The Holocaust Lie


I know just how much you love being lied to about the holocaust by jews and the government. But I have to burst your bubble. Before WW II, Germany deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement. That doesn't sound like much of a genocide to me. Get this, there were no gas chambers! Neither was there a lampshade made out of jew skin and jews weren't turned into soap.

Some of the people around here appear to be the type who not only enjoy being lied to by jews and the government, but are more into comic books as well. So I will include some pictures for you. One is of a couple plaques. The old one on the left that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz says that says that 4 million Jews were murdered there. That was back when 6 million jews were thought to have been killed. The new one on the right that appears there now, when 6 million jews were still thought to have died, says that 1.5 million jews died there. But even that is an overestimate.

I will also include a couple pictures from Auschwitz. Which was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." It shows a swimming pool they had for inmates there. The older picture includes a diving board. I will also include some newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers before WW II that talk about various bad things happening to 6 million jews. I will include more in a following post. You sure have been duped to believe the same thing in regards to the holocaust. But I know, you like that.

I will also include some faked photographs of supposed Nazi atrocities. Then I will include a couple documents that tell how many jews really died in jewish internment camps. You are just going to have to accept the fact that history is written by the victors. And in warfare, truth is the first casualty.


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  • Swimming pool at Auschwitz concentration camp.jpg
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Here are more pictures of those newspaper articles. As well as some faked Nazi atrocity photographs.


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Here are a couple documents that give a closer version of the number of jews who died in the various jewish internment camps.


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The dumbest Holocaust denial icon: the Auschwitz swimming pool

Given the dichotomy between the very complex nature and history of Auschwitz and the habit of many to consider the camp only as a "top-secret mass extermination center," many people, including bona-fide historians, survivors, and not so bona-fide holocaust deniers, often commit the fallacy of composition: they reason from the properties of the part of Auschwitz that was engaged with mass extermination to the properties of Auschwitz as a whole.

A favourite example of the negationists is the so-called swimming pool in Auschwitz I. They argue that the presence of a swimming pool, with three diving boards, shows that the camp was really a rather benign place, and therefore could not have been a center of extermination. They ignore that the swimming pool was built as a water reservoir for the purpose of firefighting (there were no hydrants in the camp), that the diving boards were added later, and that the pool was only accessible to SS men and certain privileged Aryan prisoners employed as inmate-funcionaries in the camp.

The presence of the swimming pool does not say anything about the conditions for Jewish inmates in Auschwitz, and does not challenge the existence of an extermination program with its proper facilities in Auschwitz II.
The dumbest Holocaust denial icon: the Auschwitz swimming pool

Given the dichotomy between the very complex nature and history of Auschwitz and the habit of many to consider the camp only as a "top-secret mass extermination center," many people, including bona-fide historians, survivors, and not so bona-fide holocaust deniers, often commit the fallacy of composition: they reason from the properties of the part of Auschwitz that was engaged with mass extermination to the properties of Auschwitz as a whole.

A favourite example of the negationists is the so-called swimming pool in Auschwitz I. They argue that the presence of a swimming pool, with three diving boards, shows that the camp was really a rather benign place, and therefore could not have been a center of extermination. They ignore that the swimming pool was built as a water reservoir for the purpose of firefighting (there were no hydrants in the camp), that the diving boards were added later, and that the pool was only accessible to SS men and certain privileged Aryan prisoners employed as inmate-funcionaries in the camp.

The presence of the swimming pool does not say anything about the conditions for Jewish inmates in Auschwitz, and does not challenge the existence of an extermination program with its proper facilities in Auschwitz II.

Interesting. Now can you say "Polly want a cracker?" The camp had water. I don't know if there were any fire hydrants there. But most likely there were places to tap into that water supply from outside the buildings. The Nazis probably also had firetrucks. Some could have held their own water tanks. Another thing is that the diving board wasn't added later. It was removed later. Also, Auschwitz was a large camp. Using that small swimming pool as a firefighting water supply would have been just about pointless. I will also add a photo of the water supply to the swimming pool itself.

Another thing is that the jewish internment camp at Auschwitz wasn't for mass executions. And there was no gas chamber there. Another thing is that at some war crimes trial, one of the people testifying (lying) said that their four ovens could cremate 400 people in 5 minutes. For four modern crematoriums to do that, it would take over 8 days. Also, the smokestack they have at the Auschwitz crematorium was built by the Russians AFTER the war. Though they didn't even bother to connect it to the crematorium. But it was good enough to fool suckers like you. How does it feel that 70 years or so later, you are still a stooge of Stalin.


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Interesting. Now can you say "Polly want a cracker?" The camp had water. I don't know if there were any fire hydrants there. But most likely there were places to tap into that water supply from outside the buildings. The Nazis probably also had firetrucks. Some could have held their own water tanks. Another thing is that the diving board wasn't added later. It was removed later. Also, Auschwitz was a large camp. Using that small swimming pool as a firefighting water supply would have been just about pointless. I will also add a photo of the water supply to the swimming pool itself.

Another thing is that the jewish internment camp at Auschwitz wasn't for mass executions. And there was no gas chamber there. Another thing is that at some war crimes trial, one of the people testifying (lying) said that their four ovens could cremate 400 people in 5 minutes. For four modern crematoriums to do that, it would take over 8 days. Also, the smokestack they have at the Auschwitz crematorium was built by the Russians AFTER the war. Though they didn't even bother to connect it to the crematorium. But it was good enough to fool suckers like you. How does it feel that 70 years or so later, you are still a stooge of Stalin.

You know, it's amazing the things people are willing to say, the evidence people are willing to ignore, and the idiocy that some people own.

You, for example.

I've been to Auschwitz. I've known Auschwitz survivors. One of the surviving Sonderkommando was a friend of the family.

They had no agenda. They had no reason to lie or make up stories. They were people who lived through what was a horrifying and traumatizing experience, and in the end who just wanted to live their lives and try to forget the unforgettable. And none of them were lairs.

And here you are, with your obvious bigotry and idiocy, calling them liars, but that's really not all. Let's look at who you're calling liars, shall we?

  • The Nazis themselves, who kept records of the activities and deaths at extermination camps.
  • The survivors of the Nazi atrocities.
  • The Russian soldiers who saw first-hand what had been going on in the camps.
  • The German people who were taken to the camps to be shown what their government, neighbors and friends had been doing.
  • The American Soldiers who liberated the camps, who witnessed the aftermath of the atrocities.
  • The modern German people and government, who acknowledge that the Holocaust really did happen, and who (I think to their own detriment) still carry the guilt of it to this day.

That's an awful lot of people to be lying.

The Holocaust was real, and it happened, by all accounts.

The further atrocity is the one that's going on today inside the insidious gas chamber of your own head.
Interesting. Now can you say "Polly want a cracker?" The camp had water. I don't know if there were any fire hydrants there. But most likely there were places to tap into that water supply from outside the buildings. The Nazis probably also had firetrucks. Some could have held their own water tanks. Another thing is that the diving board wasn't added later. It was removed later. Also, Auschwitz was a large camp. Using that small swimming pool as a firefighting water supply would have been just about pointless. I will also add a photo of the water supply to the swimming pool itself.

Another thing is that the jewish internment camp at Auschwitz wasn't for mass executions. And there was no gas chamber there. Another thing is that at some war crimes trial, one of the people testifying (lying) said that their four ovens could cremate 400 people in 5 minutes. For four modern crematoriums to do that, it would take over 8 days. Also, the smokestack they have at the Auschwitz crematorium was built by the Russians AFTER the war. Though they didn't even bother to connect it to the crematorium. But it was good enough to fool suckers like you. How does it feel that 70 years or so later, you are still a stooge of Stalin.

You know, it's amazing the things people are willing to say, the evidence people are willing to ignore, and the idiocy that some people own.

You, for example.

I've been to Auschwitz. I've known Auschwitz survivors. One of the surviving Sonderkommando was a friend of the family.

They had no agenda. They had no reason to lie or make up stories. They were people who lived through what was a horrifying and traumatizing experience, and in the end who just wanted to live their lives and try to forget the unforgettable. And none of them were lairs.

And here you are, with your obvious bigotry and idiocy, calling them liars, but that's really not all. Let's look at who you're calling liars, shall we?

  • The Nazis themselves, who kept records of the activities and deaths at extermination camps.
  • The survivors of the Nazi atrocities.
  • The Russian soldiers who saw first-hand what had been going on in the camps.
  • The German people who were taken to the camps to be shown what their government, neighbors and friends had been doing.
  • The American Soldiers who liberated the camps, who witnessed the aftermath of the atrocities.
  • The modern German people and government, who acknowledge that the Holocaust really did happen, and who (I think to their own detriment) still carry the guilt of it to this day.

That's an awful lot of people to be lying.

The Holocaust was real, and it happened, by all accounts.

The further atrocity is the one that's going on today inside the insidious gas chamber of your own head.

You are a liar. The "survivors" you claim to have heard stories from were liars. You also claim that they had no agenda and they had no reason to lie. But the holocaust IS largely a lie. So with supposedly no agenda and no reason to lie, why does that lie exist. Also, just out of curiosity, how about YOU tell ME how many jews died in the "holocaust."

As to your list, I will take them one at a time.
1. I already pointed out that history is written by the victors. Do you know what that includes? The "records" you speak of from "extermination camps." Also, with no gas chamber, how were the jews exterminated.
2. Most of the survivors of "Nazi artocities" were lying. I have heard testimony from internmant camp "survivors" too. They said that "conditions in the camps weren't as bad as they are generally believed to have been." (Though I have no doubt that Germany getting the shit bombed out of it changed that) They said that they were allowed to put on plays and concerts. They were even allowed to watch movies. Also, inmates were given "camp money" to buy things with.
3. You DARE bring up the lying Russian soldiers!? The people who created the fake gas chamber at Auschwitz? And who biult a fake chimny at the crematorium there? But didn't bother actually connecting it to the crematorium?
4 and 5. After Germany got the shit bombed out of it and they were defeated, of course by that time things had gotten pretty bad for the inmates at the jewish internment camps. Things were pretty grim for the average German citizen. The civilians who were brought into the camps to "witness" what happened would have seen something much different nearer to the beginning of the war. Rather than the aftermath. And the same would have been true by the time the camps were liberated by allied troops.
6. Germany was a defeated country. Of course they aren't going to tell any different version of what happened than what the allies want. Also, in Germany and some other countries, it is illegal to question the allied version of the holocaust. If there was much truth to it, that wouldn't be necessary. Also, I have heard estimates of the jews that died ranging from 271 thousand to 600 thousand. And that was mostly due to the shortages of food and diseases like typhus that war brought about. But after the war, the Americans took many German ex-soldiers prisoner of ex-war in Europe. Eisenhower justified it by calling then unarmed enemy combatants. While being held captive if the Brittish, French and Americans, 1.5 to 1.7 million of them were really murdered. The jews who died can be blamed on the shortages caused by war. But after the war, the allied forces lacked for nothing. After experiencing that kind of "Iron Fist," do you really think that the German government would say anything other than what the allies wanted them to say?
You are a liar. The "survivors" you claim to have heard stories from were liars. You also claim that they had no agenda and they had no reason to lie. But the holocaust IS largely a lie. So with supposedly no agenda and no reason to lie, why does that lie exist. Also, just out of curiosity, how about YOU tell ME how many jews died in the "holocaust."

As to your list, I will take them one at a time.
1. I already pointed out that history is written by the victors. Do you know what that includes? The "records" you speak of from "extermination camps." Also, with no gas chamber, how were the jews exterminated.
2. Most of the survivors of "Nazi artocities" were lying. I have heard testimony from internmant camp "survivors" too. They said that "conditions in the camps weren't as bad as they are generally believed to have been." (Though I have no doubt that Germany getting the shit bombed out of it changed that) They said that they were allowed to put on plays and concerts. They were even allowed to watch movies. Also, inmates were given "camp money" to buy things with.
3. You DARE bring up the lying Russian soldiers!? The people who created the fake gas chamber at Auschwitz? And who biult a fake chimny at the crematorium there? But didn't bother actually connecting it to the crematorium?
4 and 5. After Germany got the shit bombed out of it and they were defeated, of course by that time things had gotten pretty bad for the inmates at the jewish internment camps. Things were pretty grim for the average German citizen. The civilians who were brought into the camps to "witness" what happened would have seen something much different nearer to the beginning of the war. Rather than the aftermath. And the same would have been true by the time the camps were liberated by allied troops.
6. Germany was a defeated country. Of course they aren't going to tell any different version of what happened than what the allies want. Also, in Germany and some other countries, it is illegal to question the allied version of the holocaust. If there was much truth to it, that wouldn't be necessary. Also, I have heard estimates of the jews that died ranging from 271 thousand to 600 thousand. And that was mostly due to the shortages of food and diseases like typhus that war brought about. But after the war, the Americans took many German ex-soldiers prisoner of ex-war in Europe. Eisenhower justified it by calling then unarmed enemy combatants. While being held captive if the Brittish, French and Americans, 1.5 to 1.7 million of them were really murdered. The jews who died can be blamed on the shortages caused by war. But after the war, the allied forces lacked for nothing. After experiencing that kind of "Iron Fist," do you really think that the German government would say anything other than what the allies wanted them to say?

sanetrain has a sloping forehead!
We did used forced PoW labor for a few years to rebuild Europe after the devastation the Germans had caused, but there was no massacre of Germans. The Soviets were not nice to German PoW's and millions died there, but the Germans weren't nice to Soviet PoW's either and even more died in their care so they can hardly claim the moral high ground. Both don't hold a candle to the Japanese as far as treatment of PoW's. The Japanese took millions of Chinese PoW's during the course of WWII, and were only able to return 40 after the war.