The Hoarding Contagion.

It seems to be more contagious than coronavirus. At first, hoarding idiots bought up most of the toilet paper and paper towels. Like they were preparing for the apocalypse. Now apparently this hoarding contagion has caught on. Because the shelves are empty of those things. Though what is going on now I can't really call hoarding. When something shows up that you don't normally see, it is just natural to buy as much of it as you can. Because you don't know when you will ever see it again. Maybe what we need is some good old fashioned rationing like they had during WW II.

Also, from the lack of toilet paper, paper towels and rubbing alcohol, I wonder if the people who make those things are under the same stay at home orders as other workers. Maybe what president Chump needs to do is activate some national guard to work in the factories that make those things. But with those things not really being necessary to human survival, it is probably unlikely to happen.
his son in law jarod, who sits @ his feet, on the right side of his throne is in charge of paper towels, toilet paper & the virus.

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