The Hypocrisy of the Left

We all know who burned looted and even murdered. It was not the kkk nor was it the Christians. No, it was the white liberal lefty’s and their uneducated crowd of purple haired misfits and hoodlums.

Yet our wannabe actors and failed actresses in the media refused to report the obvious.

The future of the left is judgement, wrath and tribulation.

However, if the you are feeling convicted of your error by your conscience, I have the words of eternal life for you.

Christ died, was buried, and rose again as the propitiation for the sin of Adam that was inherited by default, and for our personal sins committed by choice. There’s freedom in the blood. Drugs/porn/drink or assgendering, deliverance is possible. I know, for I was a huge womanizer and sex addict and I was totally saved and delivered. Selah

In a different realm but still reminiscent of the op, the females here at jpp pp, are so scorned that they can’t even handle criticism or humor

That's a pretty sweet bait. I am sure it will work for the fishies.

Hey lefty. Orgasmal must have passed out. It’s just a matter of it’s found SMDH.

I mean this is politically related to 2020 right.
Just because I throw in the God card doesn’t give her the right to lock down the discuss’n

Hey lefty. Orgasmal must have passed out. It’s just a matter of it’s found SMDH.

I mean this is politically related to 2020 right.
Just because I throw in the God card doesn’t give her the right to lock down the discuss’n


The Lady is pretty nice yo.
We all know who burned looted and even murdered. It was not the kkk nor was it the Christians. No, it was the white liberal lefty’s and their uneducated crowd of purple haired misfits and hoodlums.

Yet our wannabe actors and failed actresses in the media refused to report the obvious.

The future of the left is judgement, wrath and tribulation.

However, if the you are feeling convicted of your error by your conscience, I have the words of eternal life for you.

Christ died, was buried, and rose again as the propitiation for the sin of Adam that was inherited by default, and for our personal sins committed by choice. There’s freedom in the blood. Drugs/porn/drink or assgendering, deliverance is possible. I know, for I was a huge womanizer and sex addict and I was totally saved and delivered. Selah


NPC posting.
Hey lefty. Orgasmal must have passed out. It’s just a matter of it’s found SMDH.

I mean this is politically related to 2020 right.
Just because I throw in the God card doesn’t give her the right to lock down the discuss’n


god is an ongoing unfolding current event.