The Holyroller superbowl.


Junior Member
I felt like I was at church... just take the trophy, sit your ass down, and get drunk...

i mean fer real... it was god this and god that, im praying for northern florida, pray w/ me, can i hear a alejuilia!!

i mean you won, b/c you were better than the bears, or god started hating bears, its not like god controls football.. get a grip you sad mofo.

not to mention that the superbowl must be losing viewership since the best they could do was to get prince....

going from justin timberlake to prince is pretty sad.

they couldn't find anyone better for a 1/2 time show than prince?? lol thats laughable.
Holy roller superbowl......that's a pretty good title for a couple of guys (coaches) who are publicly professed, seemingly devout Christians. That's what they need to name this superbowl. I was happy for Dungy. He's a class act.
That was our water cooler talk to today: How bad the superbowl performances were. I couldn't have cared less. I was a little annoyed that Desparate Housewives wasn't on to tell you the truth.
That was our water cooler talk to today: How bad the superbowl performances were. I couldn't have cared less. I was a little annoyed that Desparate Housewives wasn't on to tell you the truth.

prince is done, purple rain is done, its over prince... move on....

is he gay btw?? i can't tell.
bi-cu rious I'm guessing.

BTW - T-minus 24 days and counting until bonuses!!!!!
