APP - The investigation of the Biden's

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Everyone is focusing on Burisma and Hunter Biden's China dealings as ways that will bring down his crooked, child groping daddy in his bid to be President. But, it won't be. It will be his wayward penis. Many people aren't paying attention to what is going on in Arkansas where a poor women who had a child out of wedlock with Hunter Biden is trying to get child support.

Up to now, Hunter Biden has resisted submitting to the court his financial records so that the court can determine what is owed to his child. This is standard fare for the courts. Hunter Biden refuses to turn over the documents.

Hunter Biden has been ordered to appear in court for not turning over this information. The information in question is as follows:

1) All sources of income
2) Copies of tax returns
3) List of all companies in which he has ownership interest
4) Addresses where he lives and his telephone number

There is no good reason for Hunter Biden to not turn over this information. It will be sealed ONLY for the eyes of the court and his baby mama's lawyer. If the information is leaked there would be trouble. The only way the information could or would be released would be to authorities if the prevailing documentation indicated some sort of crimes

Now what know for sure of Hunter Biden is that he was kicked out of the Navy for a crack addiction. He stole his brothers identity. He fathered a child out of wedlock and denied he even had sex with the child. And we know that despite all of his personal failings, many companies saw him a suitable person to put on the board of directors of their respective companies to the tune of $500,000 a year.

Now, let's be clear, it is not illegal for a company to pay the child or relative of a politician a hefty sum to do nothing, but only a complete moron would try to argue it is anything other than a naked attempt to peddle influence.

Hunter Biden is in a pickle and has put the court in a pickle. If the court allows him to overturn the law and not produce the needed documents, then this sets a precedent for all other proceedings like this. If Hunter turns over the documents there is a likelihood of wrongdoing being uncovered that the court will be forced to turn over to the FBI, IRS etc for investigation

This is gonna get good