The heart and root of socialisms face explained

J Craft

New member
Via V. Saxena:
Socialism destroys people, destroys countries and destroys the dignity and rights of the individual — and those millennials who fail to grasp this desperately need a history lesson ASAP.
This brings us to Utah man Brad Torgersen, who penned a powerful diatribe this Sunday, explaining why socialism never works.
“Socialism requires an authority capable of bending the knees of the people to the will of the state,” he explained on Facebook. “There is no form of national socialism which has ever existed without very powerful governmental authority, and a police force capable of backing up that authority.”

Indeed. Socialism places the collective “good” over the well-being of the individual, meaning that for it to work, there must be a mechanism in place so that the government can “make people with ‘too much’ give up things so that people with ‘too little’ receive those same things.”
Moreover, socialism robs men and women of “the fruits of their creativity, intelligence and labor” — thus taking away the incentive for people to work hard and achieve greatness. For you see, in a socialist society, greatness cannot be achieved, because everybody is the same.
“Societies which bankrupt the incentives to work, always collapse,” Torgersen added. “Fewer and fewer people carry more and more of the burden, until the whole thing crumbles. It happened in Soviet Russia. It *is* happening in Greece and Venezuela.”
Torgersen then cited many, many, many examples of where socialism and social engineering led to “an overwhelming documented record of human woe”:

  • Etc., Etc., Etc.
“The snuffing out of well over a hundred *million* human lives, during the 20th century alone,” Torgersen continued. “Men. Women. Children. Starved. Beaten. Jailed. Tortured. Mutilated. Mass graves. Erased from history — because they were deemed to be ‘in the way’ of progress.”

Yet so many young and naive millennials cling to socialism with such glee, as if what happened in the past meant nothing. Meanwhile, our government continues to add more and more elements of socialism to what was originally intended to be a Laissez-faire society.
Is there any hope left for our country? I’ll let Torgersen provide his answer:
Sooner or later, that gradually warming water is going to be brought to a boil — and cook us. There is nothing magical about the United States that will prevent all the horrors of the 20th century, from happening here too.
The state that “takes care of” you in the ways you desire, can also “take care of you” in a very permanent, very undesirable fashion as well.
I wish more of my countrymen understood this. Alas … socialism is the irresistible flame to which the well-meaning, ever-hopeful moths are eternally drawn.
I try to see a positive future. But it’s mighty tough these days.

for the complete commentary:


Via V. Saxena:
Socialism destroys people, destroys countries and destroys the dignity and rights of the individual — and those millennials who fail to grasp this desperately need a history lesson ASAP.
This brings us to Utah man Brad Torgersen, who penned a powerful diatribe this Sunday, explaining why socialism never works.
“Socialism requires an authority capable of bending the knees of the people to the will of the state,” he explained on Facebook. “There is no form of national socialism which has ever existed without very powerful governmental authority, and a police force capable of backing up that authority.”

Indeed. Socialism places the collective “good” over the well-being of the individual, meaning that for it to work, there must be a mechanism in place so that the government can “make people with ‘too much’ give up things so that people with ‘too little’ receive those same things.”
Moreover, socialism robs men and women of “the fruits of their creativity, intelligence and labor” — thus taking away the incentive for people to work hard and achieve greatness. For you see, in a socialist society, greatness cannot be achieved, because everybody is the same.
“Societies which bankrupt the incentives to work, always collapse,” Torgersen added. “Fewer and fewer people carry more and more of the burden, until the whole thing crumbles. It happened in Soviet Russia. It *is* happening in Greece and Venezuela.”
Torgersen then cited many, many, many examples of where socialism and social engineering led to “an overwhelming documented record of human woe”:

  • Etc., Etc., Etc.
“The snuffing out of well over a hundred *million* human lives, during the 20th century alone,” Torgersen continued. “Men. Women. Children. Starved. Beaten. Jailed. Tortured. Mutilated. Mass graves. Erased from history — because they were deemed to be ‘in the way’ of progress.”

Yet so many young and naive millennials cling to socialism with such glee, as if what happened in the past meant nothing. Meanwhile, our government continues to add more and more elements of socialism to what was originally intended to be a Laissez-faire society.
Is there any hope left for our country? I’ll let Torgersen provide his answer:
Sooner or later, that gradually warming water is going to be brought to a boil — and cook us. There is nothing magical about the United States that will prevent all the horrors of the 20th century, from happening here too.
The state that “takes care of” you in the ways you desire, can also “take care of you” in a very permanent, very undesirable fashion as well.
I wish more of my countrymen understood this. Alas … socialism is the irresistible flame to which the well-meaning, ever-hopeful moths are eternally drawn.
I try to see a positive future. But it’s mighty tough these days.

for the complete commentary:


You are a socialist.
I became a socialist precisely by studying history, and discovering that the capitalist, imperialist propaganda spoonfed to me by the western propaganda machine my entire life was a lie.
“Societies which bankrupt the incentives to work, always collapse,”

No society in history has ever removed the incentives to work. The model in the Soviet Union was always "To the work goes the benefit". Besides a brief experiment during the great leap forward where some minority of food stores was distributed without regards to work done, no one has ever adopted full "To the need goes the benefit". Another capitalist lie.

All capitalism is about ownership of capital. People who do no work, but yet are rewarded anyone simply because they own things. People are not justly rewarded for the fruits of their labor because these parasites siphon off the surplus value of their effort. Socialism is precisely about restoring a just distribution of incentives, away from ownership and inheritance and towards those who actual benefit society in someway and produce.
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Why are morons incapable of seperating socialism from communism?
I mean I know you fuckers are stupid but it isn't that fucking difficult.
J-Crap was born in a social hospital after his mom rode in a social ambuance on socialised roads and attended by nurses and doctors who likely attended socialised schools. He then road social school buses to his socialised schools.
His general welfare is protected by the socialist army and the socialiat post office delivers his mail.
He craps in a toilet that likely drains into a socialist sewer system and is flushed by socialist supplied water which is protected by a socislist EPA.
What quality of life would.simple minded J-Crap have if all that were left to his own devices?
Answer? None.
His momma likely would have died giving birth like they always used to.
If he survived that he would be unlikely to make it throughthe maze of childhood illnesses that socialised vaccines cure.
Then the human feces that filled every gutter until socialistic sewer systems would likely have killed him.
Either way he would have no education and would be eorking by age 8 to support himself and any other survivers in his family.
If he somehow lived to adulthood he might survive another 10 years before his body gave out from
working 12 hours a day six days a week because of the lack of socialised workers rights.

J-Crap is a hypocrite of the first order and delusionally stupid as well.
Why are morons incapable of seperating socialism from communism?
I mean I know you fuckers are stupid but it isn't that fucking difficult.

Definitionally and on paper they are different. But when it comes to the human destruction they both cause they are indistinguishable.
Trying to compare socialism vs communism is like comparing a Cat 5 hurricane and an F5 tornado. They are different for sure, but both will fuck your shit up
Trying to compare socialism vs communism is like comparing a Cat 5 hurricane and an F5 tornado. They are different for sure, but both will fuck your shit up

Norway is socialist and has the highest standard of living. Russia was populated by the same people (Rus)
but under communism the people suffer there still.