APP - the health insurance industry hates obama's health care law

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
imo, while various conservative groups are opposing obama's health insurance law, the insurance industry is primarily behind opposition to it. it is very clear when you hear that the opposition lawyers want the entire law invalidated if the requirement that everyone must purchase health insurance is invalidated

of course conservatives hate the law too, but while i would normally expect health insurers to welcome the law, the parts requiring that they cover preexisting conditions is anathema to them, hence the desire to throw out the entire law
I can't imagine why they would want it to be illegal for people who don't want thier product to not buy it.

they love it
imo, while various conservative groups are opposing obama's health insurance law, the insurance industry is primarily behind opposition to it. it is very clear when you hear that the opposition lawyers want the entire law invalidated if the requirement that everyone must purchase health insurance is invalidated

of course conservatives hate the law too, but while i would normally expect health insurers to welcome the law, the parts requiring that they cover preexisting conditions is anathema to them, hence the desire to throw out the entire law
I don't think you have a full grasp of the Health Insurance Industries opposition to health care reform. They are one of the biggest problems exasperating the ever growing cost. Financing health care is a trillion dollar industry. Standardization of health care finance which would include such things as universal coverage, a single payer system, elimination of pre-existing condition exclusion, etc, etc, would eat deeply into their profits.

Where the American systems stands out from the rest of the world is that the rest of the world has determined that the commidization of peoples health is unethical and immoral and that to build financial systems on peoples health, that are intended to maximize profits by trading on peoples lives and health as a commodity is not a moral or sustainable business model. The fact that our system is so grotesquely expensive and innefective despite having the best trained health care professionals and the worlds best technology is indicative that they are in the right and that the American system requires change.
I can't imagine why they would want it to be illegal for people who don't want thier product to not buy it.

they love it
Because they have a double standard. Why else whould they oppose people publically pooling their resources to finance health care in a manner that lowers costs and improves outcomes?

Peoples lives and health are not coffee beans, chocolate, corn, rubber or steel. Commoditizing people is immoral.

They exacerbate it... Exasperate = to annoy.

exacerbate = to increase the severity...

I know... Grammar nazi and all that...