The iPad - Is it a Flash in the pan

I thought Topper would be the only one who answered...

Hey Tops, did you see that Apple surpassed Microsoft in worth this month? The company is worth 223 Billion, Microsoft is worth 219 Billion...

I thought Topper would be the only one who answered...

Hey Tops, did you see that Apple surpassed Microsoft in worth this month? The company is worth 223 Billion, Microsoft is worth 219 Billion...


It's amazing to think that Apple nearly went bankrupt in the early 90s and Bill Gates saved them.
There are plenty of suckers out there willing to pay money for crap apparently.

Him for example*.


*Disclaimer - may be lost on American readers.
if someone gave me an ipad, I would be psyched to have one. If they cost around 300ish, I would probably buy one. I think it does fill a void for people that use the internet here and there but don't need something overly complicated - for example, my mom. There are lots of people out there that aren't internet and computer junkies like the rest of us.

My laptop also doesn't come with 3g internet access for being on the go, and yeah, the iphone and many smartphones can do that, but it SUCKS. I hate using a small screen for browsing. If I was traveling say on a train into boston which I sometimes do, or whatever, the ipad does make a pretty sweet on the go internet browser.

This provides a simple interface to get the basics done. It could use multitasking but other than that it fills the hole it's trying to fill pretty well.

Who the fuck cares about usb. What kind of periphial do you want to plug into this thing? A mouse? an external keyboard? Maybe you could use it for a thumb drive but honestly the things you would get off a thumb drive you probably wouldn't be using on your ipad anyway.

Apple isn't try to replace a standard laptop. That's why they sell their own laptops.

Also some games on that look pretty cool. Pay as you go 3g, also cool.

It's all about the market. We aren't it, but that isn't to say it isn't out there.
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