden became president was used to speculate that he would place limits on how much red meat Americans can consume as part of his stated goal to sharply reduce greenhouse gas pollution. It was a potentially potent, visceral argument with punchy cable TV octane, namely that Biden was trying to limit people to eating one hamburger a month — an allegation that could seriously undermine his climate change plan before he even announced it.
There was one main problem: He's said no such thing."
Is this the best tRump and his sewer conspiring GOPer hypocrites can come up against President Biden to which tRump and his gutter GOPer goons constantly indulge in clumps of meat and animal fat as the rabid meat eating carnivores they are, a hamburger? This is when tRump served stale Mcburgers to them who were willing to join in the and sell out for to a gutter hacked in tyrant with his taxpayer paid banquet of cold and stale dainties for a sucker. Actually there is always the option instead of consuming animal meat products to go vegan or plant based meat tasting products that leaves out the animal fat, which came into existence recently compared to the past to which all was there was fatty animal meat based products or so-called vegie burgers that tasted grassy and horrible. Simple as that to which a tRump ass kissing fool should realize.
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