The Hamburglar? How a story about meat limits fell apart.


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NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden spent only a weekend as the “Hamburglar” in the conservative media world.

But while the false story lasted, it moved with a damaging speed and breadth, another example of a closed ecosystem of information affecting public opinion.

An academic study published a year before Biden became president was used to speculate that he would place limits on how much red meat Americans can consume as part of his stated goal to sharply reduce greenhouse gas pollution. It was a potentially potent, visceral argument with punchy cable TV octane, namely that Biden was trying to limit people to eating one hamburger a month — an allegation that could seriously undermine his climate change plan before he even announced it.

There was one main problem: He's said no such thing."

Is this the best tRump and his sewer conspiring GOPer hypocrites can come up against President Biden to which tRump and his gutter GOPer goons constantly indulge in clumps of meat and animal fat as the rabid meat eating carnivores they are, a hamburger? This is when tRump served stale Mcburgers to them who were willing to join in the and sell out for to a gutter hacked in tyrant with his taxpayer paid banquet of cold and stale dainties for a sucker. Actually there is always the option instead of consuming animal meat products to go vegan or plant based meat tasting products that leaves out the animal fat, which came into existence recently compared to the past to which all was there was fatty animal meat based products or so-called vegie burgers that tasted grassy and horrible. Simple as that to which a tRump ass kissing fool should realize.
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The "Save the Planet!" folks have been saying for years that meat must be largely removed from our diets, now they say that we might get lab grown fake meat, let us not pretend otherwise.
Based on extensive research on foods, dietary patterns, and health outcomes, the Commission defines a “planetary health diet” with consumption ranges for each food group. Despite its name, this is not a specific diet but rather a flexible dietary pattern that largely consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and unsaturated oils; includes a low to moderate amount of seafood and poultry; and includes no or a low quantity of red meat, processed meat, added sugar, refined grains, and starchy vegetables. According to the Commission, global adoption of this pattern of eating would provide major health benefits, including a large reduction in total mortality.
Eating insects was being pushed for awhile but that has two problems, one resistance from the people, and two the insects are dying out rapidly and no one knows why.
The "Save the Planet!" folks have been saying for years that meat must be largely removed from our diets, now they say that we might get lab grown fake meat, let us not pretend otherwise.

Removed? I suppose someone somewhere said that but cutting way back would be helpful to cut pollution. Pretending that some obscure groups speak for all is dishonest.
I don't give a fuck about how much meat anyone eats!

But if you see this and it doesn't upset you- YOU DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THIS PLANET!


These photos are taken from space- YES THEY CAN BE SEEN FROM SPACE!




Cattle are ruminants, designed to feed on grass, not chemically treated corn. They are meant to graze and roam in herds, not be constrained and confined like tourists queued up for a roller coaster at Ferrari World.

Think there’s anything to the old saw “You are what you eat”? Maybe it’s time to opt out of the Big Food machine. Eat only grass-fed beef, or no beef at all.

Ninety-seven percent of the beef consumed in the United States comes from feedlots like these, and as the world appetite for cheap meat increases, this industrial scale ranching will become the global norm.

These vast tracts of pens and troughs are where herds of up to 100,000 steer spend the last months of their short (12 to 18-month) lives gaining up to 4 pounds a day on a diet of corn, protein supplements, and antibiotics, according to statistics from website Edible Geography.
The "Save the Planet!" folks have been saying for years that meat must be largely removed from our diets, now they say that we might get lab grown fake meat, let us not pretend otherwise.

Somebody somewhere again. Tucker said Biden was going to slash meat-eating in the US and it was a fake story. Tucker was lying, as he normally does. Did you respond to the story, nope? Lets us not pretend you did. You deflected.
The "Save the Planet!" folks have been saying for years that meat must be largely removed from our diets, now they say that we might get lab grown fake meat, let us not pretend otherwise.

You are a fucking lying idiot

Biden never backed this asshole

Lies are all you have left