The impossible has happened


Microsoft has managed to produce two versions of Windows in a row that were both better than the last version. Next thing you know, pigs will fly.
tom is an alarmist butthole that still thinks linux as a mainstream consumer desktop is the
.0003 computers use a linux distro now, pretty soon we are going to hit critical mass, just wait (says linux devotees last 20 years)
i just like shitting on tom. the controversy is that some believe microsoft pretty much forwent creating a better desktop experience to get their foot in the door of the mobile sphere.

surface didn't go over so hot though. so even their debut mobile platform didn't work. And the executive in charge of it and windows 8 generally is now quietly "leaving" microsoft. so we'll see. Whatever the reaction, clearly microsoft expected to be at a better spot right now than they are.
.0003 computers use a linux distro now, pretty soon we are going to hit critical mass, just wait (says linux devotees last 20 years)

I believe that Steam for Linux will make a profound difference, as will Ubuntu for Android. I suppose it is pointless pointing out that Android is Linux, hence should also be counted in the figures, albeit not all open source.
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p.s. xp was better than ME O_o

98 was prob better than 95

i dont think i had 95 so i can't remember
Oh 95 was a huge leap forward from what had proceeded it. Windows 97 was just a major tweeking of 95 but not really significantl different. I mean Windows 95 was really only MS's 2nd generation GUI OS and was a big leap over the first generation MS Windows platform...and first generation was a light years leap over MS/DOS.

I still have one of those MS/DOS books. Back in the late 80's they were ubiquetous. One shipped with every computer.

I pretty much agree with your assesment that this is about mobile devices, tablet computer systems in particular. Windows 8 is designed to be tablet oriented/friendly.....which is going to annoy people who don't have a touch screen monitor or a tablet. I haven't upgraded to Windows 8 but I'm considering it. I tried it and it makes a lot more more intuitive, when you have a touch screen monitor. On the sytems at the store, which was a desk top, when trying it you hardly touched the mouse. It was all engineered where the icon was formated large enough to touch with your finger but for those who are hardwired into using a mouse......they're not going to like this and that's pretty much what any controversy is going to be about.
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