The Infidels are Here!

Ted Haggard

Verified User
Michigan city could become first in U.S. under Muslim control.

A Detroit-area newspaper says the results of Tuesday's primary could lead to Hamtramck, Michigan, becoming the first city council in the U.S. to be controlled by Muslims.

The Detroit News says there are four Muslims in the Tuesday primary. If they are among the candidates who win and go on to run in the November election, they would have a chance to join a fifth Muslim who already sits on the six-member council and is up for re-election in 2009.

I tried to warn you. But, noooooo… Libtards wouldn’t listen. Now an American city is virtually under Infidel muslim control!

When will you satan-worshipping libs wake up? The U.K. is under attack!!!! Some infidels crashed their car into a door at a Scottish Airport last month! For crying out loud, what more evidence do you need that the infidel Muslim invasion is underway!

Next thing you know, the infidel crescent moon will by flying over the US Capitol, and pork products will be banned. This is almost the worst thing of all – I love fried pork rinds, don’t you?

If you believe in Jesus, America, and fried pork rinds, TO ARMS, Christian soldiers! The holy war has begun!